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Generic Name: flurazepam

Brand Name: Dalmane oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I suffer from severe insomnia and NOTHING worked, except Dalmane. I only wake up maybe once a night instead of a dozen times. The only thing I don't like is I lag the next day. I even cut the capsules in half. The other thing I don't like is Mylan brand. For some reason whatever they put in their medications makes me really irritable the next day. For example, I had Mylan Xanax and I had to throw it out and get a new script for Greenstone. Does anyone out there know of a good generic besides Mylan? Thanks.

I take 30mg of dalmane a night. I still wake up periodically but am usually able to go right back to sleep after a couple of minutes. I find that it does cause some crazy off the wall dreams but I can't sleep without it. I used to have to have the tv on every night to fall asleep but since taking this medication it doesn't matter if the tv is on or not. Most nights I can fall asleep within 10 minutes of taking this drug.

Very ineffective in comparison with barbiturates

After years of insomnia, I tried many grugs including ambien which had me sleep-cooking and driving. Dalmane works for me, no hangover but i do wake up sometimes depressed to dispair. It passes after i get up and move around. I wonder if it is the Dalmane ?

I suffer from idiopathic, primary insomnia. Before Dalmane, I was a wreck. I could maybe eek out 2 or 3 hours of restless sleep per night. I was disabled. My doctor had had me on everything from Klonopin to Valium, and ALL the TCA's. We even tried some older drugs like Miltown, and Seconal; nothing seemed to work! I've tried well in excess of 30 Rx sleep aids over the years. Lunesta worked quite well, but only at 12mg, four times the recommended dose! Needless to say, that would break the bank. Then we tried Dalmane. I have been taking 30mg to 60mg, an hour before bedtime for the last 5 years (combined recently) with 22.5mg of Remeron. I sleep 8-9 hours every night, without fail! Any hangover is minor and actually gives me a welcome sense of calm throughout the day. It's CHEAP, too!

i have been on many different sleep medicaitions, and so far this dalmane, has been the best i one problem an that is i fill a little hung over in the am, and want to sleep more, but that has something to do with other meds that i am on

i work night shift so when i go to sleep in the morning, i can only sleep 3-4 hours. I take Dalmane only on occasion and it works perfect! I sleep 6+ hrs and wake up very refreshed. I HIGHLY recommend it to night shift workers who cannot sleep long periods during the day

When this medication was 1st perscribed it worked pretty well now it doesn't work at all!

took about 3 hours for sleepiness to kick in after taking it. left a metal taste in my mouth the next morning. i can deal with the odd taste for a goodnights sleep.

I took Dalmane for the first time last night at 9:00 p.m. It made me vert antsy and I was thrashing around in my bed a half an hour later. After that I slept very sound until 9:00 this morning. Haz anyone else exhibited thsws side affects. Ambien does the same thing.

Started off on 60 mg, first night I slept 8 hours, which was good for me. The bitter taste in your mouth doesn't seem to go away. Second night on 60 mg, I only got 5 hours of sleep....not impressed, maybe tonight will be better. My Dr told me to give it about a week.

leaves a bad taste n mouth the nex morn.

for me take 2 tab

I have been taking this med for a week. It is exactly what I have been looking for. I have tried Ambien, and Ambien CR. Both are too strong. I would cook, eat, and drive. I had no memory of anything until the next morning. One night I loaded my son in the car a drove off. I bumped another car at a red light near my home. I made a uturn and haven't taken that medication since. This medication is great. It softly puts me to sleep. Even when I wake up to check on my son or go to the bathroom, I go right back to sleep. This med is great. This one is a keeper.

I have used this drug for over 20 years and it is the only way I get regular sleep. I have not increase the dosage. If I exercise more then I need it less.

Icannot get more than 4hours sleep except once on current dosage, night sweats, forgetfullness, blurred vision after taking it,tremors.