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Generic Name: Bicalutamide

Brand Name: Casodex

Casodex Drug and Medication User Reviews

I’ve been on this medication for about Two months so far I’ve just experienced hot flashes, no weight gain due to I follow a very strict diet of green juices, carrot, juices and other root vegetables, salmon, cod, and steam vegetables and small amounts of fruits I light weight train 4 to 5 x a week run the treadmill 2x a day do stretching for a half hour also in the process of adding either Thai Chi or Qigong I’m retired now so my goal is to do me, so far I have not experienced the fatigue, so far I’ve loss weight due to my training and diet ( vegan ) My goal is to beat this condition and I would advise others out there to never give up or give in. And I feel great 1st you must get your mind and mental attitude set then move forward.

I have been on this drug for the past 10 months along with a Lupron injection every six months after I completed 44 treatments of radiation. The side effects are not pleasant, but are becoming more tolerable and less frequent. The one side effect that has not improved is the hot flashes which occur day and night with more frequency dependent upon how cool I am able to keep my body. The breast swelling and hair loss on my arms and legs has pretty much leveled off and weight gain and energy loss has improved with exercise and some diet adjustments. Trips to the bathroom during the night has greatly improved, from 3 to 4 to normally only 1 or 2 times now, but causing some loss of sleep and being tired during the day. My docs want me to remain on these drug for at least 2 years, so if the side effects remain the same, I should be able to deal with the side effects. PSA is below 0.1 three months after starting the drugs and has stayed the same.

Diagnosed with high grade prostate cancer although no evidence of metastatic cancer. PSA dropped from 5.7 to .2 in 3 months and .1 three months later. But the side effects are horrible and I am taking myself off after 9 months. The Lupron/Casodex combo has left me severely fatigued, with joint pain, horrible hot flashes somewhat mitigated by Paxel, sometimes in a mental fog, 7 lbs of weight gain, bald under the arms, raisins for nuts, forget sex, frequent nighttime urination, and a few other things I can't remember. The damn cocktail works but docs keep you on it too long. After radiation and with an undetectable PSA, there seems to be no reason to continue this crap for another 9 months. So I'm in charge and I quit.

Been on 50mgs/day with Trelstar shot every 3 months for almost 2 years, PSA went below 1 in first 6 months and has stayed there. Experience extreme fatigue now. Experience breast tenderness and hair loss in first 6 months. Not happy with side affects. As time goes by breast tenderness is decreasing and is now tolerable, same with hot flashes.

I had no serious side effects.Coincidently, or not, I required major periodontal surgery during my treatment period, due to significant bone loss. A previous reviewer had mentioned "loss of teeth" as possible side effect.

I started casodex over 4 years ago, initially 50 mg per day for one month on it, then 2 months off. Later moved to 100 then 150 mg/day, still some months on, some months off. Whenever PSA went up to around 3.0, I went back on the medication. My PSA is still under 3.0 though the drugs effectiveness may be nearing the end for me. Virtually no side effects for me.

i am writing this for my husband,casodex,only treatment avabile,with out a three month shot,that cost's 2000.00,called lupron.casodex daily will kipp my husband in romission indeffintly.how can he be treated so rude.

I have been on Casodex (and Lupron shot) for 18 months. I get bad hot flashes but nothing else. It seems successful at this point. Time will tell. Good luck to us all.

Total loss of sexual stimulation. Will this ever return after i stop casodex

Started casodex week before surgery 6 1/2 months ago,both psa test since has shown non-detectible. Although gleason score was 9, pathology after surgery was great. Primary side effects, fatigue, breast pain, joint & musclepain, sharp pains in side & stomach, irregularity,slight nausea, drowsiness, gas,indigestion, weight gain even after arobic workouts 6 times per week (wondering if it impedes metabolism), frequent urination, & a few other side effects. Unsure as to how long I will need to take med. Still thankful for it.

I have adenocarcinoma of the prostate. After four months on Casodex, 50 mg per day, my PSA went down from 10.7 to 3.1. two weeks later it measured 3.0. Side effects are breast swelling and tenderness, and diminution of ejaculate, but nothing debilitating.

Dissy, naseau, legs swelling, no appetite and constipation.

Taking this medication for 6 weeks. Have trouble sleeping and very severe itching over entire body. Breast tender and feet and ankles swelling so bad can hardly get shoes on daily.

Iused tis medication to reduce psa rating

hot flashes.

Taking this drug for 5 years. Once a day. Have PSA checked every three months. It has been as low as 0.01 and is currently 0.60. I had seeds and radiation done before taking this medicine. That did not work. Medicine $546 which I paid $124 each month. I went to the VA and I now pay $9.00 a month for a y30 day supply. It has gone generic.

I feel great since my doctor prescribed this medication

Extreme, debilitating muscular back pain, took several weeks after discontinuing before could begin to live comfortably. Still have periodic knots in muscle.