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Generic Name: fluticasone furoate

Brand Name: Veramyst nasal

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I had used Veramyst daily for about three years due to allergies. Other similar nasal sprays were too strong. Generally Veramyst Worked fairly well but during periods of high pollen from multiple sources I had to use additional medication to control symptoms. About a year ago after a blood test, we discovered high tryglicerides levels. After some research, we discovered the elevated numbers were related to the period of use (several years). I have stopped using Veramyst for 6 months and the triglycerides number have return to my historical values.

Helped my allergies but gave me nose bleeds, easy bruising, anal herpes and eventually pneumonia . So I'm off it for good. Oh did I say headaches.?

This was prescribed for allergy problems that make my asthma worse. So far it has helped with more than 60% of the problems that cause the attacks esp in Spring and Fall.I read some of the reviews and non that I saw dealt w/senior citizens. I am wondering how this will work long term.I will keep tabs with my dr to make sure there are no problems.

I'm an adult onset allergy suffer. Veramyst took a while to take effect (2 weeeks of treatment until it really kicked in), but it's been worth it. I have less watery eyes (an advantage it has over Claritin, because it treats the eyes) and I'm sneezing less. You need to be judicious about cleaning the nasal sprout and cover, or you will develop nose pimples/sores inside the nostril. Just wipe with a towel, it's detailed in the dosage instructions. Sometimes for more severe symptoms I mix with Claritin, and that works well. You have to have patience, it's not going to help right away, and you have to take it every day. If you do that, the results are well worth it. Con: Price. It's not cheap. Look for coupons.

This was the only corticoid nasal spray that I could find that didnt have HEADACHE as a side effect. Works great at keeping my nasal passages open at night. I have post nasal drip from it which causes some throat irritation. I've read some other reviews and people say they gained weight from this drug. This is a metered "microgram not milligram spray" and it's not the same type of steroid as say Predinsone which makes you retain water. I work in healthcare and if you are gaining weight, it's from something else you are using in addition too or other lifestyle change. Anyway, the drug works well for me beyond others that gave me a headache within an hour of using them.

I have had allergy shots, tried Nasacort and every other medication on the market, this is by far the best allergy relief I have tried

Since I began taking this drug I have lost my sense of smell and taste, by body has broken out with an intense rash or hives, my lip broke out with a cold sore, and I have difficulty breathing because my nasal passages are chronically inflamed. I am also very tired during the day and feel very unproductive. Much prefer going back to just sneezing occasionally.

As a lifelong allergy sufferer and a Respiratory Therapist, I have a positive review of Veramyst. First thing in response to other readers- you're not gaining weight from inhaled steroids. They don't work like anabolic steroids or like oral ones(ex:prednisone)!theres a small chance of water weight gain, but maybe you're eating more due to an improved sense of smell... As far as nosebleeds,headaches, etc,this has happened to me only with the most effective sprays. Ask your MD about reducing the amount of sprays or use if this occurs.also consider saline rinse once a day. Out of all the steroid sprays/inhalers,I truly find fluticasone to be the best for knocking out inflammation, although once its working, it becomes apparent just how strong it is.

I used the drug for about three weeks and started to develop severe headaches and also gained about seven pounds. I then developed a sinus infection. I am not sure whether it was related or not

I started taking this after a one year deployment in Afghanistan. Guess being away from my cats so long just made my allergies get worse. I usually take this in the morning and sometimes it helps depending on the severity of my allergies at the time but most of the time it helps.

While the medication helped my allergies, I developed the #1 side effect. I have to stop using the Veramyst because of the sores in my nose, swelling of the nasal mucosa and bloody noses. I will go back to using Nasonex.

I wish there was an OTC medication as Veramyst.

Well, I have tried everything to combat my chronic sinus problems over the years...For the past four years or so, I have been using Veramyst in combo with Claritin daily and have never felt better! Nasonex, Flonase, and other sprays made me nauseous and instantly gave me a headache. They were too potent... or maybe it is the "stream" as opposed to Veramyst's soft "spray"? I use it once daily in the morning (one spray per nostril, I found, works well enough for me), and then again in the afternoon if needed. It tends to over-dry my sinuses occasionally in the winter, so I also use a Neti-pot (HIGHLY RECCOMMEND!) daily, prior to spray. This seems to be the Magic Mix for me. I am thankful, but my insurance always tries to get me to try the others AGAIN. Also - no weight gain whatsoever for me, and no other side effects. Great medicine! My doctor has used this daily for years, as well!

This medication was effective in reducing nasal swelling, however, it caused me fairly severe dizziness/vertigo. It was diagnosed that I had a ETD that was causing the vertigo but in the end started to make my own correlation to dizziness/vertigo spells. They came shortly after and continued about 12 hours after taking the Veramyst doses prescribed. When I raised the vertigo issue, it was felt I should see a neuro otologist for a deeper examination of inner ear disorders (did all tests, MRI) and all they could find were inflamed sinuses. However, as a result I was placed on a diuretic and prescribed vestibular physical therapy. In the last 2 weeks, I started to experience hives. I raised the matter of the Veramyst a couple times with my ENT who said the mdeication couldn't be doing anything to me. It was perfectly fine and he took it every day himself. I stopped this medication 5 days ago and all of these symptoms have gone away. I had been prescribed Veramyst a few years earlier for nasal swelling and now recall I had similar symptoms and stopped taking it. I had been using this medication for approximately 2 months.

It definitly reduced the inflamation in my sinuses but I was still getting drainage and sinus pressure from seasonal allergies especially molds when it rains.

I have used Veramyst for 2-3 years now...and have NOT had one sinus infection due to allergies.....which I had alot before this spray. I was recommened the sinus surgery which I did NOT want....Thank you Veramyst!!

For relief of pollen allergies can't beat it, takes about 3-4 days to get into the system, after that nothing better for my stuffed head, take it religiously every day.

The spray works well but the side effects are too much to continue treatment. Severe dry mouth with bleeding gums, bad taste in mouth, seriously sore throat.