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Generic Name: glatiramer

Brand Name: glatiramer subcutaneous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I am waiting for treatment medication, I can not rate it yet so Iâ??m choosing 3 for now. I hope it helps.

I have found this medication has helped with fatigue and severity of symptoms, I currently take 40mg 3 times a week. The only side effect I have is injection sight irritation, including itching, redness, swelling ( or rather the medication forms a lump under the skin which can take 2-3 weeks to dissipate). I had tried the oral tablets but had a severe reaction to them with coughing and not being able to lay on my left side at all. I did take Rebif shots but the side effects were much more bothersome than those with this medication.

I got my MS diagnosis in 2010 and have been on Copaxone since. I was just informed by my neuro that I had to switch. I've had 2 MRI scans with new and/or active lesions. The medication itself wasn't terrible and getting used to the injection was easier than I thought. What I didn't like was that I have horrible injection site reactions. I've even had a couple of strong drug reactions. They are pretty horrible. Unbearable joint pain and what felt like an anxiety attack with vomiting and swelling. All in all, it wasn't as bad taking the daily injections as I thought it would be.My anxieties of the needles were worse than the daily injection itself.

I hate taking the shots everyday but at least it's not as painful as the deep tissue shots. I was taking Avonex but the side effects were horrific and i was experiencing depression/mood swings. I tolerate this medication much better but it does give me some serious headaches. My doctor says they will get better. Lets hope so.

I started on interferon but found the side effects becoming to difficult to manage. Then my husband noticed that I was showing signs of depression. My doctor pulled me off and started me on copaxone. I have no side effects with it, and have found the injections to go easier for me. It's a little more difficult to change up injection sites every day as opposed to 3 times a week.

I been was diagnosed with MS nearly 15 years ago and I've been on Copaxone for nearly 6 years. My most recent MRI did not find any new lesions in my brain, actually the hospital was unable to locate some of my previous lesions. Best advice, stay committed to a treatment, exercise, maintain a positive internal attitued and a close relationship to God. Only negatives surrounding this drug is the costs associated with taking it.

used untill ins. ran out 1780 per. mo.