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Generic Name: haloperidol lactate

Brand Name: Haldol oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

first day just took it see how it goes

Terrible drug. I started taking haldol when I was admitted into the hospital and it did nothing except get rid of auditory hallucinations and gave me all the bad side effects. Once my head was turning to the left and wouldn’t stay straight and it was painful as hell. I had to take muscle relaxers to make it stop. Also I cant go to the washroom as much and I feel like a zombie all the time when I was on haldol. Terrible drug for me

I hate the people who make me take this drug. I hate everyone that helped create antipsychotics.

I find the weight gain may be very low with Haldol which is why I like it.

I've been taking 5mg of haloperidol for paranoid schizophrenia since 2012. So far it's worked pretty well. Before treatment I had recurrent distressing thoughts, including thoughts that the FBI and the police were somehow after me. I also believed that some other source other than the broadcasters on T.V. were sending me messages through the T.V. as a means of communication. All of those distressing thoughts went away immediately after I began treatment. The only problem was that for several years I was still an unemployed paranoid schizophrenic. Fast-forward and I now have had a few new decent professional jobs. Over the years, I've noted that people don't always communicate "normally" and that maybe it was okay to have some paranoid thoughts and distrust towards others. After all, there are those who display arrogance and resort to indirect commentary. It's uncertainty that's insubordinate to the very sense of who we are as humans. It's only a means for degradation. All it takes is for someone to seem to talk on a tangent and there you have it, you can have your condition again. I've been sharing some of my concerns with medical professionals. It was suggested that I switch medication. I decided to do that. For seven days I've been taking 2.5mg of Haloperidol and 5mg of Abilify. Last night I made the complete switch to 10mg of Abilify. I've been noting improvement in effectiveness and accuracy at work with a slight increase in sleep disturbances. I've also noted, specifically today: restlessness, irritability, a possible headache, stress and anxiety. All of it seems to "go away" or "improve" when I'm actively involved in something, or when I'm being productive... The downside to Haloperidol is that you can actually gain a good deal of weight. I went from a healthy 190 Lbs to 270 Lbs. Yet have lost since with diet and exercise. You also need to watch out for tardive diskenesia, which affects certain manifestations or movements of the mouth or jaw.

Tics slowed but the sedation was intolerable. It interfered with my life much more than all my tics. I had and have loud vocal tics including coprolalia, face grimacing, eyes, head snapping, freezing and many others. I am in 6th grade and I chose my tics over haldol. That's how disabling the side effects were for me. But my tics did slow. They didn't go away.

been on this pill for about 5 years,6 months ago started with a tremer on my left side affecting my arm and hands, looked like Parkinsons disease. went to the doctor,he immediately took meoff allpills. I now an not talk, have trouble swallowing and I have the shakes and tremers, all from taking this pill. Its made by Janssen-Cilagltd, I need to sue them my life is ruined.

great stuff. i wandered around in a psychotic haze for over three years after getting diagnosed because of that toxic atypical stuff. i only saw the light after i started haldol and now i am so much better at controlling the hallucinations and such thanks to this. no atypical ever worked on me, all they did was have horrible side effects. this drug should be offered at first to people along with atypicals. some drugs work on some people and some don't, but this should at least be offered instead of being the last ditch attempt after running through all that atypical garbage. great antipsychotic!

I was put on Haldol after being tried on several atypicals: Abilify (no effect), Risperdal (high blood pressure/ heart arrhythmia), and Geodon (panic attacks/ nightmares). The difference has been night and day. This works much better for me than the newer medications. I have noticed some side effects (slight tremor/ pacing, restlessness) but nothing serious that I can't deal with. I will definitely be sticking with Haldol, and I'd recommend it for anyone else suffering from similar issues.

Using this medication for intrusive thoughts. It has been working really well. Only side effects are dry mouth and sleepy all the time.

Every time I take this goddamn drug, I have the most terrifying, horrifying, experience ever!! It makes me unusually sleepy, I can't freaking pee, and worst of all it makes my legs SO restless & uncomfortable that I feel like going insane, screaming and running all over the world despite me being sleepy af. Times when I took it, I'd rather die than suffer such scary side effects and no I don't even take it anymore. I got taken off back in February because the side effects were too much for me. I'm on another medicine and its WAY better! Thank u

I have scoliosis and am also diagnosed with HIV. This halperidol is the worst medication and is prescribed misproperly by doctors who just want to keep a job. I have allergies to this medication (similar to people with peanut butter allergies), and major side effects. For example my neck getting stuck sideways with my head slanted, very painful and last for hours till you do something about it otherwise doesn't go away, and happens for days among weeks after every time. Nobody cared. Instead they would force me to take it.

Haldol was prescribed for my spouse who could not sleep. He also has brain cancer. It has not helped him sleep at night, but he sleeps all day now.

I take an injection each month since I have been deemed non-compliant in the past. Very effective for my mood but horrible weight gain. My doctor tried to dismiss it but it happens to everyone I know on this medicine.

Haldol prescribed via hospice nurse at 2mg / 4-6 hours for treatment of aggressive behavior in late stage brain cancer patient. Initial prescribed dose caused overdose! Brought on shock like symptoms, slow uneven breathing, no movement, stiff and paralyzed limbs. After 2 days at recommended dosage I discontinued for 24 hours then restarted at 1 mg/12 hours which made a much more acceptable dose without the overdose symptoms. At 1 mg dose patient slept comfortably with only minimum symptoms of aggressive delusional behavior. I STRONGLY advise healthcare and prescribers to start at a low dose and increase if needed. We learned the hard way that our patient was overdosed via hospice nurse, thankfully we corrected the over-medicating hospicenurse before our hospice patient died. At a low dose Haldol is acceptable and helpful treating syptoms. Always question your prescriber before starting treatment with this very powerful drug!

Test review in live for TicTac update!

F____ THIS DRUG! Rushed son to ER for sudden high blood pressure and elevated heart rate. He has CP and is permanently disabled, confined to a wheelchair. Once he saw that they were going to IV him; he panicked, his arms flew around in fear. They said they were going to give him "a little something" to calm him, which "they would feel comfortable administering to a child if the need arises". LIARS. I watched helplessly as they injected him with what was described to me as the lowest dosage possible. The ER staff does not give a f___ about their patients. This was a way to make their job easier. They didn't want to deal with what THEY perceived as a problem. So the bastards drugged him. IT IS PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM TO HURT ANYONE. Much later - when he was admitted and escorted upstairs to a room, his sleep was disturbing. He struggled to rest. He made sounds in his sleep that never happened before. By morning: his face, lips, and tongue were so swollen he could not swallow, eat, drink, or speak! His breathing was compromised, he had involuntary facial movements, tremors, tongue thrusting, and his mouth hung open as he drooled. Not only was he ill and needed treatment but now all of this!? What the F___K! Day 2 the swelling had come down considerably yet he still had "lockjaw", more drooling, and his body was stiff and rigid. Day 3 his mouth was no longer was affected, however his food/liquid intake had to be modified as he was still having issues with swallowing. His body remains stiff; neck appears "stuck" to one side, cannot turn over in bed, cannot feed himself with a fork due to weakness, shaking, and tremors. Cannot move his left arm nor do any of the small movements he used to do before this drug. It has been 8 days and he still suffers. Dr. says this isn't permanent and will eventually subside. THEY BETTER HOPE SO. In the meantime he now has to see a Neurologist and have therapy. I'm pursuing legal action if these side effects do not leave him SOON.

I feel like haldol has been getting a bad wrap on here. While I can only speak for myself, I feel it has been very beneficial. I take it as a supplement to my seroquel (200mg) to control hallucinations. I have had a great deal of success. My impression from other reviews has been that there were other pre-existing situations in place. At any rate, this med is very well controlled and has helped me alot. It does cause some drooling and some exhaustion, but small prices to pay to not have spooks bugging you all the time. For the record, I am a bi-polar schizophrenic and take 5-10 mg of haldol as needed.

I am a schizophrenic who takes Haldol as a prophylactic medication in addition to Seroquel to prevent hallucinations. I like this drug very much and feel it has been much maligned on this site. I feel, based on what I have read, people are looking for a scapegoat for other foibles. This med has many applications when used properly. And you do not lose your mind from one dose. How utterly ridiculous. It is an amazing mood stabilizer for people who are resistant to other drugs. Some doctors prescribe for some heart problems and on. I wont lie, sometimes I do drool a bit. But hey, carry a kleenex, grow up. I've said my peace. And for the record, I take between 5 and 10 mg.

I was prescribe this pill back in 1986 and didn't know what I was taking. I had severe side-effects with muscle stiffness and I could control my body normal relax motion. It was the beginning treatment for me after being diagnose with schizophrenia. I never thought I had it in the first place. It made me lose my thinking memory for over 20 years. I haven't taken it since 1990. I stop taking it to keep a normal job because the side-effects made working difficult. I survived the post syndrome of Haldol but my memory was blogged so many years. I moved from the area and do hear voices any longer. I was very athletic and no believe a artist designer of someone wrongful doing or his will to play college level sports.