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Generic Name: hydrocodone-chlorpheniramine

Brand Name: Tussionex oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I've taken this medication a number of times over the years for an occasional cold with cough. I've just been diagnosed with chronic bronchitis, a constant hacking cough for 4 months, making it difficult to get a good nights sleep. It stops the cough in a matter of minutes and usually lasts about 6-8 hours. The down side for me however me is a slight tremor in my hands and some anxiousness until it wears off, and constipation if I continue with successive doses. I try to stay at one dose a day prior to bedtime.

was diagnosed with asthma when I was about 2 and almost died of an attack. I have been using tussionex ever since. I truly believe that without this medication I would have been hospitalized several times for attacks. This medicine has honestly been the only thing that controls my asthma and my bad nighttime cough that results from it. Not even round the clock nebulizers and inhalers helps loosen an attack like Tussionex. This medicine is so powerful that I had one bottle last me about 7-8 years since I only needed doses sparingly. My asthma is induced by viral infection and can quickly escalate once I initially get sick. I usually take 5 ml after a day of round the clock nebulizer use (every 4 hours with albuterol treatment), 30 minutes before I want to go to sleep because BOY does this stuff knock you out. I always wake up feeling rested with a relaxed chest. Usually taking it two days in a row is enough to help control my asthma and get me back to normal with my regular inhaler. My doctor was reluctant about prescribing this medication for me once I was older (risk of abuse I presume) but it has been so helpful for me when nothing else was- i've even had attacks where Prednisone was not enough to stop an attack, but Tussionex was. I really recommend if you or your child has bad nighttime asthma resulting from episodic attacks.

This is the ONLY narcotic cough syrup I can take that doesn't make me throw up. I don't know why it doesn't make me sick, but I don't ask questions. More than that, it WORKS. I get severe bronchitis usually twice a year. Without it, I am up all night coughing uncontrollably. With it, I sleep like a baby all night. My doctor said it actually shuts off the cough reflex. I only take it at night because it does make you drowsy, and you probably SHOULD be coughing a certain amount during the day to get all that gunk out of your lungs. I will go to the ends of the earth to get this when I have bronchitis. And EVERY cold I get turns into bronchitis. Being a teacher, that happens a lot. :/

I have bronchitis it's been so bad i can barely breathe. Ive been up all night coughing for over 4 days until the dr at Urgent Care gave me this. Thank the good Lord I finally slept last night and was able to work my call center job today!

To control the coughing of my pneumonia the doctor prescribed this, but it's having literally no effect. A basic dose of OTC had more effect on me then this. Trash can will be the fate of basically the entire bottle.

I had pneumonia and was waking up several times a night with coughing. This stuff works. I slept all night. It does make you feel a little out of it for part of the next day, however.

the generic brand of this medication is expensive 109.00 for a bottle. I was sick I needed it took it when I came home feel a little better was very sick with upper bronchitis so far so good. no complants

Used 20 yrs ago for Whooping Cough. At 1 tsp every 4-6 hours it worked great. Was given it again in February for acute bronchitis. At 1 tsp every 12 hours. It was next to useless. After 4-5 hours I was wide awake again, coughing until my diaphragm was aching and my throat was bleeding. After 2 nights of that, I chucked it in the trash and went and purchased an over the counter cough medicine. Taken as directed, it was far more effective. Thanks for nothing DEA.

5 weeks ago I was diagnosed with pneumonia in both lungs, fever, chills and an incessant cough. 3 days after diagnosis by my M.D. my condition deteriorated and I was admitted to the hospital. Given Vancomycin, Meripenum, Levofloxacin, IV fluids to treat this. However, nothing would calm my cough. Therefore, loss of sleep and fatigue added to my worsening status. After 10 days I was discharged and continued suffering with an ever increasing COUGH! No RX for cough was beneficial for me. Last week pneumonia returned to lungs bilaterally. Now, I dealt with an acute cough, weight loss and more antibiotics. However, my M.D. decided to prescribe TUSSINEX ORAL SUSPENSION at a cost to me of $107.00 (generic). I experienced cessation of my cough with the FIRST DOSE!!! As I am a Registered Nurse, Critical Care getting well was my first priority. TUSSINEX was truly a God send in my wellness allowing me sleep, eat and gain strength, overall. NEVER did my cough return while taking it as prescribed. THANK YOU MAKERS OF TUSSINEX!!!

WARNING RE: WITHDRAWAL - I have had chronic cough for 7+ years. I've had all types of testing done and no doctor could figure out why, and nothing prescribed ever helped. I take no other medication. I was prescribed 1 tsp. Tussionex every 12 hours several months ago and it works like a charm. Completely stopped my cough and helped me sleep. Codeine makes me dizzy and nauseous, so I've only ever taken 1/2 tsp. at a time since prescribed. Two nights ago, I was caring for my grandbaby overnight and didn't take my evening or morning dose yesterday to be more alert. I am now feeling very ill from what I believe are withdrawal symptoms - restlessness and nervousness resulting in an inability to sleep for more than just a few hours, diarrhea, stomach pain, loss of appetite, some nausea but thankfully no vomiting. These all started mid-day after missing my second dose. I am now almost 48 hours since my last dose and feel terrible. From everything I've read, the withdrawal symptoms can last several days. I am so disappointed. Finally something that worked for my cough, but now I'm scared to take it. It's a Sunday morning, so will call my dr. tomorrow. I've read the praises posted here, and agree, but I want to make everyone aware of the downside as well - withdrawal.

I have really bad asthma and lupus. There is no other medicine that works for my cough, runny nose, or constant pain. A heart doctor was the one who first prescribed it and although my regular doctor tried to give me alternatives they don't work and I end up getting sicker and missing work testing them. I don't like the side effects it makes me dizzy and drowsy but some THC to offset and so far it is the best thing (do not mistaken that for best feeling). I can take it in the morning my performance level and personal image is up the par because I am not coughing or blowing my nose or limping in pain my co workers are relieved and feel safer to get closer to me. Everybody is different if you take this drug do not drink alcohol do not party hardy all night and please educate yourself if you are taking any other medication besides this one. Your doctor may want to give you the best thing, but only you will know what is best for your body. They say the dosage is 1 tsp but my advice is to shake the bottle well use a little less than the prescribed dose if it is your first time and enjoy the ride.

For a couple sleepless nights,I had severe couphing "episodes"(as I called them)... to the point of choking / gagging. My regular doctor was not available so I went to an urgent care type of provider for help. After initial exam, and x rays, was told I had a bit of bronchitis and what my options were for medical treatment.#1 Mucinex or #2 Codein. I was told if it(coughing) was keeping me up at night they could give me an RX for Tussinex. After brief discussion i decided on the Tussinex because it would help me sleep at night as a result of taking Tussinex- following the dosage instructions. The result was quick as i progressed from being barely able to talk and having"a coughing fit before going to bed, to waking up very sleepy but with a LOOSENED cough.But the main thing is it makes me sleepy so I take it about thirty minutes or so before going to bed at night. So you wouldn't want to take it during the day unless you really need to! But we all respond to medicine differently. I never heard of it before a doctor told me about it... and it is by far no doubt the best medicine out their for coughing; due to the pleasant taste and FAST recovery time. I mean... (the knocking out of the severity of the reflex to cough)..overnight!So Occasionally the cough is still their but not nearly as severe as when I first started on it about a month ago..

Nothing has ever stopped my coughing like this does. Have had bronchitas for over 40 years...........usually getting it once a year.....this is the ONLY thing that has ever helped.

It really surpresses the cough.I have COPD and it helps really fast.

allowed me to get needed rest at night.i avoid day usage as it makes me very tranquil

This is the ONLY thing that works for a cough (Cherratussin MIGHT if it didn't taste so bad it makes you throw it up). I treat Tussionex like GOLD when Rxed. ONLY problem I have is that it's very thick, but dosed in tiny amts (0.5 tsp-1tsp), AND THEY MEAN IT (one ml too much, you're dizzy), but it's tempting to be safer (no cough) than sorry (cough, not sure if you should take more)! Anyone know how to cut it in half, to thinner syrup, so 1 tsp = 1/2 tsp (no accidental ODing) WITHOUT ruining its effectiveness? Maybe the thickness is what helps the cough, but I rarely get "right" dose. Not to mention, it's so expensive, and I know I leave about 10 DOSES in glass bottle that's impossible to get to. There's GOT to be a way to cut this syrup and make it thinner! Help?

I had a partial lobectomy (removal of partial or all of lung)in 1991. Im very prone to bronchitis and pneumonia since my surgery. At least 1-2 times a year i contract one or both of these. My physcian prescribes a 10 day supply w/2 refills.No other medication i have ever taken for non productive cough helps me more than TUSSIONEX. With in 20-30 min. my cough is gone.As far as cost i have very good ins. my cost is $5.77 per bottle. This is the best medicine for cough i have ever taken. Taste very good, kind of like WUERTHERS candy.

I don't care for pills, so I use tussionex for the hydrocodone for my back pain and depression.