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Generic Name: hydrocortisone-pramoxine

Brand Name: Proctofoam HC rectal

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

This is the only thing that gives me complete pain relief from a recurring anal fissure. The condition burns and hurts so much it's truly a curse. I spend much of the day in sitz-baths when it strikes if I'm out of this product. None of the OTC products work very well. This stuff is a miracle. The container is not that hard once you get the hang of it. The main thing to know is that you only need to depress the dispenser for a second because a lot comes out. You have two options with the caps: one to dispense onto a tissue for external use, and another one to fill a small cylinder that goes into the anus so you can squirt it in. Both work well if you follow the instructions properly. When the foam first touches the painful area, it will hurt worse for a few seconds, and then you will get tremendous and lasting relief. If this is pricey for you, you can make a non-foam version of it yourself if you buy a 1% Pramoxine product (like Cerave anti-itch lotion) and 1% Hydrocortisone (like Cortaid) and apply them together as an ointment. I would only use that home-blend externally.

Poorly designed dispenser, leaks, and it did not work for my issues- waste of money

Impossible to pull the foam into the applicator. Nearly impossible to get enough foam to provide any benefit. Very difficult applicator that in my opinion must be defective as I can't imagine anyone would design such a terrible piece of equipment that serves as a major frustration when someone, myself, is trying desperately to get some relief.

I’ve had 3 cases of severe thrombosed hemorrhoids and have used Proctofoam each time. It works great, but like others have said, it’s VERY expensive for the amount and the irritation of the applicator. I follow the instructions time and time again, but it seems every time I use it there is soo much wasted under the cap. I dab it on toilet paper and try to use up the most of the ‘waste’ as possible. I’ve only ever been prescribed a 7 day regimen but I can usually only get 6 days out of the canister if Im lucky. Yes, It is expensive. The cost is $150 for me and not covered under insurance, but I would recommend it every time if you can afford it. I go from not being able to sit, walk, or sleep to feeling a tremendous amount of relief in a day or two. It definitely treats the pain and shrinks the hemorrhoid.

This medication is one of the most expensive medicine i have ever bought. I had to pay $125 for one and its applicator is terrible. it does NOT work the way instruction says. I ended up buying three of them to get 10 days treatment ! If the mechanism was working, one would be more than enough. There must be some alternative for this. Medicine is very effective; what good is it if you cannot apply it properly ?

Terrible “foam” Got 10 day treatment. Got 2 days worth. The foam does not come out like instructions say. It works but $180 for 20 applications to only get 3 is the problem

Using for radiation proctitis. Do not understand all reviews complaining applicator does not work. It isn't rocket science if you use as instructed, with very little leakage. Expensive, and my Medicare Part D does not cover after 30 days. Number of doses does seem to be somewhat less than prescribed doses (3 x 14 days prescribed).

Side effect from chemotherapy was aided by using this product. The applicator was not well designed and proved challenging.

small amount in container very hard to get out of the container one must keep shaking thecontainer forever very expensive for the amount one gets

I was prescribed Proctofoam HC for radiation proctitis. The cylinder releases more foam down the canister than into the plunger. I got four treatments (out of what should have been ten) and then the canister was empty. It was effective but is too poorly designed and too expensive to buy again. Avoid this product.

Application by filling a tube you can Barely see thru is Awfully difficult. Will never use again - over $140 cost for me

This was costly and very difficult to use. Most of it was wasted seeping out of the canister. I called dr for another med. This shoukd be taken off the market and made in a more user friendly affordable version!

Medicine does not dispense correctly very expensive and able to use it I went to the to get another tax for another product I no not recommend this product at all

DO NOT BUY THIS DRUG !!!!!!!!! A complete scam ! You can buy both active ingredients for approx. $12., instead of paying $137. at CVS. The "application system" is laughably complicated, and customer service is a joke.

Works, but horribly overpriced, and in an absurdly-designed, crappy, dispenser. Customer service at MEDA Pharma. was terrible.

This product is a waste of money! It was $30, which given I have a 20% co-pay, means this product is $150 for about 10 applications. The use recommendation is 3x a day, so you get 3 days of treatment. The applicator is the most convoluted thing I've ever seen and makes a mess more than anything. But the worst part? IT DOES NOT WORK. All it did was make the problem worse, like my you-know-what was literally on fire. If your doctor suggests this, tell her no thanks. I got better results with generic suppositories.

Paid $141 for this medicine, insurance covered $9. Supposed to use for 7 days, 3xs a day. It lasted 6. It kept seeping out the side. It totally waste your money AND my tailfeather still itches.

Way too expensive and MEDICARE won’t cover this at all! Thank you to the reviewer who suggested goldbond anti-itch and generic cortisone 1%. My doctor must be crazy.

Worthless based on how much leaks down canister per how much it cost. Why don't insurance companies approved prescribed suppositories?