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Generic Name: Erythromycin Delayed Release Tablets

Brand Name: Ery-Tab

Ery-Tab Drug and Medication User Reviews

the only issue I have is that it gives me almost non-stop stomach cramps! if I take it at night, forget about sleeping because you feel like you are going to throw up or that someone is stabbing you. although it does work fast and I'm already feeling a ton better after 2 days!

I had severe dizzy spells, constant diarrhea, and horrible stomach pains. It is awful! I don't EVER want to take this drug again.

Incredibly slowly offered relief of symptoms; almost wondered if illness had run its course or whether medication helped. Side effects almost worse than treatment. Awful aches, diarhhea, stomache aches, and infections.

very bad rash, inside thigh and back of knee

I vomited everyday i took this and I got severe stomach cramps the third day of my treatment and had to stop taking it. I also started drooling in my sleep on the second day to the point I woke up drowning in my saliva. Weird stuff this is, I'll never take this again.

I would eat prior to taking the medication, but it would still upset my stomach. Approximatel three hours later I would vomit.

The medication itself worked great from week one with this medication, however I have a sever Peptic Ulcer, after a few painful trials with other medications to treat acne, my dermatologist was convinced that this drug would not be bothersome to my stomach. To my dismay, I was in a great deal of pain from this medication. After being prescribed another medication for my stomach I was ok, but I never want to go through that again.

I took this medicine and i was pregnant. two days after i took it my baby died.

I have servre nausea, back pain

Severe stomach cramps, diarreah and some vomiting.

Throat starting feeling better within a few days. No negative side affects so far. Said i have to eat yogurt with said meds to keep from getting a yest infection.

it worked well with me 3xs daily and i was sure to take everyone of them as directed.Had mild stomachcramps and heatburn and shakiness if i didnt take it with milk mainly.But my infection has almost healed in a weeks time and it was pretty serious also had shot with the meds

I had severe stomach cramps from the second day that I took this, and I had to take it for ten days. Will definately ask for something else should this problem come up again.

I've gotten even more sick since I started this medicine. My fever has gone from 100.7 to 102.8 and I've had severe body aches. I will NEVER take this medicine again.

I got extremely sick from this medication. I had side effects of vomiting, heart burn, and nausea. Never again will I take this medication.

it works really fast

I have swelling of the throat after only two doses. Does this medication contain any other drug besides erothromycin?

My throat felt 100% better after 24 hours. Still taking it of course, but my symptoms are minimal. I do have some sharp pain in my stomach when I eat sometimes though. It's not as bad if I take this medication after eating.