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Generic Name: insulin glargine

Brand Name: Lantus U-100 Insulin subcutaneous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Diagnosed Type I Diabetes in 1983 when I was 31. No explanation why I would develop "juvenile" diabetes at age 31. I mixed my own insulin, using Humolog R and NPH for 35 years, with satisfactory and very predictable results. Started using Lantis more than 2 years ago with 60 units each morning. Mixed results until I realized that Lantis worked GREAT for me for 12 hours and then didn't seem to work at all for the next 12 hours. When I realized that Lantis IS NOT a 24 hour insulin, I began to experience awesome results. With 60 units twice a day, I am consistently 80-130. If I go nuts and eat a dessert, resulting in a high reading, I use Humolog as a short-acting solution.

Was on tresaba it worked super for me , but the cost was hard on me. So I tried the lantus. Itâ??s cheaper and works very well!!! Also better than Basaglar , it just did not controll at all! I am a true person who has tried every thing and several types of insulin.

I have been on Lantus Solo for 28 days, my glucose has dropped for 300-400 range to a seven day average of 138 and hope it keeps dropping. I am disciplined as to food and exercise. I take 12 units.

I have used this insulin for 7 years now. I use Tradjenta along with it and my blood sugars run 150 when fasting. it helps keep my numbers lower. I am satisfied with it. And I have no side effects.

Actually, I have a question about this drug. Several months ago I started to share the insulin with my cat who is also diabetic. I know, I know; this sounds totally nuts. Be that as it may, I recently noticed that both my cat and I are losing our hair. As the cat and I have no other factors in common besides the insulin, I wonder if that's the problem. I am not putting this product down as its worked very well for me in the past but could there be an issue due to poor storage, a bad batch, an out-dated vial, or who knows what?

I had one of the worse reactions to this drug. As soon as I injected 12 units I immediately threw up. I had the worst stomach pains. After three day, I stopped taking it and I called my Doc, who sent me to the ER. After many hours, the ER doc said I was fine. (This was about 24 after my last injection.) My pains did go away. I will not take this medication again. I gave my pens back to the doctor. Has anyone else had this reaction. My doctor thinks I'm crazy.

I have been on this for over a year. I requested a long life insulin as the pills (Glyburide Metformin) had stop working. I was informed of this 5 years ago that this might would happen. No problem, lantus is easy to use and controls my blood sugar when I stay the course of doing the right thing. I am up to 60 units in the morning. I take it in the morning so it will not interfere with my evening cocktails. This was a suggest made by friends of mind on this medication. I did inform my doctor and he was ok with it. I eat right and exercise so as of now no known side effects. So far, I have nothing bad to say about it. Like everything in life you have to adjust to your situation. I do have Metformin as backup. That is mostly when I travel and over indulge I will take it in the mornings. I drink plenty of ice water during the day which also helps with keeping blood sugar under control. From reading the reviews, I notice most of the men had issues with this. FYI, I am a Black male with history of diabetes. I also know that I may have to switch meds again in about 10 years. I was on glyburide metformin for 10 years.

Twice now the pen has jammed with 30 units remaining. The product is expensive enough without having to throw it away because the pen is impossible to use.

I was on Levemir since first being diagnosed in 2010 and was happy with it, then this year my insurance said they would not cover it any longer so switched to the Lantus. Every since I started my weight has steadily increased and weigh more now than I ever have even though I have cut back on eating badly and added more exercise. NOT happy with the results at all may look into getting back on the Levemir at least I wasn't gaining weight as much with it.

I tripped lantus insuline injection on my finger which is used to my mom. I want to know that Whether side effect is there for me or not and also Is any blood related diseases may come or not?

Due to crhons i had to take prednisone my blood sugar was up to 468 . Lantus helped bring my blood sugar down to 209 and with my humalog, now that i am off pednisone, my blood sugars run 108 to 150 . Of course what you eat and how much you eat effects my blood sugar and determines how much humalog i take ,I also take 1000 metformin as i am very insulin resistant

I've T2DM, using metformin 500 tid for the last 7 years. I start with lantus 3 month ago. Ican't have adequate control of my insline or the HgA1c. start w.10U AND I,M up to 18U .I injected bedtime and my meter is high every morning(180 to 220) and low at PM(130 to 160).( no somogy effect). I need to go up,or not ?

It is still not getting my blood sugar levels down. Use with Metformin HCL 1000 mg 2 pills daily.

this treatment has helped me tremendously, and allows me to control blood glucose to stay between 97 - 140

Have been very happy with this drug and the easy use of it.

blood sugar high

I got up to 70 units twice a day with little results and stayed in a1c range of 12.3 got pissed threw stuff in trash blood levels droped almost 50 points at end of 3od day druggest gave me Humulin R it is a otc drug taught me how to use it have learned amount needed as to what I eat blood suger range is avg 118 must use a strip before eating anything so proper amount of insulin is used I was hard to learn fingers sore from using 5 to 15 samples a day to monitor blood sugar levels but worth the cost difference we figured about 650 amonth with lantus VS 80 with approx 3 viles of humulinR that is a savings of 7000 a year plus I feel better.

my blood sugar 3 months average was between 8 and 9, having novelin 30/70, 30 units evening and 26 in the morning. now using lantus 60 units daily for 3 months the average is 14. the diet itill the same. side effect is color of urine yelow darck.

I have gained 15 pounds on this medication. But it has help drop my BS