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Generic Name: insulin lispro protamin-lispro

Brand Name: Humalog Mix 75-25 (U-100) Insulin subcutaneous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

This drug is putting around 3-5 lbs a week weight on me. It's discouraging. When I started on it I was 241 lbs and now I am 281 lbs. I am absolutely not eating more. I watch what I eat closely. Plus for some reason my nighttime dose-55-frequently causes my sugar to crash. Once it went down to 43.

I have been using Humalog 75/25 for approx 6 weeks, before breakfast and dinner. My BS has decreased from 250-300 throughout the day to approx 150 between meals. However, I have gained a few pounds.

It's not bringing my blood sugars down, no matter what I eat or don't eat. I'm slowly increasing dosages (per my doctor's instructions), but I'm still having high fasting blood sugar and it doesn't come down very much after injections.

Fasting blood sugar at 354 dropped to 104 on the first day itself. Had glycemic low of 68 in early morning -2:30 am for 2-3 days. Once I decreased the night time dosage now the levels are normal. random is 124 - 134 unless i succumb to temptation and eat mangoes and bananas in the night. else, with execise, things are looking brighter. i feel energetic throughout the day. :-))

It is very easy to use and I have not had any problems during the last 5 years.

I was on Byetta which made me feel miserable BUT did help me lose weight. I now take Humalog 75/25 and it is controlling my BS BUT I am gaining weight! I exercise daily (Wii - "Let's Dance")! I am "porking" up quite a bit in my stomach and thighs! The weight gain is the only drawback I am unhappy with.

I take this drug with metformin xr, 1000 mg twice per day. Previously I took it with plain metformin and I started gaining weight, I was always hungry. Since the change I have started losing weight. If its not working for you, talk to your doctor. I went to and endocrinologist finally got my meds in order. I have also started an exercise program and am learning cognitive restructuring

injecting 2x a day 16 units is very painful experience for me . and still my sugar is going up . Maybe i"m not really following my doctor's advice. but i'm trying . pls. help what's the best medication to maintain normal sugar level.

I am usually woisy after administering it. Does not seem to work on taking down my BS.

it help me 2 get back on track

I am suffering from type 2 diabetes for the last say 15 years and has been on oral medication and my blood sugar was in the range of 158 240. about a month back I was detected suffering from congestive heart failure and my Lvef was 22%. While on medication for chf my oral medication for D was discontinued and for diabetes I was given onlyone tablet of glimepiride 2mg. In the result my BS rose to about 240-300 range. I went to the endocronologist. He put me on homolog 50 mix 20 units and 15 units morning and evening and discontinued the oral dose. It did not act and my BS rose to 260-400 range and did not come down even after 10 days. I changed the endocronologist and now I have been put on Homolog 25 mix 10 units morning and evening and also one tablet of glimepiride 2 mg. Now after 3 days I feel no change in my Blood Sugar level. My experience is that Homolog has not acted on me. I shall be glad to know any experiences with Homolog.