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Generic Name: ipratropium bromide

Brand Name: Atrovent HFA inhalation

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I was prescribed Atrovent 7 months ago. At first. I believed it was fantastic and had never felt better. But... After several months of use. I began to noticed nasty side effects. Insomnia,chest crackles nasal drips, tightening in my upper chest,heart pains, loss of appetite and blurred vision. I asked my doctor about these side effects, and wanted to be tak n off Atrovent. He agreed, and I am now on a different treatment. My overall health has improved greatly. I sleep better. I breathe better and I now eat like I'm pregnant, and I'm male.... Don't get me wrong. Atrovent may be of benefit to some with h cronic breathing difficulties. But it did me more harm than good.

The inhaler says 200 does but i take 2 shots 4 times a day and i use a tube with the inhaler but the inhaler seems to run out long before it should i have had this happen a lot in the 4 years i have been using it beware of that other than that it works like for me.

While Atrovent HFA may be a good product, at $800 per inhaler out-of-pocket expense, exorbitant. My last inhaler skipped from 20 doses to zero in four doses. Thatâ??s $64 in medicine, gone (16 doses at $4 each). My new doctor is changing me to a nebulizer ($40 online). The new Rx is $8. EIGHT DOLLARS. 1/100th of Atrovent. Canâ??t wait to try it next week.

it tasted as if i just shot voka air in my mouth disgusting and gross

I have been using this inhaler for over 15 years and all of a sudden my insurance company will not cover it and I find that after not using it for 1 week, because of cost, I am have a lot of trouble trying to breathe.

I must bring a word of caution into what has been good reviews for this inhaler. I have used Atrovent for 5 months, as well as steroid, and rescue inhalers. At first I thought that Atrovent was helping me. After a while, I started to get sore throats, but ignored them. 2 weeks ago the nasal passages near to my throat, my throat, and my upper lungs became very sore, and I developed a post nasal drip. A cough unsued, which was sticky and difficult to clear. Trying to sleep was difficult, as my nasal passages made creaking, whistling or crackling noises, whilst the post nasal drip continued all night. Eventually I was waking 5 or 6 times a night coughing, and these coughing bouts left me so breathless I needed to reach for a rescue inhaler. Yesterday I only used the inhaler twice, and had my first good night's sleep for a while. Today, my throat isn't sore or swollen, and I can breath easier. I will never use this inhaler again. Regardless of generally good reviews for a drug, use all medications with caution. Only you know how your body is reacting.

Xopenex/albuterol works better/faster, but I developed vertigo, headaches and other side effects. Spiriva worked well, but kept me awake, so my doctor suggested Atrovent and it's great. I take inhaled steroids and use Atrovent when I exercise as well as every day. It stops my coughing and I have no side effects. The only time I needed to use Xopenex too was when I caught a chest cold.

Heaviness in legs and dizziness, blurred vision

atrovent works well without side effects for me. my doctor looked for something that did not have stuff in it that is known to cause trouble. albuterol was causing leg cramps. so we found several substitutes but insurance would not cover some. atrovent was covered and appeared to not contain any of those questionable ingredients and no albuterol. we tried it and it worked just as well as the big names and actually better over time. so far, after a couple of years, i don't have the bad effects seen with some heavily advertised brands of inhalers. i use this in combination with Flovent. thats a long acting inhaler that also doesn't have questionable ingredients like "formoterol". so far this combination has worked well for me with no side effects noticed for 2 years of everyday use. a nice relief from the problems i used to have.

I have a difficult time keeping up with 16 puffs per day with the Atrovent HFA. Also I have read not to take over 12 puffs per day but my physician says 16. What does this mean?

Using for last 3 months for a dry cough. Apparently mucus is going down into the stomach causing the cough. Also given Rabeprazole (small yellow tablet-twice daily) This seems to be working. My concern is long term use and the possibility of worse side effects than the dry mouth and slight pain in the sinus area after using the spray. Any long time users out there?

I use two puffs twice a day for the last year. It reduces and mostly takes away the whizzing.

Atrovent works decently well for me. My problem is that I have no insurance and the out-of-pocket cost of this 25-day supply is $164. With all my other medical expenses, that's a financial hit I can't handle in the long term. Is there no generic for this?

The atrovent HFA inhalor work exellent for my emphysema.

used this drug 16 years. side effects worsening daily.

I began using the inhaler 5 weeks ago and I quit smoking 2 weeks ago. No side affects from the inhaler, my breathing is much easier and the coughing has almost completely ceased.

Taken as initially directed, two puffs four times a day, my heart beats very fast and I have a strange taste on my tongue for a long time even with rinsing. With the dose cut to one puff, three to four times a day, the fast heart beat doesn't occur, and there is not a strange strong lingering taste, even if I don't rinse.

Emerg doc had me take 10 shots of ventolin and 5 shots of this, had tingling/numb hands and face for 24 hrs after, chest pains, lots of coughing, sore throat. Seems to relieve the labored breathing though.