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Generic Name: levothyroxine

Brand Name: Levothroid oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I'm 55yo male been on Levothyroxine for 3 years and still get hot flashes and sweating. Tired excessively once a week but not sure if its the meds I'm taking that's causing the tiredness or just age. Not really sure I see a difference on it or off it but until it causes major side effects I will continue it. On 0.1mg and now with a cholesterol medicine I've started we will see. If I get tired more than no more Cholesterol meds. Cholesterol at 200 without meds but that was before I did the diet I'm on now and in two more months we will see how good the diet is working. 1 lb a week is good

It was the best Thyroid Medication I've ever taken with no side effects! I felt energetic and healthy all the years I was taking it. Then all of a sudden my Pharmacy said it was taken off the market and I've been ill ever since. How can I get this medication again? I have tried other Thyroid Meds and they make me feel sick and bloated and weak all the time!

I have taken some form of thyroid since 1958. This one works well for me.

I took it for one month - felt great. Missed the 2nd month didn't have the money. Started up again and now I'm still tired ALL the time.

no problems with it unless I dont take t as presribed, (on an empty stomach and with a full glass of water atleast 1/2 hr before food

I have excess sweating and hair loss.

Has anyone ever heard that if oyu do not take or stop taking your thyroid medicine you can die? I have never heard of this and someone told me about this.

I've been on it for about two weeks or so. My engery levels very from day to day. Today, I took my meds on my drive to work, I get to work and I have coffee, today I had a 1/2 of banana, couple of spoons of oat meal and berries. Feelins very nauseous and just sick. Called the nurse and she couldn't tell me why I felt that way. Anyone have this happen?

I would like to know what herbs that may cause interactions with this drug.

I have had open heart surgery 5 years ago. Since taking this medication I have recently been experiencing chest pain, excessive sweating, elevated blood pressure, sudden drops in sugar level and most recently swelling, redness and heat of the face. I have been on this med for a year.

My doctor has not monitored my meds since she put me on it in 2008. Since then I HAVE major mood swings, suffer from depression, gained 30 pounds, my seborrheic dermatitis has gotten worse, and I have zero energy. Either I need a new doctor or a better medication. I also suffer from high cholesterol and chronic kidney disease.

Even after increasing mg of medication I still have found no improvement with weight loss and energy level.

Has helped me amintain a better quality of life with out the drops of blood sugar at unexpected times.

Treatment for hashimoto's. Increased over five year from 50 mcg. Now 88 is too low and 100 too high so alterating doses. Would like a 6 mcg dose available for taking with standard doses for the in between need of smaller patients, I only weigh 118 lb.