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Generic Name: lisinopril-hydrochlorothiazide

Brand Name: Prinzide oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

On occasion, I have had this pill get stuck in my throat. I immediately drink lots of water, but my throat burns like fire, and sometimes the burning lasts for hours. My voice becomes hoarse and on one occasion, I lost my voice for most of the day.

Had to increase my first dose, but had started at smallest to see if it would work. Doubled my dose and it is working fantastic now!! BP at normal. Do get dizziness occasionally, fatigue a lot, and dry mouth with a super mild cough. I take my pills at night so I can just sleep through the worst of the dizziness. Now, as long as I am careful when standing or bending over, I am pretty much fine. Losing some weight and my doctor says we may be able to lower my dose soon. Not had any allergic type reactions, which is good because it is super easy for me to react to things.

does this have a dide effect of coughing?

This medication is very effective in lowering Blood Pressure. Mine was down to normal with one week. The side effects are something you need to adjust to. I am very tired by afternoon, and I do experience some light-headiness. But overall, this medication has been very effective in lowering my blood pressure.

my elbows and the palm of my hands itch and my lower lip is puffy overall my bloodpresure is down

Iam slurring my words Iam not thinking right,iam jering my legs my arms I don't feel like myself

No side effects but took 6 months to work.

It caused my throat to swell and I have a hard cough. I just got off of it.

This drug has given me no side effects. I take the smallest dosage available and then take 1/2 tablet in morning and the other 1/2 at night. That seems to keep my blood pressure level.

Within two days I had terrible swelling of my upper lip. I went back to the ER and after a huge dose of Benadryl I finally looked normal again about 12 hours later.

I would like a medication that tastes better and isn't so small that I easily lose my pill.

This medication has lowered my blood pressure with only a slight increase in urination as a result. But it has only lowered it from a type to hypertension to a type 1. I am hoping that an increase in exercise will lower it further.

i have high blood pressure and i was takeing atenolol & it made me light headed my blood pressure was not going the way i wanted it to. but when i switched to prinzide oral i have only got a little cough every now and then. i can handle a little bit of a cough instead of high blood pressure but everyone experiences things differently.

I suffered a VERY severe reaction to prinizide! It was frightful! My condition was diagnosed as angio-edema. My face, lips, cheeks were swollen nearly twice it's size. It seems it was an allergic reaction; SCARY!!

just started