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Generic Name: lithium carbonate

Brand Name: Lithium Carbonate Tablets

Lithium Carbonate Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have only been on lithium carbonate for 4 days. I take 300 mg at night. I have ringing in my ears and feel so tired. Has anyone had this happen. I am scared to continue taking it.

hey, i recently got put on lithium when i went into hospitalization for the second time. i am 13 years old and im on 450 mgs twice a day, there are a few downfalls with this medication such as feeling dizzy and nauseous alot. my head feels foggy all the time and i find it hard to focus, but that is probably from the medication combination i am on. i still get manic and i get frustrated and all that but i suppose im feeling a little better which is nice.

If I take without food I get horrible stomach pains, I sometimes vomit up the medications even if I eat and drink plenty of water, I haven't been manic since ive been put on it but I had a psychotic depressive episode which it did little to help. Im glad im no longer manic but I want to try a new medication, Its just not worth it for me.

I started Lithium at the same time as an antipsychotic, so my results may be skewed. I am much closer to the middle of the mood spectrum through the days now and control impulses better. I do urinate more frequently and have blurred vision which can sometimes be corrected by glasses but make life more difficult.

It is the only medication that prevents mania for me while still letting me feel emotions and be mentally sharp, which is important to me because I’m creative. I wasn’t able to create or feel on depakote and seroquel or lamictal and olanzapine, but Lithium works. The only thing is since I’m bipolar 2, I have to be on Prozac too otherwise it removes the mania but not the depression. Downside is it causes me to break out, so I started washing my face with baking soda, and that helps.

Lithium Carbonate ER (lithium) for Bipolar Disorder:  “Hi guys, I have been on Lithium Carbonate (1000 mg). This might shock you, but I have been on Lithium for 18 years, I'm now age 37, I was 20 years old when I started. What I've learned is you need to know your triggers. For example, don't drink 2 much coffee as it can lower your lithium blood level , coffee made me shake. Watch what you eat and understand what triggers, if your feeling run down and dizzy and headaches and sore stomach see your doctor right away your lithium may be to low meaning your blood level for lithium carbonate you may need more to rebalance  your level and that sick side affect filling will go away i no that filling when my lithium  level is low doctor puts me up 100mg or 250mg it will safe your life and worries of going to hospital and relapsing and you fill on top of the world again that extra does help doctors and mental health workers are there to help if so only you can know that thats so dont ever be afraid to asks for help thats my tip to you  . One major thing to stop doing is looking for answers on Google! Just see a doctor! Lithium saved my life. Yes, I've had the odd up and downs, but I keep going and made something of myself. If I've come this far, I know anybody can. Smile! I would like you all to know, at the end of the day, you can have so much of anything, so make the most of it and enjoy life. I used to be scared of people judging me. Still, I finally decided to write this review because there is too much miss information out there.” I like to thank everyone at royal park mental health and mostly Peter and Craig A. Macneil with out your help i wouldn't be alive today thank you all p.s I was that kid with glasses many years ago

This medicine has helped me calm down to the point where I can rest my head on a pillow and sleep. And improve my life generally as I’m not felling down and the weight of the world on my shoulders.

Iâ??ve been taking lithium for 3 months now. Honestly I shouldnâ??t leave a review because Iâ??m not even sure why Iâ??m taking it

Bipolar Disorder Hi guys, I have been on Lithium Carbonate (1000 mg) at Royal Park Vic. This might shock you, but I have been on Lithium for 18 years, I'm now age 37, I was 20 years old I started. What I've learned is you need to know your triggers. For example, don't drink coffee, that made me shake. Watch what you eat and understand what triggers, which only you know. One major thing to stop doing is looking for answers on bloody Google! Just see a doctor! Lithium saved my life. Yes, I've had the odd up and downs, but I keep going and made something of myself. If I've come this far, I know anybody can. Smile! I would like you all to know, at the end of the day, you can have so much of anything, so make the most of it and enjoy life. I used to be scared of people judging me. Still, I finally decided to write this review because there is too much misinformation out there.

started off on 900mg,dr wasn't getting labs,went into lithium toxicity,kidney failure.was on 450mg for 4yrs,had gastric bypass surgery,lost over 100lbs,went off lithium on my own.i feel like a new person.would not recommend this drug to my worst enemy. this drug just about killed me. my psychiatrist should have been sued for not getting labs

lithium made my depressions less frequent and less severe. It smoothed out my daily and seasonal mood gradient. I have had low side effects. In the last 3 years my kidneys weakened, but I am still taking a low dose, 150mg daily. The WebMD information grossly exaggerates the risk of "serotonin syndrome." Compared to anti-depressants, lithium has very little effect on serotonin levels. Fear of serotonin syndrome should not factor into a patient's or a doctor's decision to try lithium.

I used Roxane generic brand for years and have done well. My pharmacy switched to Glenmark. Big mistake. Within a few days I experienced withdrawal symptoms and started realizing that the Glenmark was not doing its job. I was having stomach upsat, extreme fatigue, anhedonia--all symptom of recurrung depression.Fortunately the pharmacy will order Roxane for me. I don't recommend Glenmark.

Been on Lithium for a month now,still have the side effects as my Doctor said. I feel more of having tremors then ever before. I do have a better outlook but I working with the side effects when does it subside ?? The drug is good to me some ways still gotta feel better about myself just seem to take time to work with the med.

I would not be alive if it wasn't for this med. I was fighting mental illness for nearly seven years since I was 13. I cut myself and would sometimes beat myself until the area turned purple and yellow. I've attempted suicide more times than I can count in hope of succeeding, and flew 1800 miles alone to San Francisco with no way back and nothing much other than the clothes I was wearing. My sole purpose to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge when I arrived. However, it took three more hospitalizations after that before I was started on lithium. Lamictal was added and finally Effexor. Lithium did a great job while to side was right. It did best at controlling the manic side, but I didn't have the mood swings I had before. The other meds further helped with the depression side. I don't know why lithium is not prescribed more often. It's a great medication and I don't know where I'd be without it. Sideffects seem minimal and I've been taking it for over two years now. I think it makes me more sleepy, but I think the others do as well. I have to be careful in the heat and make sure I replace electrolytes, and watch caffeen intake and be careful with ibuprofen. But it's wonderful. I know meds work differently for everyone, but if your like me and tried dozens of meds with no results, then it's definitely worth talking to your doc about it. And find a good doc. A good doc will listen and allow you to suggest things about your treatment and meds and not force you to change meds or force you take something that you don't want to. I hope this helps to all our there struggling. Don't ever give up hope. :)

Well, my dr being the genius that he was left me on valium fot over two years...he would put you on a drug and just leave you in it...whether it worked or not. He put mr on alprazolam after the valium and you CANT go from valium to alprazolam and survive. I started getting wicked withdrawals and my idiot dr prescribed me lithium along with an old AD. Why I even took them in the first place is a mystery since I never asked for these meds and even told him my sleep was great. Started feeling sick after tsking fir two days while on vacation with hitler and told my fiance (hitler) that they were making me sick and I needed to stop them. She got angry and demanded I keep taking them and I didnt want anymore silent treatment/anger...two weeks later I suffered brain, muscle, nerve and kidney damage!!! This has ruined my life and before I met my fiance I was fine. NEVER take crap from a partner and when you see red flags you run like hell!!! Also, be careful about taking meds in general...do you think depression was because a lack of prozac?! Sorry, ive read enough about big pharma, the fda and drs to know better....its all a scam. If you dont believe me thats fine but pretty soon itll be common knowledge that medication is vastly overprescribed and the clinical trials are a joke at best. Listen to me now and thank me later. Ever wonder why the listed side effects are minimal compared to actual side effects of people taking them? Well, just maybe the manufacturer(who also is the one testing the drugs) is kind of lying or witholding the truth?! Of course not! Why would they lie? Its not like the drug is going to make millions or billions of dollars anyways...oh wait, yes it is! Peace

Lithium is the reason I believe I am still alive. I had tried committing suicide three times. I swallowed an entire bottle of tricyclics which should have killed me. I was so desperate after medications didn't work that I was considering electroshock therapy. On the third day of taking Lithium I could physically feel something change in my brain. Like a switch turning on. My crippling depression is gone as is my urge to die. I'm not saying I don't struggle day to day but I never even contemplate hurting myself. I know every medication works differently for different people so I am not saying run out and get it. But if you are desperate to fight your depression it might be worth asking your doctor about it.

I started taking lithium carbonate over 5 years ago and it changed me into a *normal* person. The rapid cycling mood swings, mania and depression have been completely controlled and I've experienced none of the side effects so frequently quoted. I thank G*d for lithium!!