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Generic Name: mebendazole

Brand Name: Vermox oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have been trying to get help for over 10 years. I've tried everything on the shelves but nothing really helped me,my parents even thought it's witchcraft. That was how bad it was. Until the lady next door gave me Wormadole 400 mg for 6 days that's the highest dose for adults. You can only find the medication in Public clinics. It is effective. Today I'm happy to say that I'm healed and I have stopped eating red and white meat together with white bread, because it makes the pinworms worse.

Tablet took away pinworm symptoms within 2 days, however did end up with mild diarrhea for about 10 days. Would suggest taking with a good probiotic!

THIS MEDICATION IS NOT FOR PINWORM ITS FOR TAPEWORM,so stop letting them give you Vermox for pinworm and instead request or BUY mebendazole.

Very disappointed with this worm treatment.Have used 2 otger brands with myself and my family however had have to go back to combantrium as we know it works.Only purchased this brand because new chemist staff recommended it

It does not work at all. And I have fallowed all the instruction. Step by step.

My daughter was infected with pinworms and i got them from her. She took 2 doses of Vermox and they were immediately gone. I have now taken 8 doses in 3 weeks and I still have them. I have not been reinfected they have just not gone away. My doctor is baffled.

You all need to try to treat these worms with herbs such as garlic, goldenseal, barberry or anise. There are a few more that might work also including black walnut. Just do a little research, you will be surprised instead of turning to drugs that harm you and don't really work!!!

My infant daughter got pinworms from her brother, his were gone after 2 rounds of med. She has taken 4 rounds of Vermox and still has them. Very Frustrating!

All 3 adults in the house have taken 2 doses over 2 weeks and then 6 doses over 3 days. I have washed the linens and towels twice weekly in hot water. Washed the bathroom rugs weekly, and washed the pj's in hot water. We all still have pinworms. I am especially infested. The doctor will not prescribe any additional since she is afraid of liver damage.

this treatment is awsome. I love drugs.

my family has been diagnosed with a slew of parasites and we have taken 7 doeses of the med and still no sign that the parasites are moving out so far we know that we have round worm, hook worm, pin worm, and tape worm in stomach and lungs, doctors think that we are going to have to have long term dosing to cure our infection. I am glad to see that we are not alone.

Seemed to do the trick! Was on a three day regimen. Felt relief on day two.

Children showed signs of this. Whole family took the 2 doses 2 weeks apart. Washed sheets and jammies daily during this time. Seems to have worked. Mild stomach aches with 6 year old, though. Kids didn't like the taste of the tablet so we held their nose while they chewed it.

Worked for a while, then came back. Same with roundworms and pinworms. Have had 3 treatments now, still returns....