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Generic Name: mephobarbital

Brand Name: Mebaral oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I went 11 years seizure free then FDA wouldn't allow the grandfathering of this drug so the company stopped making it. I have had a seizure each year since.. Thanks Government for nothing..

have had seizures since i cannot get this medication.

I have been taking this since 1980 with NO side effects and the seizures are controlled. Mebaral is the ONLY drug to control my difficult seizures, I tried so many other drugs with no help. I may die due to Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals discontinuing the drug. I am terrified. My friends who are in the Stock Market are dumping this company and companies dealing with them. They blocked Generic with clever statements and now this, not a reliable company. The medication was a gift of life for me, hopefully a good company will somehow obtain it and do something good, with a nice medication like this.

I am 72 and have found this drug is no longer available as well. i was a teacher and business owner and with out this drug I would not have been a functioning individual., i have been taking this drug favorably since 1958. now what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

According to all pharmacies they are taking this medicine off the market. I am working with my neurologist and he has recommended either Keppra, Vimpat or Lamictal. Can you provide input on these??

i have been on this drug mebaral for 32yrs now and been seizure free now i am having a very had time with the pharmacys telling me that this drug is not going to be made anymore now i have to go on phenobarb and not drivetill further notice if any one know if this drug is no longer being made please post

I was allergic to Phenobarital alone and dilantin alone, so they gave me a " cocktail of Dilantin, Mebaral, and Mysoline and I have been seizure free for over 52 years.I turned 65 this year and Medicare refuses to pay for the drug and the cost is not counted toward the doughnut- hole. I must therefore pay $400.00 for a two month supply. My husband's Union cancelled my Prescription coverage when I turned 65, and they don't pay for most of meds as they are either Statins like Lipitor or nexium. I receive a very small Social Sdecurity check and have been denied coverage as I own my home.

I have been taking this drug for 35 years with no problems. The only problem I have now is that I have turned 65 and medicare will not pay for the drug and there are no generics for it.

I am currently 65 years young and this drug was prescribed to me when I was I 12 years old and I have remained seizure free. I recently went on Medicare and they refuse to pay for it. I explained I must take it with two other drugs for it to be effective,

I have been on Mebaral for 47 year and have been seizure free for 17 years now am having a hard time getting it.

Other medications have been used but had side effect and did not control seizures. My sister-in-law has been on this drug for 32 years with excellent results.