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Generic Name: methylphenidate

Brand Name: Daytrana transdermal

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

My daughter is on this patch and it helps her so much it was difficult to get the backing off of it but I learned that if you keep it in the refrigerator the backing comes off so much easier still trying to figure out an easier way to remove the adhesive that gets stuck on her back but other than that it's been amazing the refrigerator really really helps the vacuum come off easier and saves me a lot of time in the morning which at first I was taking a long time trying to get it all but just refrigerated everyone

This has been a miracle drug for me. I've been on it for around two years and am living a productive, organized, and happy life. I couldn't imagine going back to other stimulant preparations. I'm just so grateful that there is something like this on the market that can help me so much. In my view, the other meds I took didn't even come close to this one. No, I can't imagine going back to the ups and the downs I would experience with other meds. Daytrana has changed my life.

My son was diagnosed with ADHD in 3rd grade. We tried Straterra, Vyvance, Intuniv, and Focalin XR. All had negative side affects. Daytranna works great. He has all A's in school. I like the ability to only have to use it when needed. One big downside is the cost. With Atena insurance, we still pay over $300 per month. My son also had a decreased appetite on Daytrana. So, I had him eat a big breakfast and dinner because he didn't eat lunch. And, I give him a break in the summer so he can gain back some weight.

Love love love this medicine. When I was diagnosed in elementary school, I tried Vyvanse (made me hate everyone and everything), stratera, focalin, and maybe one other, but my hatred/inability to take pills as a child and the severe mood changes that were a common side effect ruled out these options. When I began Daytrana, my mother and I immediately loved that I could take it off at any time, allowing me to be my carefree self when I wanted to be. I still love this part of the medicine as a senior in high school. After school on Fridays, I will take it off prior to any football game or social gathering and be able to be myself. It keeps me focused all day long, whether it is during school or during sporting events, and has helped me all throughout high school. When they began to be recalled and harder to find, I was very upset, but luckily I've figured out a way to wear multiple of smaller dosages to continue using them. I also take Focalin (now that I take pills easily) in the event that a patch is not available, but daytrana works far better and helped me get around the adversity I had towards pills at a young age.

I was prescribed Daytrana for 5 years ago and have been taking it since. I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was in 3rd grade and my grades have always been up and down. I am 19 now, and I can honestly say it has helped me get through college level courses in highschool and college. I have tried stattera, adderall, and ritilan and find that this is the best ADHD drug for me. I love that I can take it off when the side effects start coming into play. The only complaint I have is that when I first started taking it I had virtually no appetite and became critically underweight and eventually started fainting. I was able to over come this by taking it off after a couple hours, I also sometimes only take half the patch if I know I'm going to be around a lot of people (It does affect my personality when I'm on it, but the bad outweighs the good).

I am 36 years old and have been using Daytrana for around 8 years. I didn't start medication for ADHD until I was 20 and failing out of college without my parents around to help me study. Ritalin, then Adderall and concerta were life changing in the fact that I was finally able to understand and actually learn things in a classroom setting. However, the pills were easy to abuse and very hard to come down from, especially when I was up to a higher dosage. Daytrana has been a huge help in my adult life. The downside is that when I don't wear the patch, I am severely tired and sleepy.

I have used this for at least 9 years now. It has helped me through school and now into college. The only bad thing about is what I like to call "patch scum". Like the sticky residue that just wont come off that new water bottle. It just likes to stay there. growing up and even now ive always been self conscious about the mark it leaves especially when in a bathing suit. you are supposed to switch sides when using the patch but I have fond that it works better for me if I stick to one side. This medication has made a huge difference in my life. Hopefully this helps someone out there.

I'm a senior in high school and I have been taking daytrana since around 7th grade. It works so well!! I'm always focused in class, I get my homework done, and I can study for long periods of time!! My grades have defiantly benefited! But while using this medication, I stopes being myself. I can't talk to friends in class and it's very difficult to make friends. That has really hurt my high school experience. Also, when I'm taking tests I get bad anxiety and then am unable to comprehend the questions. Lately, my nervousness has been getting worse! I don't know if that's just because of senior year or because of this medication! All in all, this medication really works!! It's good for people who want to control how much they are getting and for how long.

great job. Although it does irritate skin the first time.

I was diagnosed with ADD at 55. It kept me from losing my professional career due to consistent poor work evaluations with carrying out instructions as a manager..

My son had been on this drug for two days before he started having homicidal tendencies. He grabbed his best friend by the throat and restricted his air flow just because he wouldn't take a bracelet off of my sons arm fast enough.

Very happy with results for my 14 yr old son. Change in my son has been dramatic. He has become more focused in school, and his effort has improved greatly.

The patch is very difficult to get the backing off. I did find that if I applied an ice cube to the back (the part you peel off) at the point you are supposed to pull, it pops up much easier. Up till I figured that out, I was wasting 1 out of 3. I just run the cube over one point for a moment, then bend it so it popps up, then kinda fold it so it doesn't restick. Then to the other side and repeat the process. Other than this and a bit of a red welt after usage, it is better than pills.

I was diagonised with ADHD when I was in my late 30s. I tried several oral medications before we found this one. I can tell a difference when I don't take it. Even my husband will notices a difference. This drug has changed my life.

I hate transdermal patches. If I forget to take it off on time, my skin gets really red. Plus, if you need to take 60 mg, the rotation of the placement of patches gets screwed up. You have to shave your legs if you're planning to take daytrana.

I was diagnosed with ADHD six years ago when I was in second grade and around eight years old, and the doctor recommended this to me. It did not help at all; it sucked the life out of me, and made me aggressive and unlike myself. I was taken off the medication after a month or so, and was taught how to manage my ADHD without the aid of a medicine.

I started with a 10 MG patch and have been moved to a 30 MG patch of the last few months. The medication seems to be working better then I expected. My only issue is when I remove the patch it is tearing up my skin. I move it from my right hip to my left hip every other day. I have tried a number of prescription ointments but none seem to provide much relief from the raw skin pain. I do not know how much longer it will be when the 30 MG will not be enough. My body adjust to medications fairly quickly and I need to keep increasing the doses.

I started taking Daytrana because Concerta suppressed my appetite too much and I was dangerously underweight. At first, I really like the medicine. But after about two months I developed sinus tachycardia (fast heartbeat). I didn't realize at the time that it was most likely from the Daytrana. I also thought that I somehow developed allergies to everything because I had a stuffy nose and headaches all the time. I was tested though and it turns out I don't have any. I have pretty good reason to believe that all of these (and other symptoms unmentioned) were a result of the use of Daytrana. The problem is now that I have a heart condition, I'm not supposed to take stimulants for my ADHD which causes quite a problem.

grandsons use patch; hypersensitive to fear of bugs; won't eat; won't leave dad's side; restless legs

This is a miracle drug. For my sons it was like a light switch. Ttheir teachers could not believe how fast and effectitve it was in improving their attention span. We only use it on school days as they do not have hyperactivity. Unfortunately ny older son has skin irritation related to the patch so we had to change him to a pill form of medication and it is not as effective as the patch even he will tell you.