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Generic Name: mometasone-formoterol

Brand Name: Dulera inhalation

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Was prescribed post Covid as I have a very nagging cough.

Was diagnosed with Asthma/COPD Overlap Syndrome a year and a half ago. Have tried many inhalers, with not so good side effects. Dulera is by far the best for me.

I have used this for 4 years and had no trouble until the last 3 mo. I notest when I got to about 50 on my count it didn't do any good like it was empty. I like this it dose help me a lot but not if I am not getting a full tub. Is anyone els having this problum.I gave this a good rating becouse it did work.I use Dulera

I have always had exercise induced shortness of breath from the time I was a teen but was also a moderate smoker. About age 48 started having chronic sinus infections - so bad I couldnâ??t breathe through my left nostril for over a year - then things got really smelly and I could actually smell rot in ny head - went to an ear nose and throat dr -I also was experiencing extreme shortness of breath both at night and during the day with just walking- actually had surgery twice to clean out the infection and the second dr said I had asthma that had been undiagnosed probably due to smoking and he recommended I get a pulmonary function test due to very shallow breathing during surgery and prescribed Dulera. My PFT showed less than 30% lung function- very scary - I had quit smoking about a year prior - the dulera has been amazing for me - I have been taking it for about 3.6 years- I did have trouble about 6 months ago with quite severe muscle cramps in legs, feet and shins - however I started taking magnesium and calcium supplements and they have gone away - I am so grateful for the results and would recommend that those who experience moderate side effects be sure itâ??s not related to other factors. I also take Spiriva and Montelukast(singular) - I am ecstatic with the results over the long term I couldnâ??t ask for more - always be sure to gargle- I have not had to use my rescue inhaler unless I plan on exercising more than usual - then I use Albuterol right before exercise - I have had some trouble with hoarseness and raspy voice but believe most inhalers will have some effect that way - Everyone is different but this course of treatment has worked for me and I am so grateful

I've had constant coughing for the past 3 years. Finally diagnosed with a reactive airway-asthma. I started on Albuterol and Qvar. Qvar did not help the cough at all. Dr. switched me over to Dulera and within 9 days my cough had pretty much gone away. The only side effect I have is charley horses daily in my feet, legs and torso. But I feel those side effects are better than having the constant coughing I had.

I've been using for 6 years and have no side affects or problems with Dulera. Pleased. I am 70 years old.

At first it worked great, no more sinus drip, breathing seemed better almost immediate. then after a month or so of use I just started feeling unwell, been going thru blood tests, etc. I feel very tired, weak and shaky all the time and was getting worse. Have stopped taking the dulera 5 days ago hoping this was the cause of all these extra symtoms!

I was very sick 2015 with weak immune system. My lung capacity was 37% and I used the machine every 2-4 hrs. I had always been athletic but could not even walk to car. Have used Dulera 4 months. Nothing else worked. My quality of life has improved. Back to gym. Sleep all night. Rescue inhaler and other asthma med reduced. Saved my life. Looking forward to a month of travel.

Only went on this med. when insurance ceased covering Symbicort due to cost. Seemed effective for 1st. months then I began to experience side effects including: dry throat, lump in back of throat, severe leg cramps, severe congestion in nasal passages requiring daily use of decongestants, costant feeling of being cold and most recently an odd sensation in my mouth as if there is a coating that affects the taste of all foods. Heated food's taste is most affected almost to the point of making me nauseated. This has caused me to lose weight. I can only attribute these side effects to Dulera as I have not changed any of my other medications. It is possible I have developed thrush but won't know for sure until I see the doctor. I don't know if I would have these same side effects if I had been able to continue using Symbicort for a longer period than I did but I could not afford the cost without help from insurance coverage.

I switched to Dulera from Asmanex because my doctor thought it would improve my lung function. The first couple of weeks I just noticed a little hoarseness, but at around a month I started having all kinds of side effects: strange headaches, tiredness, bad anxiety (which I don't normally have) and my period came every three weeks. I am not sure how well Dulera worked for me, because I couldn't stand the side effects. I stopped taking it, and within the week the anxiety disappeared, within a couple of weeks the headaches went away and after about three months my period returned to normal. Not a good experience overall.

My lung capacity was 36%. After 2 days using this product, breathing greatly improved. Sleep all night without Proair. Blood oxygen level 90's while exercising.

I see a lot of comments about the dry mouth/thrush. Try using with a spacer. Has helped me tremendously with both of those. Love this compared to some of the others I've used.

I used Dulera for a month, at first I thought it was helping then the more I used it day after day it felt like my lungs were getting worse. I stopped Dulera a couple days ago and I'm waiting to see if my lungs improve.

Took this medicine for almost two weeks.... I had the worest chest pain.... never taking it again... it did nothing for me...

This medication has been very effective. Since starting Dulera, I am able to breath normally. Previously, my chest was always tight and felt like I could not get enough air. My only concern is the exhorbitant cost of this medication.

This medication has been very helpful for me, however, I don't like how it leaves the back of my throat feeling the sensation of hard to swallow. I would recommend this medication to anyone That needs help breathing.

I've had asthma for about 12 years. I've been on many different inhalers and meds. Lots of trips to the doctor, a few hospital visits, and lots of frustration. Been using Dulera for almost 2 years now and am loving it. I've also been able to stop using one of my other inhalers. I'm feeling good and have decreased need for my rescue meds. I've only had needed one extra trip to the doctor this year :)

I began the med on a Monday and by Wednesday morning I had diarrhea and nausea, leg cramps, fast heart beat. The vomiting and diarrhea have lasted 7 days so far and I have since stopped the medication.

I use to take Advair and even with that I was living on my rescue inhaler. Since being switched to Dulera I have not had to use my rescue inhaler once. My constant shortness of breath is gone and with exertion my "recovery" period has really been shortened. Changed my life.