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Generic Name: mometasone

Brand Name: Nasonex nasal

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

It does work but i'm afraid the side effects are making me feel terrible with anxiety ,aching muscles , headaches and nausea so i'm stopping it it does clear your sinus but side effects overtake it for me

Awful awful awful never felt so ill and depressed in my life after using this awful spray horrific muscle pains in legs severe headsches and worse than ever stuffiness crying every 5 mins this should be taken off market its absolutely horrible stuff

Had covid and was given nasonex as I was congested after a few days I noticed I was getting bad headaches bad anxiety and hard to swollow with a bad cough than I had before

I've been on this for 15 years, using daily before going to sleep, with little (1-3 days) breaks once-twice a month. It did help me with my constantly congested nose and didn't have any substantial side effect like blurred vision etc. However, the doctor who prescribed it to me, didn't warn me that it shouldn't be used for so long. Now it's over a month I am off it and I developed a persistent sore throat condition, which will hopefully go away soon - I got checked and there are no other reasons for this. Honestly, I shouldn't have trusted my doctor and shhould've got off this a long time ago. I highly recommend to not use this for a time longer than 2 weeks.

I have been using nasonex for two weeks, and it has cleared my nose minimally. I still have pressure in my head, just less blockage specifically in my nose. I would NOT RECOMMEND this product as it has given me feelings of anxiousness, and I have been unable to sleep for almost a week. At first, I thought my lifestyle was causing my anxiety and insomnia, but I am now realizing that it has ONLY started with usage of this drug. A horrible experience. Obviously Nasonex has not sufficiently monitored for side effects even though it has been on the market for years. I have never had issues with anxiety, and I cannot relay how devastating it is on my general health. I would much prefer a stuffy nose!

I had been on Nasonex for years for both my allergies and my asthma. But I did have pain when swallowing, dry mouth, nose pain, nausea, coughing headaches, a severe post nasal drip, etc. but this past year the coughing and nausea got so bad I started vomiting which sometimes triggered asthma attacks or caused me to throw up all my nighttime or morning medications I had just taken! I talked to one of my doctors who suggested switching to Azelastine HCL nasal spray instead. He said the post nasal drip was most likely causing several of the symptoms, like coughing, nausea, It doesnâ??t have steroids. I saw my PCP and switched on 8/1/19 starting with 2 sprays in each nostril once daily. I started noticing a difference with a couple weeks. I was coughing less and less nauseous etc. I went back and had it increased to 2 sprays in each nostril 2x daily on 8/19/19. Within another 2 weeks I felt so much better. Most of my symptoms have disappeared. I still have some dry mouth. But I am on other meds too. The Nasonex made me jumpy and the steroids arenâ??t good for you on a long term basis. Iâ??m so happy my doctor discontinued it and put me on Azelastine!

My doctor prescribed this as an off brand Flonase. I donâ??t understand why it doesnâ??t cover the same symptoms the side effects were worse. I use this medicine for one month had severe indigestion left side pains stomach aches headaches and the worst of all it states itâ??s an asthma preventive in the middle of the night it would give me severe nightmares which would wake me up with anxiety attacks and asthma attacks nightly.I Have never had them before In the middle of the night or to this extent. I have stopped using this med. itâ??s been two weeks hopefully the side effects go away soon!!!!!

At my last visit to the allergist I requested something to use that I could pay with FSA funds. Flonase gave me nosebleeds but Nasacort (OTC) was working well. I waited until I was running low on Nasacort before filling this script to use. I didn't read the prescription - it was a long generic name - but I wish I had...because I would have looked before I leaped. In 5 days time my GI track has been very sluggish and bloated, not a normal problem for me. I was bloated, not hungry (still not hungry) and nauseated. Ok, fine, whatever. I had a problem like that about a year ago. Easy fix. I'd gotten an ear infection the week prior so figured the earache was due to that resurfacing - didn't think of nasal spray. Then, yesterday, I had a brief dizzy spell (I've got an excuse for that one) ... still nothing connecting. Today I've had 3 "brief" dizzy spells and started considering ENT or Neuro. I look up all of my medications eventually. I did look this one up last night - dizziness itself isn't a listed side effect ... but everything else was ... so I searched dizziness specifically - and here I am, with everyone else, having dizzy spells, nauseated, bloated, earache from maybe the infection maybe not... This was the only recent change in anything I'm ingesting. Saving the extra 3-4 dollars a month is NOT worth it.

I have been using this spray for 2 weeks (I used Avamys before this which was causing me headaches as well and started Nasonex as it will be better) and started to have headaches and chest pain that was reflected on my left arm sometimes at the back. I stopped it once I read the reviews and I feel much better now but every now and then small pains coming back on both my headache and chest but not as much as before. Does anyone know when will the side effect start disappearing completely? Never experience this before.

While it did help with my constant hayfever problem, unfortunately I appear to have most of the unwanted side affects too - total loss of smell and taste, headaches, red eyes, dry mouth/throat, upset tummy, diahrrea, dreadful joint swelling and pain and other symptoms I'm not sure are related to Nasonex or coincidental. Either way, I would much rather a sneezy runny nose 24/7 than these side effects! My life is hell because of this stuff. I wish I'd never used it.

After 3 months of use for infected sinus, I got sores in my nose, thirsty all the time, tired sleeping 9 hours or more, dry mouth, and now I have a sinus headache...ALL BECAUSE OF THIS MEDICATION. THINGS GOT WORSE NOT BETTER.

Nasonex claims it is better than antihistamine. A lie. It has done nothing for me over the past three years. I am going to report their claim to Trade Practices Act as it is downright misleading advertising. Polaromine works. Nasonex doesn't. Forget it

It did not help me much in the first season of using it. I was not religious about spraying it twice a day though. During 2nd and 3rd years of using my constant nasal congestion and fatigue was gone. However, I had rashes developing around that time last 2 years which I never connected to this spray, and I am still not sure whether it is a side effect as it's listed as "not so common". It starts with itching at the elbows and spreads. I ended up on a drug for the skin condition last year to clear it. This season I started a new spray, and sure enough, the rash came right back so I stopped for now. Curious whether anyone else saw same.

My allergies over a year created major problems. Stuffed nose, constant draining of ears, infection in eye, puncher in ear drum. As soon as the drum was sealed, I started using Nasonex. I have used the product for 4 years. I do not use it everyday. Only when the allergies hit. The product dries up the draining and clears the head,, It opens all the passage ways. I don't have any bad reactions I believe, because I do not use it everyday.

Had to stop using after 4 days as I woke up on the 5th day and had complete blurred vision. I could not read any street signs and I have perfect vision. I had driven the night before and in the morning could not see. Scary. Will never use again.

I have been using this product for a few months and see no improvement. In addition: IT IS MADE IN CHINA (SINGAPORE)!!!!

Suffered from sinusitis, chronic infections and general inability to breath comfortably through my nose. Nasonex gave me back my life; my sanity. BUT...it is a CRIME how much this medication costs in the United States. Go abroad, $17. Same thing. Please.


I began using Nasonex on the advice of my ENT after a severe sinus infection. The first side effect came in the form of a HORRIBLE migraine headache almost immediately after the first dose. Nothing worked on it - not even Imitrex. I avoided Nasonex for the next day or two and then tried it again. This time the headache wasn't as bad so I coninued using Nasonex. It was then that the terrible insomnia, racing heart beat and stomach problems (stomach pain, cramps, heartburn, diarrhea and gas)started. I had just finished a course of strong antobiotics for the sinus infection and thought they were the cause of the gastro problems but, after a few more days on Nasonex, it became clear that the nasal spray was causing my GI issues. I called my ENT to report the side efects I was experiencing and was told that there was "No Way" that Nasonex could affect my stomach since it "only stays in your nasal passages and doesn't enter the bloodstream"(something BOTH my Gastoentrologist and pharmacist dispute, BTW) He told me continue the Nasonex and not to worry. (easy for him to say) After looking up the side effects of Nasonex, it turns out that gastro problems are, indeed, listed as possible side effects of the spray. (so much for it NOT getting into your bloodstream) I have since stopped Nasonex against the advice of my ENT and am hoping that the side effects will start to abate as the drug clears my system (unfortunately, it seems that I'm in for a wait as Nasonex has a reeeeaaallly long half life.) I will NEVER take another nasal steroid as long as I live. Despite what my ENT says, research has proven that they DO enter the bloodstream and cause tons of side effects in many systems of the body. From now on, I'll stick to Saline Nasal Spray.

I was prescribed Nasonex for chronic nasal congestion and it worked, really well. I had been on it for about 10 years (2x daily) when I started having digestive problems, severe heartburn and stomach pains. For over a year I went to many specialists and no one could figure out the cause, especially since I had never experienced these symptoms before. Finally, I went to a naturopath who suggested I stop taking the nasonex. I did and I've now been off of it for almost 2 months and I'm getting a lot better, but still not back to normal. My naturopath thinks it will be close to a year before my digestive system gets back to normal. I still cannot sleep laying down. It has been extremely frustrating, but I am so greatful to have found the cause. I wanted to share my experience in case anyone else is experiencing the same thing.