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Generic Name: morphine

Brand Name: MS Contin oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

2008 horseback accident left me with fractured L1, L2, T11 and partially crushed T12 vertebrae. Was on Vicodin for 9 years, developed a tolerance and switched to 15mg MSContin. I am so sorry to read of others bad experiences with this medication. I have had only GREAT results with it; with no side effects other than the frequent constipation; which is manageable.

I have been on MS contin for chronic lumbar pain, degenerative disc disease and stenosis from the VA since 2004 untill Jan 2021 when the VA changed my doctor FOR the 4th time . the new doctor will not renew my script . it has sent me into a tailspin to HELL not sure just how much more I can take before I simply give up and literally bite the bullet I had to sign a contract that I understood that taking opioids could shorten My Life by up to 15 years. But now I am not smart enough to take my own medicine VA medicine got to love it.

I've suffered with severe lumbar back pain for 20 years. About 7 years ago I was referred ti a Oain Management center where I was diagnosed with DDD including stenosis. Dr. started me on Tramadol, which made me feel very strange, then Vicodin 5, which did not reduce my pain. Then he tried Percocet 5/325, which knocked pain from 7 down to 4 but was short-acting. Finally tried MS Contin and it has been a lifesaver. My nominal painlevel is 3, which is tolerable, although I can't sit, stand or walk for long periods. Nevertheless, this is a lifesaver. I have no side effects besides constipation, which is typical for all opiates and don't feel cravings when it's time for my next dose. I've never taken more than my prescribed dosage of 15 mg every 8 hours, yet the pharmacy looks at me like I'm a junkie. Clueless politicians are stigmatizing all opioids and I fear that they will get around to banning this or severely limiting its usage, which would be a death sentence for me.

This medication has left me a complete zombie.I work in the health field and I can't work due to the immense brain fog. Imagine going to do complicated tasks with someone's life on the line and you feel completely drunk the entire time. Within a few hours of taking it, I feel extremely depressed when I'm not even depressed prior to taking it. And all thoughts, good or bad, are lacking as the hours go by Ugh. This is one of the worst medicines I've been on. It also does NOT last the entire 12 hours. It stops working for me at the 6 hour mark. As I read the reviews on here, its clear proof that this medicine doesn't last as long as it's advertised to last. I prefer kratom than this crap. At least you get to feel emotions and can think straight on that plant. This drug is useless to this chronic pain sufferer.

I have been on this medication since 2002. I have had no side effects nor problems with it as long as I take on the schedule of 3 times a day. I am on the 60mg tablets.

I have severe lumbar stenosis, scoliosis onset with arthritis in my left hip and lyphedema from Melanoma in 2010 in my left leg. I had an incident in August 2013 where a sciatica attack changed my condition forever; I used to have bad backaches but this pain is unbearable. So I've been taking 15mg morphine and for the past year added 15mg MS Contin. Neither are strong enough to rid the pain so I'm always in pain. To top it off because I also take Clonazepam the combination creates respiratory suppression. So my doctor just took away the 15mg immediate release morphine. I don't know HOW he thinks I'm going to function! The MS Contin barely makes itself obvious but I NEED the morphine to knock off that morning pain or if I want to have a life. I hate my doctor, although I know I need to get off of both. But what to take afterward?? My pain scale never goes below 5-6! :(

Have chronic back pain .my Dr no longer treats pain and gave me referral to Pain Dr..I was on percocet 10mg 4x a day which stopped working g for me!! Now they start me off on MS Contain 15mg one every 12 hours....NO RELIEF..TERRIBLE PAIN...CANNOT SLEEP.!!! It is like giving me a aspirin.sooooooo tired of PAIN!!

I took Norco 10mg for 13 years. 2-5 times daily. Since last fall with the new regs on meds for long term pain. I tried a Fentanyl patch 50mcg. It had a side effect of severe muscle pain and stiffness. It started occasionally and got worse until I could no longer take it. Naturally the new young docs here didn't really believe me but the pain stopped within a few hours of stopping it.I am now on Mscontin 15mg 3 times a day. It completely and totally paralyzed my bowel. My doc said, "what did you expect?" I went for nearly a month without a bowel movement. I took 5 or 6 laxative type meds plus enemas with no results. I finally asked my doctor for Movantik. After 3 days it worked however I have severe cramps for hours and nausea and my insurance won't pay for it. It is about $300 a month. Which without it, I cannot poop. I am sick all the time and have lost 30 lbs in 2 1/2 months. But because of the new laws, they won't give me back my Norco. I never had any problems with it for 13 years. I can't live like this. Any suggestions.

I've been taking ms cotin sence 2002 any where from 60 mm three times a day to3 100 mm 3 times a day more fine sulfate 30 ir 8 a day then I went to pain management and they cut me down to 60 mm twice a day and 15 sulfate 6 times a day and I live in pain and lost all my outdoor activities sence

twice per day 15 mg. does not last 12 hrs. does not relieve pain totally. takes a while to provide relief. I may need a stronger dose but, causing severe stomach pains, increase in blood pressure and headaches.

I'v been taking pain medication of one type or another for over 40 years and nothing seems to work anymore.

I had a fusion upon which the doctor lied after the titanium cage collapsed the first week. He said it would fuse in six months, then said it did. I carried heavy equipment with a broken back for six years. When I finally got it fused, the pain remained so I ended up taking ms contain after trying other methods for years. I have reduced the dosage to 30mg twice a day after several years at 120 mg a day. It is a miracle, but the pain is receding and I am hoping to get off any opioids soon. Thank God for pain management doctors.

I have taken other pain medications (darvocet, tramatol, vicodan, oxycontin) but they usually make me nauseous because of the rapid release of the chemical into my body. This medication is released more gradually and, because of this, I am able to tolerate it much better without feeling sick to my stomach. It has also worked wonders for my quality of life; with this medication I am not in constant pain. This allows me to be more functional throughout the day and to take on tasks without necessarily having to plan ahead and take medication in advance so that it can begin working. It's always in my system, so I'm always able to function with limited pain. It has given me back my life.

I do not think Mallinckrodt puts the same dose of morphine in the pills. Sometimes they work,sometimes not. Some days I can tske two a day. Sometimes it takes four. Have have used other brands of morphine that are not so erratic. This leaves me to believe it is Mallinckrodt.

This medication has saved my life. No more ups and downs from a 4 hour medication..your on an even keel.

I havent taken this med(MS CONTIN) for 5-6 years but i remember it as effective for severe pain. I am currently on oxycontin60 mg twice daily. What i need to know is compared to oxy what mg of ms contin is equal to 60mg's of oxy i'm changing due to tolorance to oxycontin can someone with knowledge of these meds help me out? thanks in advnce

it is a low dose and takes the pain from my neck

morphine,round blue pill-is it long acting?

Makes me very sick to my stomach and I have no appetite. Does not cover pain completely.