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Generic Name: moxifloxacin

Brand Name: Vigamox ophthalmic (eye)

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

This medication is ALWAYS the best option for our family when it comes to pink eye. Our insurance covers the expense, thankfully. My eye doctor calls it "Liquid Gold," and it definitely lives up to it's name!

These drops cost me $170 with insurance and do not work at all. 72 hours into the prescription and my eye is only getting worse, the swelling has now doubled in size and pain is radiating up from my eye to my temple. I need to go to the doctor again asap and probably pay another $200 for that visit plus another $150 for different drops. I'm 29, eat extremely healthy and workout regularly, these drops are useless.

Although most reviews said it cleared the pain and redness of pink eye in 2-3 days, It took me the full week to look passably normal again. the results were slow, but steady, redness went down dramatically after 2 days. the drops helped a bit with pain right away, but caused intense light sensitivity. the drops did nothing for swelling but cleaning out the eye with a cloth soaked in cold water, ice and witchhazel every few hours took away the swelling in half a day and helped alot with pain too. The drops didn't work as fast as expected, but the product works if you push past the first few days. I really recommend the witchhazel inbetween uses.

If you are healthy, you just need to take fruit diet along with the medication for 2 days. Avoid meat and other heavy food. For best results, eat Only fruits and drink lots of water along with the medication. Within 2 days your system will be clear and the pinkeye becomes white and the discharge stops.I have tried it today 17 th June and am successful.NB : I'm a naturopathy man I have full belief in it.You have to miss your favourite heavy foods for 2 days..That's all...I can assure 100 percent success if u are healthy enough to try it.

This is a great product. I always have extreme reactions to eye drops. I discovered it's because most have a preservative called benzalkonium chloride. Vigamox does not use this preservative. These drops were wonderful! Vigamox did not burn or irritate my eyes one bit. Thank god. It cleared up the pink eye very quickly. My insurance charged me $35. It was worth it to be able to use something that didn't leave my eyes red and painful like most eye drops do. I'm not a doctor but it's probably best not to give children any flouroqunilone antibiotic eye drops like this one - they are super strong.

I don`t believe how much you pay over there 150 $ ?? why....in Romania i just payed for a bottle 7$ seven dollars in us currency ?

Way more expensive than generic had before and doesn't work nearly as well. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone as others work better, faster and are much cheaper

This is extremely expensive, running between $75-$150 for an extremely small bottle, even with insurance. Ask your provider for an alternative for pink eye treatment that is affordable. If your doctor balks at looking up the cost, MAKE HIM OR HER tell you. Medical providers should provide this before you walk out of the clinic!

$156 per 3ml = $192307/gallon Really are you serious alternate treatment for pink eye is just as effective and costs $5.00per Bottle y with none of the side effects Google or youtube " pink eye treatment " before paying this absolutely ridiculous price . After buying the little bottle .open the packer and read the long term health warnings BEWARE

Why this medicine is so expensive?, ppl here say it costs around 100$ and more. It's a RIPP OFF! Here in Slovenia it costs only 8 eur, and I don't need to pay this either, because health care covers it. I'm telling you someone is earning very big bucks on you. I've used Tobrex, Tobradex, Azyter, but none would help. Vigamox helped right away.

Update of previous review: The drops worked wonders for the pink eye, but now I'm suffering from lasting dry eye because of the Vigamox I think. By the end of the day, my eyes are very dry, and when I wake up in the morning, I can't even open them for a few minutes. It feels like my eye lids are stuck to my eyeballs. I guess it's better than pink eye, but I'd rather not have any side effects. And this is pretty long lasting and bothersome! Boo...

These drops worked wonders for me! I was using Polymyxin B Sulfate-Trimethoprim Ophthalmic for a week with no results. With the Vigamox, I noticed a difference right away. Within two doses, the eye discharge was virtually gone, and after a couple days, I feel like I'm almost back to normal. No more swelling, itching, discharge, crusty eyes, or pain. There is still some redness, but it is rapidly and noticeably disappearing. Thank goodness I called the doctor to get these new drops...just wish I had them originally so I didn't have to go through the week of hell with the old ones!

Started this medication yesterday after being diagnosed with a corneal infection. The drops feel like battery acid is being poured into my eye, makes me photophobic and eye watery and red. Very unpleasant. It's only been a day and I have a re check tomorrow. Hopefully it has been working.

Doc prescribed Vigamox to use 3x day for 3 days prior to cataract surgery. It was tier 3 and cost $40. The generic MOXIFLOXACIN HCL is tier 2 and only cost $9. I will definitely call this to docs attention.

My son was attacked by a pitbull. We tried several eye drops/creams to get rid of the bacterial infection caused by his injuries before we found this drug. Love it. Have used it in both of my children for pink eye as well. People complaining about the side effects should research their prescriptions a lil mote before using them. I thoroughly research anything I give my children so I understand all possible side effects/reactions. Yes, it caused dry eyes, tearing, and redness. That's to be expected. It works by drying out the infection. Hrmm no brained that it might dry your eyes and sinuses too. I love this eye drop and would reccomend it. Works fast and effectively with little trouble (not like ointments that make a huge mess). My kids allow me to put it in their eyes no problem (3 and 2) as we deal with pink eye often due to seasonal allergies.

Prescribed for post-op use after laser eye surgery for vision correction (intralase SBK - bladeless Lasik). Kept eye free of infection. Also quite cheap in Canada. 3mL eyedrops were about $22-25, brand name. Not sure why on earth this would be priced at $80-110?

I used this medication after surgery to re-attach an artificial lens in my eye that had detached. The medication was prescribed to prevent post-surgical infection. I used the full bottle over several weeks as the course of my treatment. Side effects that I can trace to it are a drying of the sinus on the side of the face of the required eye; the air breathed through that nostril felt "cold" as did the nostril itself, occasionally - usually at night. Toward the end of the treatment I started to get almost an acne-type breakout on my face that cleared up once the medication ended. A symptom I had that I don't know if it can be traced to this medication or to the post-surgical Percoset I was taking was a severe migraine-like headache that occurred 4 days after the surgery (it was so painful that it hurt to touch my hair), and lasted at least 10 hours (and included vomiting). It was, without a doubt, the worst headache of my life but I'm not sure which of those two medications may have caused it. I've been off Vigamox for about a week now. This is an extremely expensive medication - $167.00 for a tiny 3ml bottle in my area. Thankfully my insurance brought down the price to $30.00, but still it is almost prohibitly expensive if you don't have insurance and you have to take it in conjunction with other non-generic opthalmic drops. If you're in that situation be sure to ask your doctor to prescribe genetics when possible. Unfortunately, I don't think that there is a generic for Vigamox as of this date.

Completing 5th day. No positive effect at all. Inflamation, light sensitivity and pain remain the same as the day I went to doctor. Will explore options and alternatives with doctor today.

I have been on this eye drop for several months due to a cornea ulcer. The ulcer healed so I stopped the drops. But two weeks later the ulcer tore. I was put back on the drops. I noticed when taking the drops a rash appeared on my back and a small area of my arm. We could not figure out what was causing it. We even had the old copper water pipes replaced hoping this would help. The dermatologist did not know what it was. It makes the skin feel like crate paper (streamers). The skin is very rigged feeling. While the drops were stopped the rash disappeared. We did not know if it was due to the water pipes being changed or not. The health department, on our request, checked our water. She asked if I was on eye drops. She said a lot of people get rashes when taking eye drops. I did not believe this but during the time that I did not take it the rash cleared. It left a scar on my arm. Has anyone else had a rash that felt like "ridges" in the skin or like crate paper? I have not talked to my pharmacist or doctor about it yet. I go to the doctor each week. I have had 6 eye surgeries in that eye due to retina detachment three times. Now the cornea has an ulcer. It is healing nicely. Thank you for any reply.

I had a severe discharge, thick(not watery) My doctor diagnosed an infection. In fact I had 2 corneal transplants several years go and use a prosthetic shell. He prescribed use every 2 hours and saw me again within 2 days. It was very effective. New dosage was 3x per day. The next day the discharge totally ceased. Called my doctor and he told me to stop using the drops because my condition no longer required it. I am extremely pleased with the result.