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Generic Name: nabumetone

Brand Name: Relafen oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I've been on this drug for almost 23 years and it really doesn't help. Started after I got RSDS/CRPS. Now, I can't have kids and get chest pain from the Relafen.

I was born with my hip out of the socket...didnt grow properly...im 45 now and pain is god awful. nothing worked until this one..what a god send!

I've been taking this medication for 4 months,and find that while the pain isn't completely gone, it is bearable.

this works great for me, but I've been have heart palpitations and I am concerned. Is this a common problem?

I have been taking Relafen for about a year now. I have arthritis in my fingers, hip, back, and neck. It has been a great relief. I do take with food twice a day. No side affects that I have noticed. I am very happy with this medication.

Had been given Tramadol to used four times per day. I was miserable could barely lie in bed with back pain extending down my leg ( have spinal stenosis and bulbing discs) also have torn meniscus on right knee that made me miserable because I couldn't straighten it. Started back on Realfen last week, I sleep great, walk great, my hands, knees and back feel great. Wonderful drug

I was prescribed this medication for severe arm, wrist, and elbow pain. After ust a few days, I'm pain free - only feel slight discomfort occaisionally. I'm very happy with the result - started this medicine with a steroid, hope it works without it too.

was on this for about 6mos and went into remission ..still in remission have been for about 10 yrs.not on medication now.

I have a bulging disc in my lower back and arthritis that flares up in my upper spine and shoulders and neck. My doctor prescribed 2 pills, of 500 mg at bedtime for 3 consecutive nights. It really does help and I like that I don't have to take it daily to get some relief. I wake up feeling much better the next morning. But like any NSID I would not recommend excessive use of alcohol to avoid liver damage.

I have a damaged disk and can not go up stairs ,sit,walk across the street or sit. this medication has helped me do all those things again. it has done wonders for me.

I can now bear weight on my foot!

Worked for first 2 weeks - then nothing. Causes fatigue, dizziness, tightness in chest. Have gone back to Ibuprofen and Turmeric. Disappointed.

Gave me chest pains within a day of taking - i stopped taking it - another worthless, poisoned, toxic additive filled worthless drug.

Prescribed for OA of the knee, not alot of pain relief but worked well at reducing inflamation.

My daughter takes RElafen and has lil relief on this medication.

I have a old knee injury that causes severe pain - feels like its bleeding inside my knee. This medication worked the first few times I took it, and now it doesn't seem to work at all. Disappointing.

it sem to work wel