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Generic Name: nefazodone

Brand Name: Serzone oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Only took one dose & had suicidal thoughts, this was back in the 1990s

I have depression and OCD. Nefazodone (Serzone) changed my life. The chains of OCD and depression fell off within 2 months of starting This medicine. This medication was an answer to prayer. I have been off and on SSRIs but they did not help much. Paxil was the only medication that helped my OCD but the side effects were bad. I have not experienced any sexual side effects, weight gain, or fatigue with Nefazodone. Its been a wonder drug for me.

Feeling of grogginess in the morning lasting several hours. Taken at bed time.

I have been taking this drug for 14 or 15 years now with absolutely no side effects. I have heard the liver tests were actually done on alcoholics in England so I really have no fear of this drug. I do have liver teats and have never had a bad result.

I have been taking Serzone(Nefazadone)for 15 years...I had extreme agraphobia and finally was able to overcome it with Serzone 100mg daily and a low dose valium 5mg daily...I have not had a panic attack in all that time.


The only antidepressant I could use without sexual side effects or diarrhea (Viibrid). Since beginning it 2 months ago, I have severe hot flashes. Not sure yet if it is the med or coincidence that I started the med at the same time menopausal symptoms appeared.

I ran out of this pill and I can really see how well it works when I am able to take it

Serzone is the only medication that has relieved my depression and made my life bearable. I've had depression since childhood and i'm lucky to have lived long enough to encounter serzone,and only by chance i believe,when i was thrown into a psyc. ward and was started on this drug in 1996. Either my doctors analysis was excellant, or it just dumb luck that i started this drug no longer matters, because i've been able to live a relatively productive and somewhat happy life since.

been on 400mg for over 10 years, get routine liver tests every 6 months. Tried others and didn't like side effects (sexual dysfunction). Just got lab results back with elevated liver enzymes - could be nefazadone related - I hope not because I don't want to go through trying new meds and jeopardize my mental well being. Knowing this medicine could cause liver damage has been a risk, but I have also been depressed-free for over 10 years.

This is the one antidepressant that has worked for me with NO side effects. I was unable to tolerate the side effects of many other drugs over the years, and my doc prescribed this as a last resort. Even with this drug I can tolerate only a very small dose, 50 mg once a day, but for me it is effective. Tried a couple of times to increase the dose, but that only increased my anxiety (for which I am being treated with clonazepam). I also take this in the morning because I found taking it at bedtime or in the evening made it difficult for me to sleep. NOTE: For those who think this drug is no longer on the market, please know that while the brand Serzone is no longer available, the generic nefazadone is available and is quite inexpensive.

I was on this in 1997 and immediately began experiencing severe nausea. I reported this to my clinician, but was told that this was a very "clean" drug, with practically no side effects. When I continued to complain, the doctor checked the literature and assured me that (at that time, anyway) nausea was not a reported side effect. The attacks of nausea were so debilitating that I had to stop whatever I was doing, and at one point I was at DMV, and wanted to ask a security guard to call an ambulance, but I couldn't move. So I laid down on the benches until the severity passed. These attacks always occurred within an hour or so of taking the dose. I simply could not continue taking them, even though the doctor kept insisting it couldn't be the Serzone. I've successfully used SSRI's since stopping Serzone. I'd forgotten this drug's name, only remembering that it was horrible, until the reports that it was pulled off the market years later. At least now, patients who continue to use this and DO experience nausea, will be taken seriously.

Serzone (Nefazadone) has worked pretty well for me for 10 years off and on. Best part: No bad side effects! It leaves me feeling a little high and mellowed, which is good because I can be a little high strung. It takes the edge off, and seems to prevent my long-term major depression from dragging me into the depths. I'd tried Wellbutrin, Effexor (terrifying), Prozac, and a few others with no luck at all. Make sure to have your liver tested every 6 months or so, as it was pulled from the market due to liver problems as a side effect. I stopped taking it suddenly a couple times while traveling overseas and running out - BAD idea. I felt drugged and drunk and could barely stand up, also got very sick and vomitous. Taper off this drug.

Was started on the generic while hospitalized. I was disoriented, a fall risk because of extreme dizziness, and it lowered my blood pressure to 70/40. To get me out of the hospital because insurance would no longer pay, I was given ritalin to counter the effects of this drug. A week later hospitalized again and changed to a different med and was feeling better.

I was on Serzone for a number of years, was a happy person again who could go outside, drive my car, go swimming, take a vacation for once and enjoyed it. I hadn't felt like normal in 20 years.Then my doctor got scared from the black box stuff and he took me off of it. My current PCP won't give it to me either saying it is banned he would have to fill out so many FORMS TO GET IT, HE JUST ISN'T COMFORTABLE GIVING IT TO ME. MY QUESTION TO HIM WAS...Well, without it,I haven't felt comfortable and my life has come down to reclusivity and my car has cob webs on it!Serzone was for me a way to get out of the house and enjoy everyday things.My liver test were always fine..I want my Serzone back right now! Small town where I live doesn't have many doctors and he belongs to the only clinic.

love this med . took it 10 years ago gor three years . had to switch to effexor xr. it is a great med. also . recently i have had to combine the two . they are the only two med that ever worked for me. only good side effects from serzone

I have taken serzone for 5 years, I have had little to no side affects. I'm starting to come off, my vision is very blurry so the Doc.s think this might be the problem.

this treatment is awsome. I love drugs.

I have been taking Serzone (nefazone) for 14 years and it works amazingly well for me. I have no side effects. It has been the best antidepressent. All the others had terrible side effects and didn't work that well. But serzone has taken away all my depression with no se's, it is a miracle. I hope they never take it off the market. Some citizens advocacy group is trying to get the FDA to ban it I hope it does not succeed because no drug has worked like this for me, and it is a generic! Best wishes to everybody.