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Generic Name: nepafenac

Brand Name: Nevanac ophthalmic (eye)

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I used this before going to bed as I had papillae in both my eyes so the ophthalmologist prescribed this and I woke up middle of the night with a swollen right eyelid.

Unlike several other bottles that my eye surgeon prescribed this one is nearly impossible to use properly. The design is absurd and requires very strong fingers which most of the people who need it simply do not have. After trying to get drops out over two weeks I managed to empty the bottle of all its contents. Fortunately my pharmacist was good enough to sell me another one. Is the manufacturer happy when we run out of this because of the poor design of the bottle?

Nevanac is great medication but bottle is horrible and very difficult to get 1 DROP OUT as you have to squeeze so hard you may get one or several drops. it is a struggle. many people who use it are seniors and find the bottle to hard to manage. please helps with the bottle problem. Many of my friends have this difficulty.

nevanac was prescribed to me as a cure of macular edema, causing gray area with almost no vision in center area of my left eye. After few days the vision corrected and after few months, my eye is completely all ok with zero damage. No surgery. I am very thankfull for this drug, regardless of its "a drop not so easy to come" application.

I don't like using this cream in my eye as it is very thick and takes a while to come out of the bottle and doesn't always make it easy to get it into the eye. I have arthritis in my fingers and you have to press the bottle very hard to get a drop out. But I must take it as am under ophthalmologist's orders after a cataract operation. I have been taking it every day, three drops per day since 23 May. Today it is 18 June and I don't see doctor until 24 June,

I had cataract surgery on both eyes and have been using Nevanac without any problems.

I had no side effects from it after cataract surgery. For a week after the surgery, whenever I felt a dull ache in my eye, the Nevanac seemed to soothe the ache, like an aspirin for my eye. My vision in the surgical eye is now 20/20.

Nevanac was prescribed for me following bilateral laser surgery for glaucoma. Withing one day after applying the drops I lost visual acuity excepting for response to light and dark and my eyes felt like they had been stuck with a hot polker. A week after cessation of the drops my vision was radically altered and I have cataracts. the doctor thinks I had a rare allergic reaction. Two days after the surgery he said my corneas looked "like ground glass." I am posting this so others will know of the rare, but possible, side effects.

After partial transplant,cataract surgery & IOL, this med which I realized later was an NSAID, caused severe stomach upset. By the time I discovered this med to be the culprit, I was practically bedridden! It is extremely expensive!!

I took this medication prior to cataract surgery along with vigamox. Now after cataract surgery I use Nevanac, Vigamox, and Durezol drops three times a day in my right eye. All is going well except that I feel sick to my stomach after using. I think it's the Nevanac in combination with the other two that might be causing my stomach to feel bad. Wondering if anyone else has had a similar side effect from Nevanac.

this treatment is awsome. I love drugs.

Used this medication for cataract surgery on both eyes (5 weeks apart). Used it for 4 days prior to continued use for approx 8 weeks after. Had no adverse effects. Was used in conjunction with prednisolone and vigamox.

Upon taking this drug, 2 days prior to cataract surgery, I started to have a "tickle" in my throat. After surgery, I have developed laryngitis. I am not sick in any way and the surgery went fine.

After cataract surgery, I was prescribed Nevanac and Omnipred. The surgery definitely corrected the dimness of vision caused by the cataract, but it left my visual acuity in that eye very reduced. The opthalmologist put me on a second course of Nevanac, suggesting that continued inflammation was the cause of the reduced acuity. After several weeks, with no improvement, I chose to discontinue the Nevanac. The acuity has neither improved nor worsened. I think I'll probably need further laser surgery to improve my vision(I would at least like to have the acuity I had before the cataract surgery), but am not sure if I trust the surgeon or the Nevanac at this point (not knowing why my vision is less sharp than when I started, though it is less dim).

these eye drops have helped so much after my surgery.

it burnes a few minutes but no other complaints.

8 weeks after cataract surgery & 2 weeks after laser surgery of the same eye. i was put on these drops for a post op infection & irritation. so far so good!

I took this pre and post operative and I experienced no pain.

Seems is the only antiflamatory choice for surgeons. Decreased my vision and had the sensation of something in my eye after my catarac surgery.