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Generic Name: nitroglycerin

Brand Name: Nitrostat sublingual

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

NitroStat works wonderfully for my angina during coronary spasms which can be severely painfully. In the hospital, I have taken up to three pills in a matter of 15 minutes; the pain lessens to a tolerable level and I only have a mild headache after the third Nitro which fades in about 10 minutes after dosage.

Excellant Results but the monopoly on it"s production makesit expensive. Example: cost doubled overnight when Pfizer was attempting a merger with a Irish company. Merger fell through but price remains.

I take it for occasional chest pain and angina attacks. Sometimes I have had to take a second one for the same episode, but dr says no more than 3

I take one Nitrostat pill sublingually when I'm having a bad angina attack. It noticeably takes the heaviest crushing pain away in 10-15 minutes, but not completely. I am forced to tolerate a lesser degree of pain. I haven't yet taken a second Nitrostat during an attack. I take other meds for high blood pressure which work fine and I worry that taking a second Nitrostat might drop my blood pressure too low. Of course if the pain remained severe, then I would take another Nitrostat and call 911.

God made this medicine!!! I take it for chest squeezing and shortness of breath, or else I would be dead!!! Miracle drug!!

I had quadruple bi-pass in 2011 and no problems till noticed a heaviness in my chest and a low grade pain, I put one tablet under tongue till it burned so intense I looked in mirror and it had decomposed and left a white tail which dissolved quickly. In aprox. 2 min a ringing an blood rush surged thru my head followed with a brief headache and after 7 min. a low grade headache is fading.Still hearing birds and crickets going off loudly in my mind? But should fade fast I think...not real bothersome but would be if working or operating.Heart feels much better and for lack of a better phrase "thicker". Solid strong beat,...nice

one pill pain gone in 3 minutes

Very effective, give you a slight headache, but nothing that's not manageable.

One tablet,so far, works fine

I used it for the first time and it worked after two doses, but gave me a huge headache, which is normal, per the cardiologist.

swallowed it the first time but was still effective

Chest pains used one tablet and went to hospital. Where they said I was in the process of an attack. I was moved to another hospital for surgery.

this drug works fast to relieve pain. I have started to use it before exercise or just walking because I have shortness of breath due to COPD. I have been using this for the past 35 days. I only take when necessary and some days I do not use at all.

this treatment is awsome. I love drugs.