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Generic Name: Abilify Maintena for Bipolar Disorder (aripiprazole)

Abilify Maintena for Bipolar Disorder Reviews

"I’ve been given this drug, 300 mg by depot every month, and am on a community treatment order, which means if I refuse, I get taken straight into the hospital. It stops psychosis in bipolar, but comes at a price: no emotions, extreme tiredness, sleeping 12-14 hours a night, so it's hard to work. I’ve lost my creative side, my sex drive, even my ability to cook. I just sit in a chair most of the time, gaining weight. I feel so sorry for my family, I’ve completely lost myself, and the psychiatrist doesn’t seem to care."

"Been taking this injection, Abilify Maintena, for the past five months and have had no side effects. I started taking the pill form (with no side effects), but I get stubborn and ambitious and stop taking my meds. Plus, it sucks to take pills every day. This has helped dramatically. My mood is significantly better and, after many years (over five), I’ve finally stabilized. I see my doctor once a month and she gives me the shot. Only downside is the price. There are many ways to get around that though... just communicate with your doctor. I highly recommend this for treatment-resistant depression and mood swings. Saved my life!"

"Abilify 400 mg injection at first made me so anxious and felt suicidal. My doctors said it wasn't the drug, it was my depression and anxiety. They persisted with it, as I'm not compliant with tablets. I have bipolar 1 with psychosis. It has helped with psychosis, but the side effects are destroying me. Extreme lethargy and total numbness, physically, mentally, and emotionally. It has made me gain weight also, despite daily exercise. I have no libido whatsoever anymore. When I complain to the psychiatrist, they just say it's not supposed to do that, there must be another reason for these things. I also feel like I have no memory but have impulses to gamble and spend money. I have no energy to fight anymore, it's so sad and disgusting that my quality of life is not a factor to these people, doctors, etc. As long as I'm not in the ward, it's all that matters to them."

"TOTAL MISERY FROM ABILIFY INJECTION 400 DOSE! I had to find somewhere to sleep all day and then slept all night too! I immediately gained in 30 days, 30 lbs- they have gone straight to my waistline! Abilify is the worst ever medication! My diagnosis- bi-polar disorder & schizoaffective disorder. I was forced into a mental hospital, told that if I refused the meds, I wouldn't be released for 30 days and I could be released in 14 days if I consented. I didn't know there was an injection too! I would have just waited it out had I known the ill effect that the Abilify injection 400 time release would have on my endocrine system!Totally ruined my lipids"

"This stuff is ugly, it numbs all feelings and desires. I sleep for about 12 to 14 hours. The weight gain is crazy, sexual side effects too. I took this stuff for a year and a half, then stopped cold turkey with no problem. I wouldn't recommend this Abilify Maintena or ever take it again."

"Starting in 2003 I have had problems. By 2009 it increased and my family finally took it serious when I tried to jump out of my mother's vehicle. 2012 I saw a new psychiatrist who finally got me stable on Abilify Maintena 400mg dose. It has been a miracle drug for me. Side effects suck but I can deal with the weight gain I guess. To counteract the fatigue I also take nuvugil and vyvance which I can sleep through these drugs that is how strong the fatigue is. But I am functional, happy, and no crazy wild thoughts. If I do have them they are not as strong and I tend to just shrug them off. I can tell the shot is working because at the end of the month I start getting irritable and sad and immediately when I take it I feel better. Oddly enough I cannot take abilify by pill form because it causes akathesia. I have tried every psychiatric drug there is and nothing has gotten me to where I am today expect Abilify Maintena"

"Forced this medication in hospital and given for 3 months afterwards because of community treatment order. Severe side effects, couldn’t keep still and yet still forced to have the drug. Now left disabled, devoid of emotion, dead to the world. They wouldn’t listen and kept forcing the drug."

"It's not for me 6 weeks on and cannot wait till it's out my system. Makes me feel like I can't stay in one place too long. It has ruined my sleep and has made me unsocial. I am not saying it's a bad drug just not for me......"

"Before Abilify I was in and out of the hospital for years. They had me on olanzapine and it made me feel like a slug so I would stop taking it and end up back in the hospital because of manic attacks. They finally suggested this med for me and it has really worked! I don't feel manic, I can think clearly, I feel normal emotions and I have a decent amount of energy. The only side effect I had was that it made me feel sick for the first month every morning. It has really worked for me but you have a give it a month for it to actually work if you are on it."

"I have been diagnosed with comorbid bipolar2 and ADHD. It has been such a struggle, trying different cocktails. The reason I give abilify a 5, is because it had treated my bipolar2, have not had any manic episodes within the past 5 months I’ve received the 400mg injection, however I am started to feel that numb and empty feeling again (no sex drive and not many pleasant emotions either). It’s so miserable, I wish it was a faster process instead of having to wait until my next doctors appointment to tell him to take me off of this or at least lower my dose. From previous experience I do not stop a medication without consulting my doctor and I would highly recommend doing the same as it can lead to detriment in your life if you have manic episodes such as myself. Right now though, I wish I could just stop it so I have more energy. I’m also on lamictal and Dexedrine. I won’t give up, and I hope that those of you struggling can remain resilient in your search for a cure."

"So where to begin. I love how this drug completely turned my life around in a really positive way. Used to have multiple manic episodes a year. I haven't had one in over a year after being on this drug. The reason I'm giving this an 8 as its incredibly effective as a mood stabilizer but it makes you too stable to the point of feeling numb at a high dose. Some minor weight gain thats slowly going away, and akathisia which is also slowly going away. I hope that the anhedonia will also slowly back off over time. Lets see. If I had to take this or be unstable I would take this. Also starting this was a nightmare as it made me incredibly agitated before it eventually stabilized my mood."

"This is my story. 20 years ago I developed clinical depression possibly bipolar. That was bad enough but the change in brain chemistry plunged me into immediate/overnight alcoholism. Nothing worked for 20 years. This drug cured my alcoholism. I am a normal drinker now. I have no idea why this drug cured my alcoholism but it did."

"This is an amazing medication! It has stabilized me like no other medication. I have been receiving injections since October 2016, to show how effective it's been. I'm also on Depakote ER, and Abilify Maintena has worked wonderfully with it. I sometimes have trouble remembering to take my medications or falling asleep before I take my night medications, so the fact that it's only a once-a-month injection works perfectly for me. I haven't seemed to have any side effects from it, either."

"My left eyelid gets stuck closed every morning, no discharge in the eye. Shortness of breath and also heart pains occasionally. I am seeing a Neuro Ophthalmologist, he cannot find anything wrong with me. I am also seeing a cardiologist and he can't find anything wrong with me. So, my family doctor thinks it's my shot causing these side effects."

"I've been on abilify maintena for 3 days. I already feel better after being on paliperidone depot which made me depressed anxious and I had had dark thought patterns. Abilify has to be the better medication I've tried, I was diagnosed with bipolar in 2009."

"I have been on Abilify for just over a month I have found a big difference in my moods. As of today December 19th 2022 I take the Abilify injection but still have to take Abilify tablets for 2 weeks that's how long it takes to get into your system. I like it, it works well for me."

"I received an injection to treat my bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Before getting the shot, I researched the reviews and learned that drowsiness was a common side effect. I have also noticed a slight slowing of my motor skills. It is important to note that the shot amplifies the effects of normal Abilify pill dosages. Initially, I was excited about the shot as it promised to help with my delusions and improve my functionality. However, I would advise to make sure you have a strong reason for taking the shot as it can make you feel sluggish. Overall, it is important to consider the potential side effects and weigh them against the benefits before making a decision."

"I prefer it to the four pills per day that I took over a decade and a half; I do not have to remember what to take, morning/night, etc."

"I gain 20 pounds every injection. I was 120 pounds. Now I am 220lb. No matter what I do I can't stop this weight gain on Abilify. I have nothing positive to say about this medication. Thank you."

"Abilify Maintena is the only medication that works for my bipolar I. The only noticeable side effect is decreased libido. Great for people like me who are not med compliant with pills."

"Major weigh gain. I feeling tired all the time, but on the other hand my moods have been completely stable. Except for focus which I was prescribed concerta for. It seems to be working :)"

"This is the first time actually taking the injection and I honestly rather continue taking it"

"Love it. Keeps me stable. I can feel when it begins to wear off and I don't like that but as soon as I get injection I feel better. No voices except when close to injection time."

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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: atypical antipsychotics
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Abilify Maintena drug information
  • Abilify Maintena Prefilled Syringe injection

Other brands

Aristada, Abilify Asimtufii, Abilify Discmelt, Aristada Initio

Professional resources

  • Abilify Maintena prescribing information
  • Aripiprazole (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Aristada, Abilify Asimtufii, Aristada Initio

Other formulations

  • Abilify
  • Abilify MyCite Maintenance Kit oral with sensor

Related treatment guides

  • Schizophrenia
  • Bipolar Disorder