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Generic Name: octreotide acetate

Brand Name: Sandostatin injection

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have metastasis bone carcinoid tumors from the endocrin system after removal of my left lung lobe 12 years ago. The first 5 months were showing dramatic decrease in cancer activity and then my liver ALT:AST levels shot up. Found I had sludging then a stone in my bile duct which now has to be removed. Back on it as the one month I stopped the cancer activity was shooting upwards. Appetite decrease and my sugar is going up. Was not diabetic 8 months ago now my glucose is ~125. Tumor in spine causing pain so now doing radiation too. Overall it does a good job holding tumor growth but these side effects are adding up. Iâ??m being monitored closely and since there are no other good options Iâ??m learning how to live with the side effects

After diagnosis and beginning injections I remained stable for over for years, and I believe the sandostatin was largely responsible. Recently there was some disease progression so I had chemo-embolization procedure which shrunk the largest tumors (liver). that brought all my liver enzymes back to normal and chromogranin and 5-HIAA to their lowest levels since they started measuring them.

Oncologist began my injections 18 month ago for carcinoid tumors in my liver and spleen. I do not have carcinoid syndrome. So far tumors are stable.

does not seem to be compatible with warfarin


I have neuroendocrine cancer that has spread to my liver. I do not have carcinoid syndrome. My doc prescribes sando to shrink and/or stabilize growth of tumors, which is has proven to do over a period of 3 years. I have no side effects from the monthly injection.

I have had lot of joint pain and weakness, blurred vision blood pressure not stable,

Have injection every 28days ...very good so far. Have notice my blood glucose level falls - symptoms feel shaky . Not to often . I check my own sugar levels now ,just to see what is happening to my blood. Also good for your consultant to see the trend ,pattern to what is happening over the course of your treatment.

Works for my symptoms, but developed gall bladder problems and had to have it removed; now my glucose is rising each month and I hope I don't become diabetic.

I have been getting 30mg shot every 3 weeks, I was given 6 months to live ,that was Feb. 2000, I cant believe that I am still around. The shot site is very painful for about 1 week after receiving treatment.I believe that receiving the shot is what has prolonged my life.

Severe diarrhea, unknown cause - It was ruining my life. I was homebound until I started taking this medication and now I am symptom free. I am on 10mg a month and I visit my GI doctor monthly to receive the shot which is painful but worth it.

I am using Sandostatin for Crohn's Disease injecting myself 3 times a day I have found it very helpful in controlling diaroeah I recently spoke to my Specialist about having the long acting Sandostatin Injection once monthly but was told in having it I would not be able to "top it up" if need be.

I have an injection once a month by my doctor for carcinoid cancer. Five months without any problems.

I've been using octreotide since Oct 2001 doing about 400-500mcg daily divided by 3 to 4 inj with 31G 5/16 syringes. The drug has kept me alive!

I have sever dumping syndrome which had pretty much debilitated me. I have had NO serious dumping attacks since the first injection and am 90% better. I had been completely non- functional before this, and am finally starting to feel morecnormal, like eating, less tired, less sweaty, no heart palps after eating. I had given up hope. This drug has been miraculous in my case!

diagnosed with carcinoid tumors 5/07. taking shots from onocologist since 6/07. So far seems to be ok.

i go from 1 bout to four bouts of diareah a day, mostly 3 to 4.

carcinoid tumor. I am given a shot once a month by an oncologist. So far no symptoms. Been receiving shot since 6/07.