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Generic Name: Gabapentin for Neuropathic Pain (gabapentin)

Gabapentin for Neuropathic Pain Reviews

"This drug has ruined my life. While it is meant to treat nerve pain, it had a paradoxical effect and caused nerve pain to spread over my entire body two days after taking it. I have now had nerve pain in my eyes, face, ears, and entire body for five months. I am not the first patient to report this. Simply check out the Gabapentin groups on Facebook and you’ll see how many people's lives this drug has ruined. I am in pain 24/7 thanks to a drug meant to fix nerve pain. My doctors confirmed they have seen this reaction in patients. Doctors, please stop prescribing this. I stopped the drug after two weeks so it was not even a withdrawal; yet I have heard the same story over and over (patients develop full body nerve pain after several days on the drug that lasts months to years or more)."

"Started on gabapentin 100mg three times a day in March 2020, had no feeling in my legs and feet and terrible pain in back. It helped a little. Now I am on 300mg three times a day and I am much better. Feeling back in legs and feet. Back occasionally painful. These have helped me so much. Side effects: nothing really. Sometimes cranky, but then it could be my age, 68. I am so grateful to my consultant. I at least can walk with sticks."

"After a severe arm injury and three surgeries to repair my shattered bones, the nerve pain was extreme. There was so much damage that opioids like oxycodone did nothing. Even morphine didn't help! Gabapentin at a high dosage - 2400 mg a day - has helped me a lot. Yes, I still have strange sensations, some numbness and stinging in my arm, but the nerve pain is not controlling my life. Side effects are not too bad - I can drive. No nausea, no dizziness. I do sleep much longer. Warning: If your dose isn't working, you might need it adjusted. I started on 900 mg a day and had no relief. The higher dose finally did the trick. Good luck to all, I never expected to be living in chronic pain, and now I know how hard this is."

"I took this drug, gabapentin, for back pain related to a herniated disc. I was on the medication for 3 months at 900 mg per day, and it took me 9 months to get off due to extreme withdrawal and discontinuation symptoms. It has been really hard, and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemies. Think before accepting a prescription for gabapentin."

"In the past, I consulted a doctor for my chronic pain, but they refused to prescribe a narcotic. Instead, I was prescribed Gabapentin with a gradual dosage increase schedule that I cannot recall the name of. Unfortunately, the doctor abruptly cut out the narcotic without safely decreasing the dose, which caused me to experience withdrawal symptoms. Eventually, I was put on high doses of Gabapentin, which led to suicidal ideation. Although Gabapentin is used for seizure sufferers, it can alter brain function. However, I was able to recognize my situation and sought out a new doctor who eventually prescribed narcotics to alleviate my pain. I hope my experience can serve as a cautionary tale and encourage people to be careful when taking medication. While it may work for some, it may not work for others. Remember, life is precious, and I hope to prevent others from experiencing what I went through."

"Yes, gabapentin works for pain. I took it for 6 years. But the withdrawal is worse physically and mentally than you could ever imagine, and doctors are beyond uneducated on this! There is a support group of over 4,000 people dealing with it! Gabapentin (Neurontin) withdrawal support! I wish every doctor and patient would read this! We do not let animals suffer like this!"

"I have been on Neurontin since 1999. Was 1800mg a day, now on 900. Quit once because I was still in a lot of pain. OMG! Got back on after a week. Pain is more tolerable taking this. I've had over 70 broken bones and many surgeries to correct. All arthritic now. I will take this drug until my dying day!!"

"Not good for me. It caused so many other problems and made me almost immobile. Severely dropping glucose levels was one. Depression, anxiety, dizziness. All inclusive. I weaned myself off of it and all those problems went away. I now consider it a dangerous drug. I described my symptoms to my doctors for over a year, and all I got was a referral to specialists. Not one of them mentioned that it might be the gabapentin. I had to figure that out on my own."

"I have been on pain medication for 10 years. I was in a horrible car accident and then later diagnosed with fibromyalgia. You know... That made up diagnosis where everyone treats you like you are crazy and you don't have chronic pain. I lived month by month, growing a ridiculous tolerance to pain meds, and popping them like candy to get through the day. I was ashamed of my opiate use and tried many times to stop. Only to be in terrible pain that made me beyond miserable. My whole body hurt. Every muscle, every bone. Finally, I researched Gabapentin and asked my doctor to take me off all opiates. I stopped the opiates cold turkey...after 10 years of them. The gabapentin worked after 2 days. I am pain free and so thankful. It is amazing!!"

"After over 12 months of trying a million different unsuccessful medications, expensive treatments, and therapies, I was prescribed Gabapentin for my chronic neck and back nerve pain. I've been on it for two weeks and it's a miracle, my pain has reduced probably around 80%, and I can live with that! I also have had fibromyalgia for 24 years, and since taking Gabapentin, I've had very little symptoms. Though I haven't been taking it long enough to know how it manages the big flare-ups I get when my immune system is challenged, so we'll see. But I would definitely recommend this drug, no side effects, and with regular light exercise and massage, I am getting my life back again!!"

"I have been taking gabapentin for about 3 years for neuropathy pain and also restless leg syndrome. It has helped me enormously! I take two 300 mg a few hours before bed, and I actually get a full night's sleep, instead of waking up every couple of hours. I know one of the side effects is memory loss, but it is so slight for me. I could also toss that up to age too, though. I have noticed since I started taking it that I never remember any of my dreams (I used to remember them quite vividly, even days after). I really have no cons for this drug - it has worked very well for me."

"I was prescribed 100 mg a day for tendonitis. At first, it was great, but then I had dizzy spells and blurred vision. After a few days, I broke the capsule open and removed half and took it in the morning. I had been quite short-tempered due to stress at work, and that immediately went away. My tendonitis is gone due to physical therapy and rest, but amazingly, this low dose has completely changed me into a person who isn't irritable all day. I can still focus on work, and I'm sleeping well."

"Hi. I have a spine issue with cervical spinal stenosis and back pain, and having numbness, tingling, and weakness in my arms and hands and in my feet sometimes. The meds are helping but not fully, plus having unwanted side effects such as speaking problems, unsteadiness, drowsiness, and sleeping all morning, so it's difficult to get up. Makes me weak."

"I take Gabapentin for a pinched nerve from L1-S5 disc degeneration. It helps with movement, but I still have pain that travels down my right leg. I just want to be able to drive my car without extreme pain. I also get swelling in my feet from Gabapentin. Anyone have similar experiences? If so, what do you do? Thank you."

"I had a case of shingles on my head and face and was given 300 mg of Gabapentin to take for the awful pain. It didn’t seem to help much, but the nerve pain down my arm from a spinal injury that I'd had for a while was gone. So my doctor kept me on it. No more migraines, very little nerve pain, muscles less inflamed, and blood pressure down. I sleep well but feel very tired ALL the time. At 300 mg dose, I was dizzy, stumbling, blurred vision, and nauseated. Gained 14 pounds. So I have dropped back to 100 mg dose at night. I’ve been concerned about my driving because I do not feel as alert and my response time is slow. What has been really frightening, however, is that I have stopped breathing during the night and wake up in complete panic. I’m scared and trying to step back my usage. Already my shoulder muscles hurt and the nerve pain down my arm and in my hand is coming back."

"I've had pain and numbness for about 3-4 years. I can't function efficiently, I have extreme anxiety, horrible coordination. I took Gabapentin out of being hopeless. I took 1 old 600mg and just kinda went on. Hours later it's like my physical stuff was pretty much gone. I could think clearly, regained use of muscles that were numb, I feel alive for once. I love Gabapentin!"

"I have tried this medication various times but always end up discontinuing it. It works at first for the intractable one-sided facial nerve pain I have, but once the medicine builds up in the body, even at a low dose, I begin getting these internal vibration tremors that do not subside until the medicine is fully out of the system. I need to take a benzodiazepine to help it subside faster, as it is unbearable. Nothing helps my facial eye, ear, and neck pain consistently where I don't have horrible side effects. I have tried plenty of medications. I don't know how some people tolerate these medications. I guess they are lucky. I am sure there are other people that have the same side effects as me. I'm giving it a 2 and not a 1 because it starts helping my pain but then deceives me with the awful side effect. Just another failure in the pharmaceutical industry for unbearable chronic pain patients to experience."

"I was just recently prescribed gabapentin first at 100 mg 3 times a day, but no relief really. Then the doctor jumped it up to 600 mg three times a day, which is the gabapentin dose that really works for me. It's really helping a lot. I woke up at 4 a.m. and it had been 6 hours since my last dose, and OMG, the pain was horrible. Took the pill, and about 45 minutes later, I felt so much better. So, 3x a day is not going to work when at a 6-hour period or less the pain becomes unbearable. Pinched nerve in shoulder and pain comes down my arm, severe pain at elbow, and then goes down into my hands slightly. The top of my hand is numb and my pointer finger is numb. I go to the orthopedic tomorrow to see what is causing this, then I have a massage therapist that was highly recommended later the same day. I pray this will get resolved and we can find the cause. I'm only 48 and in good health. This really makes me grateful as well that the gabapentin helps as there are so many people with severe chronic pain that will never go away and have to live with this type of pain or worse."

"Started with gabapentin, one dose 100 mg, and then was instructed to increase to 3 doses for back issues related to spinal stenosis (tingling, numb leg, etc.). I started noticing breathing issues when I sleep, felt like I was taking an extra breath, then severe reflux, then diarrhea. I saw three specialists, none made the connection. I have decreased to one a day, reflux is decreased, and so is diarrhea."

"I started on gabapentin three a day for spine fractures and lots of pinched nerves and osteoporosis. It was like I got a fresh life, I managed to walk the dogs, which I could never do. I felt a bit high at first, and the doctor says I go up in dose slowly. It's a great improvement already."

"My behavioral health specialist (a physician's assistant) had recommended I try Gabapentin for many years, before I finally agreed. My life has improved, plain and simple! Originally prescribed in an attempt to address my chronic insomnia issues, in that respect (like all the other traditional & nontraditional Rxs/otc aids I've tried), Gabapentin did not help, or at least directly. It has helped with my chronic nerve pain & occasional restless legs syndrome, absolutely immeasurably. I could feel a gentle change down my sciatic nerve within the first couple of nights (100 mg, bid, initially). I've been on it for over 6 months (currently 200 mg, bid). If I forget to take it, I feel like I used to all the time: achy joints, shaky/spazzy/tense legs when lying down, slight chest discomfort (like an almost panic attack), numbness/tingling in my extremities, purple feet in the shower, just arthritic really—which makes me not a pleasant person & not want to do anything. Gabapentin has been really wonderful & a positive drug in my life, which I cannot say about many I've tried. If you skip it, you will feel like a truck hit you (which is how I used to feel all the time). Other things I take daily: • Potassium supplement, helpful against muscle cramps • Vitamin D3 (3k iu's), helpful for mood • Propranolol (10 mg, 2-3x day), helpful against anxiety & involuntary phobic 'fight or flight' reactions."

"20 years plus of left arm pain. Been on just about everything from aspirin to 180 mg morphine 3x a day. I am a veteran from the Marine Corps, so my meds came from the VA. But I was given this medication once, and I took it for a day, and it did not work, so I set it aside. I took myself off all meds except Ultram. Started to take too much. M.D. told me better take it easy or you will be cut from meds at VA. Once again, I was prescribed gabapentin. Three times a day. After a week of taking it, I thought to myself, WOW, what's going on here? Cutting back on Ultram and this stuff is working. I have been through so, so, so much. I have thought about harming myself because of my pain. First thing that works. Thanks for helping people like me."

"My advice is: be watched closely by your doctors and family or a friend. Gabapentin made me severely suicidal, and so did pregabalin. The doctors didn’t believe it. But the warning is in all literature that came with it and that chemist gave me. Never use this dreadful drug for if already history of depression."

"Nerve damage to my back occurred as a result of a car accident. Nerve misfiring occurred. Electrical stabs of pain of varying degrees occurred randomly throughout my body. When falling asleep, electrical activity picked up such that I had to restrain my arms, legs, and head. It took 3500 mg/day to suppress the pain. No side effects. I sold my car and walked for years as my body gradually healed and the dosage required dropped eventually to zero. A second type of nerve pain coexisted that Neurontin did not touch, a burning pain that occurred all over my body. By chance (thanks, Docs), I discovered that Valium works very well in suppressing this type of nerve pain. Also might try a combo of Neurontin and medical marijuana and walking."

"Was taking gabapentin for over a year for the neuropathy in my feet, but it also slowed down my 'hot flashes.' But I woke up Saturday morning a couple of weeks ago with my feet and ankles the size of soccer balls and water balloons under my eyes. My husband took me to the ER as I was starting to have chest pain. They kept me for four days and ran every test they could think of. I have diastolic-congestive heart failure caused by the gabapentin."

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  • During pregnancy
  • Support group
  • Drug class: gamma-aminobutyric acid analogs
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Gabapentin drug information
  • Gabapentin Capsules
  • Gabapentin Oral Solution
  • Gabapentin Tablets (PHN)
  • Gabapentin Tablets 600 mg and 800 mg

Other brands

Neurontin, Gralise, Gabarone

Professional resources

  • Gabapentin monograph
  • Gabapentin (FDA)
  • Gabapentin Capsules (FDA)
  • Gabapentin Oral Solution (FDA)
  • Gabapentin Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Neurontin, Gralise

Related treatment guides

  • Back Pain
  • Alcohol Use Disorder
  • Anxiety
  • Alcohol Withdrawal