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Generic Name: Limbitrol DS (amitriptyline-chlordiazepoxide)

Limbitrol DS Reviews

For Depression "This healed my anxiety and deep depression and made me able to work, think, work out, enjoy my life, and recoup the losses caused by my illness. My whole self got well, including physical ailments. Had no difficulty tapering off when I was completely well."

For Anxiety "I tried all sorts of SSRI's with no effect. I tried this medicine and after about a month I began to feel a lot better. I take this with 5mg of Valium whenever I have panic attacks. The only side effect I had was a slightly unpleasant taste in my mouth. It can be a bit annoying, but I suffer so much from anxiety, a little bad taste in my mouth is not too much to deal with. I would recommend this to anyone who has tried many medications with no results, and really need relief from their severe anxiety."

For Anxiety "I started this medication 3 weeks ago and like it, I am on the low dose one before bedtime! Working so far, but may ask doctor to up the dose on my refill! Have had no side effects that I am aware of at this time!"

More about Limbitrol DS (amitriptyline / chlordiazepoxide)

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  • Drug images
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: psychotherapeutic combinations

Patient resources

  • Limbitrol DS advanced reading

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Professional resources

  • Chlordiazepoxide,Amitriptyline prescribing information

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Related treatment guides

  • Anxiety
  • Depression