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Generic Name: ondansetron HCl (PF)

Brand Name: Zofran (PF) injection

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have chronic migrianes and one of the worst side-effects is severe nausea. Before Zofran, I had constant nausea, and at one point I was so sick I went down to 65lbs (I'm 5'2"). Now I give myself daily injections of Zofran, and within 15 minutes my nausea is gone. I prefer this med to promethazine (because when I inject that, I get welts and bruising aside from it being quite painful). Zofran on the other hand doesn't sting while being administered, and I've never had any know side-effects. It's a life saver.

I was randomly throwing up all day and my doctor immediatly gave me a shot of Zofran. Within ten minutes, I was back to my normal (albeit tired) self. I can go back to work now!