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Generic Name: Stiolto Respimat for COPD (olodaterol-tiotropium)

Stiolto Respimat for COPD Reviews

"I live in Australia, and I have moderate COPD. My doctor thought I should stop using Seretide because of the worry of increased pneumonia risk. I persevered with Stiolto Respimat for just under a week. My condition deteriorated dramatically. I found my breathing labored with a huge increase of phlegm produced and constant coughing. I could no longer walk any distance without stopping to catch my breath. As soon as I stopped taking it, my breathing started to recover."

"A few weeks ago, my physician gave me a sample of this to try since the Symbicort I had been using for more than 2 years was no longer as effective as it had been. I've been using this once a day now for about 3 weeks and have had considerable relief. It did take me a couple of days to get the hang of using this new-style delivery system. It's really easy to push the delivery button before you get your mouth over the Respimat properly."

"I have had COPD for about 5 years and switched from Advair and Tudorza to Stiolto as the Advair caused my voice to sound like I had chronic pharyngitis. My doctor thought the once-a-day medication would be convenient, however, by 2 pm, I had significant shortness of breath. It is also very easy to accidentally dispense. I think for some patients, putting it together may be difficult as well. When it works in the morning, it's great, it just doesn't work all day, at least not for me. I am now trying Bevespi, we'll see how that goes. I hope we all find the right medication to assist us in managing our disease and live the fullest life possible. Good luck, everyone."

"This medicine works, it's fantastic when used properly. It is simple to use. There is no trouble pushing the cartridge in to get it started. It does not cause shortness of breath later on unless you have not taken it correctly. When correctly dosed, I have seen it work for many patients, and it works for me too. I am a nurse."

"I was wondering... does anyone else rinse their mouth out after each use of Stiolto? Sad to say, I don't always read all the instructions, and after about a year using it, have just found out the literature that comes with it instructs you to rinse your mouth out after each use. Anyone? Looking forward to feedback here... Thanks."

"This is my third day using it. For the last 3 years I've been using Symbicort, and it was no longer as effective, so I was given this to try. I honestly forget I have emphysema and am so grateful for this inhaler!"

"Wonderful. First couple times it sort of wore off, what I thought was too soon, but that was my delivery that was wrong. After I got the hang of it, works great. Easiest my day has been in a long time. Went to the store and didn't even carry my O2 with me, that's a big change for me because I am so afraid not to have my O2 handy."

"I started taking Stiolto Respimat in Jan. 2016. For the first few months, everything was great. Then I started to have memory issues and confusion. I know this contains an anticholinergic. Two years ago, I stopped taking medication for an overactive bladder that contained an anticholinergic because of the very same reason. A few months later, my memory was back to normal (normal for me!) and the confusion totally went away. I was hoping that since this is an inhaler and not a pill, I might have better results. Unfortunately, no. After four months, the confusion and forgetfulness became a real problem. I decided to stop the inhaler this morning and will ask my doctor for an alternative - without an anticholinergic."

"I do hope you are all breathing well or as well as can be expected. So I have now been on the Spiolto Respimat (in Australia that is what they are calling it!) since the 17th of July 2017, so it's only been a little over a week. I am still unsure, but many times I think it is amazing. Given I have been taking the Ventolin, Spiriva, and Seretide for years now... I believe it will take some time before I can fully evaluate Spiolto's effectiveness. Could someone who is currently using Spiolto and finding it works, what reliever other than Ventolin do you use? I do wish you and yours all the very best now and in the future. And thank you so much for all your comments. I found them really useful."

"Stiolto started working for me right away. I'm allergic to several steroids, so there are quite a few COPD meds I tried and could not use. I have no pain, very little mouth dryness, and zero blisters! Also, I have none of the possible side effects, which is amazing. No headache! It seems to nudge my airways open quickly. Immediately upon use, I might cough for two minutes, but then coughing is basically gone the rest of the day. I have Levalbuterol on hand for emergencies but very rarely need to use it. If your insurance does not cover, your Pulmonologist may be able to write a letter on your behalf. It's expensive, so I recommend trying other brands first. Have your doctor or pharmacist show you how to use the dispenser for sure."

"I have severe COPD and have tried many breathing medications through the years. This is the worst for me. The delivery system is quite complicated and requires more strength than I have. The medication dries me out and makes breathing more difficult. I will return to Anoro."

"10 days in use, I ceased the Stiolto Respimat this a.m. Monday 01-17 Due to, - Anterior & Posterior Pain (above already stenosis) lower grade pain but similar to cracked/broken lower ribs. - Salivary Glands Swelling (day 9) right side Parotid and Submandibular'Submaxillary. (large - obvious) - Excess night Urinations (eve. day 9) Eight times? - Front upper leg muscles (quads) sore / weak - More episodes of phlegm (white/clear) to cough out. - No improvement w/ shortness of breath. - Constipation - other ... - Sporadic sharp shooting pain, right to left , horizontally across anterior torso, approx. at top of abdoman, across right lower rib cage to left side. - Horizontal "zap" (akin to dragging hot electrical wire over/across metal surface) from central proximity left ear to right, simultaniously with frontal head lobe pain/pressure. One time occurence, under stress, seemed a two second duration."

"I have used Stiolto for 32 months now. No side effects. This is a expensive Respimat some insurance companies don't cover it. The last I checked it costs 435.00 a month. My insurance dose cover it I pay 10.00. This is the best one I have used. Better than Spiriva."

"I was diagnosed with early emphysema on October 11, 2017 (5 weeks ago). I have never used a bronchodilator previously, and I find this product easy to use. I no longer wheeze when lying down and believe my breathing is easier than before."

"I take this drug along with Alvesco and they work for me. I still have some coughing and congestion but do not have to use a rescue inhaler very often. I tried switching to Trilegy so I would need just one inhaler but ended up with more congestion and much more coughing."

"I have had two samples of this respima. I have taken one and just started my second one . I have been on Spiriva and albuteral . So far I am not noticing any difference with respimat .At least with spiriva I would get rid of some phlegm that is not happening with Stiolto Respimat so my doctor said let him know if this makes any difference ."

"I have been using the Stiolto inhaler for about 6+ years. I have two other prescriptions that I get along with it (Flovent and albuterol for nebulizer) plus the rescue inhaler. The Stiolto is by far the best one. The reason I know that is because I have been out of one or the other along the way and the one I suffer the most without is Stiolto."

"I have had COPD over 20 years & still manage to do most things like shopping, housework, some gardening etc. I just can't walk far or uphill. Anyway, I've been on many meds over the years. Have been on Spiolto (Stiolto) Respimat for probably 5 years. Find it easy to load & use. I use 2 inhalations once a day, and also use Symbicort - both as a preventer and a rescue inhaler. (I don't think it does much for me, to be honest). Spiolto Respimat always seemed to work OK, but now, suddenly, I am finding it impossible to use because as soon as I breathe in the mist, I cough violently. It makes me wonder what's changed? I'll ask my doc next visit......"

"I've used Stiolto Respimat for approximately two years and find it works very well. I had been using Albuterol and had to go to the hospital as it didn't control my breathing at all. Now that I've been on it, I breath fairly well and have no side effects. It's expensive, but it does work!"

"I was on advair and spiriva, then dr wanted to take me off steroids so I got on anoro. Anoro tastes so awful I wanted to try something else so he gave me samples of Stiolto . I’m on day 4 and I have cold sores on my mouth , troubles breathing and just feel sick . I’m going back to Anoro , even if it does taste like poison . The second day I tried the Stiolto I couldn’t even get it in my lungs without coughing . Definitely not for me ."

"This combination works really well for me however the actually delivery system is awful. It's touchy and very easy to accidentally set off. Would be much better if it was an inhaler like you see with albuterol. No I don't like that cartridge at all. My doctor gave me a few samples to try and I'm certain that the cartridges skipped ahead a couple times plus I set it off a few times. Way too expensive to waste like that. If I could rate the medicine and the delivery separate the meds would get a 9 and the delivery a 2. The price without insurance is just absurd, $511 per cartridge."

"Stiolto works very well for my COPD. It does have one side effect that I don't like. My eyes water. The substance is oily and makes my eyelashes stick together at night. It can also turn into a solid crystal substance that I have to pull off my eyelashes. I think I will try a dose every other day as I think it may be too much for my body to process. I weigh 108 pounds and may be getting too much medicine for my body."

"I have mild COPD and I started taking this medication in July 2021. I was thrilled to be able to breathe again, plus I had lots of good energy. Now, after a bad cold in January, the Stiolto seems diminished in its effect. I feel ok for several hours and then it's back to labored breathing if I try walking a block or more. So disappointed. Previously used Spirva for several years. Can you build up an intolerance to Stiolto?"

"This made my shortness of breath worse. It doesn’t help at all . Plus I have heart problems and take a beta blocker . IMHO this stuff is way to expensive to not work for my lungs. I’ll take my chances with just my rescue inhaler and Qvar."

"I have been using Stiolto for about 3 years. I have found it to be very effective at stopping my COPD cough for the first 3 weeks. After that, the coughing starts back up. As soon as I start a new one, the coughing goes away. The product is good, but the medication runs out before 30 days, and for what they charge for it, it should last 30 days like it says. I would give it a 10 if it lasted 30 days."

More about Stiolto Respimat (olodaterol / tiotropium)

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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: bronchodilator combinations
  • En español

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  • Stiolto Respimat drug information
  • Stiolto Respimat 28 ACT
  • Stiolto Respimat 60 ACT

Professional resources

  • Stiolto Respimat prescribing information

Related treatment guides

  • COPD, Maintenance
  • COPD