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Generic Name: Abraxane (paclitaxel-protein-bound)

Abraxane Reviews

For Breast Cancer "Helped lower tumor markers significantly when recurrence occurred. Slowed cancer growth for 6 mos before neuropathy got too bad. Did not make my wife as sick as Adriamycin/Cytoxin which was her primary treatment at first occurrence. On the downside, our insurance company, BCBS Illinois did not cover Abraxane and we were left with a $54,000 bill. Drug company eventually provided replacement drug as hardship."

For Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "My husband, who is 74 years old, suffers from lung and trachea cancer. He receives three Abraxane infusions in three consecutive weeks. The reaction was brutal. You could say he had all the possible side effects and then some. Almost 2 month after treatment and after two hospital admissions, one of them in Intensive Care, he still feels extremely weak. Hard to believe that a medication supposed to help you live, can almost kill you. I also want to mention the extremely high cost of Abraxane. We end up paying a deductible of $2500 and we have Humana Medicare. Three treatments cost the staggering amount of $13500."

For Breast Cancer "Have just finished 12 weeks of this for Stage 2 breast cancer. After my first chemo I was told to go and buy some gastro stop for the drive home but I have been very lucky. The only side effects I have had is some aching in my thumbs but I can live with that. I am now about to start Femara for five years and reading some of the reviews and side effects a bit worried."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I have been given Abraxane and Avastin together and after one treatment I had no more pain. I didn't have alot of side effects. Maybe hair loss, which was the least of my concerns. "

For Breast Cancer "This medicine saved my life! I received it weekly for 6 months."

For Pancreatic Cancer "Very toxic to liver. Uncontrollable ascites. Damaging to nerves especially feet and hands. Didn't stop mets. Promises very little outcome. Brother died from liver failure with this drug."

More about Abraxane (paclitaxel protein-bound)

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  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: mitotic inhibitors
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Abraxane drug information

Related treatment guides

  • Pancreatic Cancer
  • Breast Cancer, Metastatic
  • Non Small Cell Lung Cancer
  • Breast Cancer