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Generic Name: Leqvio for High Cholesterol (inclisiran)

Leqvio for High Cholesterol Reviews

"Update to my post on August 2023. 4 weeks after my 4th injection, I was diagnosed with a sterile UTI bladder infection. On top of that, I have had multiple night leg cramps and joint and muscle pains from head to toe. I told the doctor I will not be taking any more injections and I will go back to 5mg Crestor every third day. I can't find any information about how long it takes for Leqvio to get out of the system. Hopefully, I will feel better at the 6-month mark and pray no permanent damage was done. I was so hopeful since I had no initial symptoms, but it was not meant to last."

"Had first dose. Have been experiencing leg cramps, not severe, wearing support hose helps a lot. The other thing I am experiencing is migraine headaches. Although the shot was given Dec. 14th, the headaches started the week of February 9th. Has anyone had this problem?"

"Leqvio lowered my cholesterol to 128, but the side effects include shortness of breath, diarrhea, weight loss of 28 lbs in 6 months, chest pains, frequent urination, muscle cramps. I could barely walk and had to undergo several tests including a colonoscopy, angiogram, and lung examination. It was determined that all these symptoms were caused by the medication. Doctors have taken me off of Leqvio. It was effective, but I can't tolerate it."

"I am on week 3 following the initial dose. Week 1 had minimal side effects: cough, a little sore muscles. Week 2 full-blown Bronchitis, cough, shortness of breath, absolute misery. Week 3 Bronchitis calming down, but now have extreme tiredness. I sleep 8-10 hours and still need a mid-afternoon nap. Before the injection, I'd sleep 6-9 hours and wake up well-rested and full of energy. I hope these side effects go away soon. If not, no more injections for me - Quality of life trumps this 'cure'."

"Just had 2nd injection…side effects abound (headache, nausea, muscle weakness and pain, low backache, constipation, ridiculous levels of fatigue, and much more) and never fully dissipated after 1st injection…fully started up again with this injection…all are annoying and affect quality of life…arthritis pain in hands and feet, and cramping in feet, legs, hands are among the worst along with the continual migraine. The medication definitely dramatically lowered my LDL…just not sure I want to continue."

"Just had my 4th shot. After my second, I had labs drawn and all my numbers dropped by about 40%. HDL, LDL, Trigl, every level is perfect according to my doctor. Very pleased. No side effects at all. So glad because I tried every statin and all caused tremendous pain, especially in joints and feet. Cost covered by Medicare and Supplement. Male age 69."

"After the first injection, my LDL lowered remarkably—well under 50. My libido waned some, but I assumed I would recover as I became more used to the product. After the 3rd injection, about 10 minutes post-injection, while driving, I experienced unusual flushing, my heart rate jumped from less than 70 to 95, my tinnitus increased, breathing felt off but I had a 100% O2 level. My eyes reddened, stomach felt near sick, so I aborted my afternoon schedule and went home. I conferred with the clinic and my cardiologist—most of the symptoms went away after a few hours. So, effective but with troubling side effects. Not sure if I will try another one of those."

"Soon after taking my first injection, I experienced fatigue lasting several days. I also started seeing blood clots in my urine. I discontinued, but periodic blood clots continue sporadically. Had a cystoscopy and CT that were negative. My gums also started bleeding immediately afterwards. I would think twice about this “new” drug without much of a track record. It did dramatically reduce my numbers, but the bleeding was very concerning."

"My LDL went from 124 to 54 after the first shot. I have had trouble breathing a few times, which never happened before. But I think it's causing hair loss, and I noticed several people mentioned that, but it's not listed as a side effect. The shot itself is painful for a short while. Wish I knew for sure if it was causing my hair loss."

"Week after second dose. So tired don't want to get up from chair. Stiff leg muscles. Pain in back and hips. The medicine works well, bad cholesterol went from 112 to 43 in one month 49 after three months. Thankful for that but side effects are hard to deal with. Questioning the third dose."

"After about 4 days: nose bleed, sinusitis, sore lips and tongue. Feeling of exhaustion for a month. After 2 months, developed eczema and psoriasis on shins, and after a further week extremely itchy spots on trunk, arms, and legs. After month 1, cholesterol had reduced from 5.4 to 4.5."

"I was supposed to start this medication last month but I am scared of this as I was on Repatha because I was told that this could cause impairment of the lungs or sugar. Because I am quite active and wanted to stay like that. When I was put on Repatha I lost an old weight of 1 and a half stone, I am just starting to put on my weight and probably will lose it again. As far as rating this medication, I am unable to do this as I am scared of it, but I am still trying to pluck up the courage to get this, but I wanted to see if I could bring it down myself. Thank you."

"Leqvio has done an amazing job at lowering LDL and total cholesterol. I have noticed muscular and joint pain, and a persistent cough since taking it. Also, shortness of breath on even very light activity levels. Other than that, it has done a great job at lowering cholesterol."

"I'm a 77-year-old man in good health. I just had my third 6-month injection from Metro Infusion Center. I'm happy to report no lasting side effects after my last injection. Site injection pain disappeared in less than 24 hrs. So far, I'm very happy with it. All my extensive blood work results come back normal, including my blood glucose level (85)."

"Had starter dose end of October. Had regular injection Jan. 31. Began having leg spasms, some cramping. It's June and symptoms have not abated. How long should any side effect last? LDL-C went from 122 to 55 after the second dose."

"Two shots so far. Both times, worse stiff toes and ankles, low back pain, stiff neck, and shoulders. First time, these resolved in about a week. Stiff toes and ankles never resolve completely along with numbness in feet as a result of taking statins. Deemed statin intolerant, which is why trying the Leqvio shot. Odd side effect both times is eye irritation that feels like a stye coming on but never develops. Doing blood work to see how results are with two shots and low-fat lifestyle (down 25 lbs, weigh now what I did in my 20s). It better help or not sure all this is worth it! (Recommend with the caveat of the above)"

"The Leqvio injection was a brief stop at the cardiologist's office. Typical, brief shot in the back of the arm. Easy. They held me there for ~15 minutes to ensure no injection symptoms. The nurse administering the injection did it very well. No pain or discomfort. I don't have serum numbers yet so I am unable to speak to the effectiveness, but I wish all my meds could be this easy."

"Painful joints when moving around after sitting. Troublesome cough. Feeling nauseous frequently especially in the morning before breakfast. Night cramps every night disturbing sleep & therefore causing tiredness next day. Extreme fatigue during day needing an afternoon nap."

"I have been on this injection for one month, absolutely in agony, painful legs, feet, toes, shoulders, knees, burning skin. Contacted the cardiologist, and his reply was, 'I’ll put you on steroids.' No thanks, was on Repatha for 3 years with no side effects. Wish I’d never had it, not having another. Wondering how long it takes to leave my body."

"I am having the most severe muscle pain and tight muscles I have ever had since I have been on Leqvio. Has anyone else had this?"

"Side effects, hives, itching, pain with urination, headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, and sweating."

"About a month after Leqvio shot, I get heartburn, nausea, belly cramps, fatigue. Numbers are good, but not liking the side effects. Anyone else having similar issues?"

"Had high hopes, but too many gastrointestinal side effects. Also muscle pain and stiffness. Lowers cholesterol but 2 months after the shot, I still have side effects."

"Leqvio works very well to lower the LDL cholesterol, but I am having substantial weakness in my legs. No other side effects. Would hope there is some way to eliminate the weakness."

"It has lowered my LDL. However, I have noticed that my skin started to wrinkle a great deal after my third shot. Has anyone else experienced this symptom? It is my only adverse reaction."

More about Leqvio (inclisiran)

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  • During pregnancy
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  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: miscellaneous antihyperlipidemic agents
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Leqvio Injection drug information

Professional resources

  • Leqvio prescribing information
  • Inclisiran (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • High Cholesterol, Familial Heterozygous
  • High Cholesterol