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Generic Name: Acanya (benzoyl-peroxide-clindamycin-topical)

Acanya Reviews

For Acne "Super fast and the best at clearing pimples. So worth using! I always watch what products I use on my face, and I tried this cream, and it was so fast at clearing breakouts and acne. It dried out the breakouts and surprisingly didn't break me out more. This product is so perfect! The 2 samples I had cleared my face within the week! It may dry out your face a bit, nothing extreme! Using it in the morning is best, I think, and also is okay to wear with your makeup over it."

For Acne "Also for the people saying it dries our your skin very badly, you must be using too much. It does dry your skin out but not badly at all. You're supposed to use very, very little bit of it on your acne. Not your whole face, just your acne. I learned the hard way. I loaded it up on my chin & it made my chin so dry & itchy & red. It looked horrible, like my whole chin was scabbed. It went away after I stopped putting the cream on it for a day or two."

For Acne "I am 49 yrs old, had cystic acne all my adult life. My dermatologist put me on Acanya 5 months ago, and my skin looks the best it ever had. My co-workers all think I am wearing makeup. Have such large pores, and they are shrinking too. No peeling, I guess because I have oily skin. But as an African American woman, I didn't think I would ever find anything that would successfully help my skin. I am so grateful. It just takes patience!"

For Acne "LOVE this. Nothing has ever worked on my face. I have been using it for 5 days (mornings only) and people have already commented that my skin looks so good. I have no burning, no redness, no flaking, etc. (and I have extremely sensitive skin). I am so excited. I put a very thin layer on in the morning and then apply my make-up over top. It does not leave a film/residue on my skin and my make up goes on flawlessly. Pro's: WORKS GREAT! Cons: Prescription only - Small Jar "

For Acne "I went to the dermatologist almost a year ago and she prescribed Acanya. At first it dried my skin and peeled it very badly, when I went back to the dermatologist 3 months later I told her but she said continue the use. But then one day I ran out and I realized my skin was the best it's been in 3 years I would get compliments so when my new bottle came in I decided not to use it. Then about 3 months later my acne was the worst it's been so I did research on Acanya and realized I use it wrong. I would put it all over my face causing it to dry, now I put it in my problem areas only and my face is getting better. But makes my skin itch a little but that's okay. I'm not saying it will work for everyone but I wanted to share my experience."

For Acne "I had pimples all over my forehead, cheeks, chin, everywhere! They weren't so noticeable but they were there! I went to the dermatologist about a week or two ago and I'm so glad I did! My dermatologist gave me this cream to use in the morning and my acne is already starting to fade completely! It does tingle a little but I feel that's when it's working! I've tried a lot of other creams but this one works best and fast!"

For Acne "I've had acne since I was about 13, I'm 16 now and 6 months ago I went to the dermatologist and he prescribed me Acanya in the mornings, Tazorac at night and minocycline twice a day and he advised me to apply a moisturizer underneath both the Acanya and Tazorac because before I was using Proactiv and it made my skin super sensitive to everything and it kind of takes a while to work. I was told it would take 12 weeks to see a "considerable" difference. I did see a great difference after 12 weeks, but I wasn't totally clear so I kept on using all the products and currently I only breakout once every two weeks and they go away rather quickly, but I have a lot of scars, which is what the Tazorac is for. It just looks so much better than it did!"

For Acne "I tried this gel after suffering from severe acne once a month (after stopping birth control). I'm 28 years old, have always had a FEW pimples at a time, but never anything like what I experiences after stopping birth control! I used the gel, and the first day was terrible. My whole skin burned and peeled, and I stopped using Acanya after that for about 3 weeks. I then researched the gel, and was informed that I shouldn't have put it all over my face, especially in sensitive areas. So I tried using it again, only on my forehead and jawline. I have literally not had one acne breakout since I have started up again, and it has been about 7 months! One pimple once in a while, but that's it! Amazing! No more burning as well!"

For Acne "I've struggled with acne since I was about 13. I've used Proactive, Clean & Clear, Neutrogena, AcneFree, etc. and every other acne system you can think of. This product gets rid of my acne in about 4 days; it is all I need now. It doesn't matter what face wash, or toners you use with this, because all you need is the Acanya gel. It's pretty expensive but one bottle (only put on problem spots) lasts me about 4 months. Acanya has completely has kept my acne away for about a year now. As soon as you put it on, the next morning the size of the bumps reduce in size dramatically. About a week later, I had no acne. I didn't have bad skin, I just needed the right product."

For Acne "I went to a new dermatologist because my acne is out of control. I've had acne for 10 years and this is the worst it has ever been. He gave me Acanya for the morning and it stings so bad I could cry. My face turns red, it's tight, burning, and not improving. I've been using Acanya for almost a week, I know results might take longer. As for now, I am not happy. Just be warned, it is very drying and can make your day uncomfortable."

For Acne "I have had acne for several years now. The medication works awesome, don't get me wrong. I have had acne now for quite some time. I have been on Acanya now for 3 months, I have seen a huge improvement in my skin. BUT, I still have these red spots that won't go away. Now my face is smooth as a babies bottom, but not visually. Dry skin was the only side effect I experienced but that was only for the first couple of weeks. Make sure to hydrate yourself. Still have those red spots that 'look' like pimples but they aren't. It's weird, maybe it's acne scars or something. But I do recommend this to anyone was mild-severe acne! All depending on your hormones and stuff!"

For Acne "I started using Acanya because I saw online that it worked well with Atralin (which is basically vitamin A for your face and helps skin regenerate itself). I have had break outs since I was 10 yrs old and am now 25 and still have acne. I used Accutane and it got rid of my acne for about a year and its just now getting bad again. I went into my dermatologist and they prescribed the Acanya, Atralin, and Spirolactone (oral meds). Its been a month since my awful breakout and my skin is significantly better. The Acanya was awful the first few days, I have very sensitive skin and it burnt it badly around my mouth. After about a week it evened out though and my skin stopped peeling and I'm having the best results with this combination."

For Acne "My dermatologist told me to not expect results right away. He was wrong. I have been using this for 4 days and already see a big improvement in the size of my pores, and have not got a new pimple since. I have high hopes for Acanya gel."

For Acne "I started using this maybe a year ago and I absolutely love it. I went to the dermatologist to see what I could do about my acne and she prescribed me this to do every morning and Differin to use every night. Acanya is great at removing big pimples and even small zits. One thing people don't realize is that if you put this on and plan on going in the sun, you need to also wear a sunscreen moisturizer. This medicine makes you more sun-sensitive, so keep that in mind."

For Acne "Honestly, this medicine has been life changing for me. Before I used it, my acne was awful, mostly on my forehead but all around the rest of my face, too. My dermatologist prescribed it to me and within a month of using it my acne completely cleared up. Now three years later, I still use it and my face remains acne free!"

For Acne "I've had acne for 5 years now. I'm 11 years old with horrible, horrible breakouts! I finally visited the dermatologist, & they told me to try Acanya and Solodyn. I've used it for a day now, and my skin is already starting to clear up! I'm excited to get farther into the process and see how it helps my breakouts. No side effects so far!"

For Acne "I have been using this product for a week and my skin has been amazing! I would get small zits all over and they have completly gone away and no new zits have come up! No reddness or dryness. I have very oily skin! I recommend this to everyone!"

For Acne "I had moderate acne and I have tried pretty much everything out there to try to cure it. A few months ago I started to use Acanya in the morning and Atralin at night and the results were amazing! There was no period of time that things got worse and within a few days I noticed a difference. Now after a few months I rarely get a zit and the texture of my face is substantially better. I would recommend Acanya for sure."

For Acne "I didn't have the best experience with Acanya. It really dried out my skin for the first few times using it and I just felt like it made my skin look worse than my acne. My acne started clearing up for a couple of days and then totally took a turn for the worst. I stayed on it for a couple of months but It just made my skin more red and had more pimples than ever. Also because it was such a thick white paste it would peel under my makeup. I know things work different for everyone, I was just really excited when My dermatologist prescribed me Acanya because it had good reviews. It just didn't work for me and it's sad to say that the few days after I went off of it my acne went back to normal and I'm still stuck with acne and acne scars."

For Acne "I am 38 and haven't had much of a problem with acne since I was a teenager, until I had my first child. After having my now 2 year old son, my skin just started looking worse and worse and nothing I was doing was making it better. I even bought a Clarisonic (made it worse). So I went to the dermatologist and she gave me Acanya and said to use it once a day. This is only my third day using it and the difference is dramatic already. Not every single bump and mark has cleared up yet, but I would say 50 -70% of my acne is already gone or almost gone. Yes, it does sting a little, I try to not use too much and hope I get used to this or my skin adjusts. Either way, I love this product and can't believe I didn't go to a dermatologist sooner."

For Acne "I've been using it for 3 days now, only at night. I have combination skin normally and this gel doesn't dry out my skin like other topical creams. My face is clearing up very nicely. By the way I have cystic acne and there is no burning or stinging like other reviewers have experienced. Everyone's skin is different but I would highly recommend trying Acanya."

For Acne "I don't have bad acne but I get cystic acne on my chin from hormones that last weeks! This is the only cream that made my skin close to perfect after a few months I didn't know it was the cream until I ran out and my acne came back, I need to get a new bottle ASAP!"

For Acne "I LOVE this product. I suffered from breakouts (not horrible) but enough to make me self-conscious about. It does not make your face dry, if anything it smooths it out. I use a tad in the morning and a whole pump at night all over my face. I haven't been getting pimples at all, except for a few that were unnoticeable. And it worked almost immediately. I also paired this with Solodyn tablets 55mg for only the first month. Amazing. If anyone has mild breakouts then I strongly recommend these 2 products. Good luck. This may not work for everyone, but if you have mild acne then I would go for it."

For Acne "I absolutely love this product. it does take some time to fully work but the end results are amazing . if your skin does dry out try applying a small amount of moisturizer!! I really only do " spot treatments " with this product because if I do apply it to my whole face it dries it out so much"

For Acne "I had never really suffered from constant acne, until I got on birth control which pretty much turned my face into a cystic acne infestation. I was torn apart, troubled, and with no self confidence. I started wearing hats everywhere I went, spent hundreds on facials and makeup, till I drew the line and finally decided to go to the dermatologist. She prescribed to me Acanya in the morning along with Ziana for the evening. I have to say the results are miraculous, I've been on it for about three weeks and my face has completely cleared off. I do not have one zit, only acne marks that will hopefully go away with time. I also started Solodyn 105 mgs four days ago, taking one tablet everyday before bed and I feel like that is what has made my cystic acne disappear."

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  • Drug class: topical acne agents
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  • Acne