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Generic Name: lansoprazole-naproxen

Brand Name: PREVACID NapraPAC oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

very very very good

Diagnosed with Liver, Pancreatic and Lymph cancer. Physical in Feb 2008, all levels were fine. Digestion problems in June. In July was diagnosed with cancer, stage 4 very aggressive. Only 3 weeks to 4 months to live, other reports of cancer while patients taking this drug or other arthritis drugs. The liver has been clogged, unibillies are very high and fever. They cannot remove the liver, cancer would strike the new liver during the 6 week recovery and before chemo can be started. Started hospice last week. My brother had a false biopsy for the same condition, tumors on the liver and pancreas, taking the same drug.

I have had good luck after taking this medication for 15 yrs, I have had a problem with swallowing, which the dr need's to run a balloon down my throat to make it easy for me to swallow.

I was gi \ven it for esophageal corrosion and heart burn but now I am having numbness and tingling of the feet/

stomach polyps