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Generic Name: Acetaminophen / oxycodone for Chronic Pain (acetaminophen-oxycodone)

Acetaminophen / oxycodone for Chronic Pain Reviews

Percocet 10/325 (acetaminophen / oxycodone) "This is the 1st time I've been given this Camber brand of acetaminophen/oxycodone and it's like taking Tylenol. My pharmacy didn't have the Mallinckrodt in stock so I'll be switching to another pharmacy. This T194 seems like a placebo, no help with my pain at all. Very dissatisfied and this company should be ashamed!!!!! I'd give a Zero if I could !! If this message helps one person, then it was worth taking the time to review Camber's pain medication."


Percocet 10/325 (acetaminophen / oxycodone) "I tried one time at a different pharmacy because I called beforehand to ask what brand they carried. They filled it grudgingly and made me feel like I belonged under a bridge with a heroin needle. But their brand, Rhodes, was still better than the Alvogen. I switched back to my old pharmacy who knew me for the crappier pills just to save myself the 'shame.' And that is wrong, and I shouldn’t have to do that or feel that way. Asking questions about the brand or asking anything about a narcotic seems to immediately put a label and a target on you. In the rare instance when my pharmacy received a different brand (KVT Tech, Mallinckrodt, Aurolife Pharma) they were all white oblong pills and worked well for my pain management. But of course that didn’t last, and the abrupt switch back to the round yellow Alvogen gave me withdrawals and pain again. I do not want to leave my doc and pharmacy because I have history there that has protected me from the medication shaming that is so rampant."

Percocet 10/325 (acetaminophen / oxycodone) "There seems to be some sort of issue with either the amount of opioid medication in the pill causing these to be ineffective. In 2016, when the DEA cracked down on pain patients and doctors, the quality of medication plummeted. Most of these are coming from overseas but have received some from RI Pharma (Perdue Pharma generics umbrella company) and are complete garbage. Is there any oversight over these generics? Where is the confirmation that we are getting what we are paying for and most importantly, who is monitoring a safe materials supply from other countries? If so many people have noticed an inconsistency with their medications, I find it extremely difficult to believe that we all are wrong. Are there reports that these medications have been vetted and are safe for us Americans to continue to ingest? This should not be this difficult to verify that a medication indeed contains the correct ingredients and accurate levels of that active ingredients to verify that what's declared is actually in it."

Percocet 10/325 (acetaminophen / oxycodone) "Was taking Alvogen (India) brand of acetaminophen with oxycodone again after a REALLY bad experience with Camber/Ascent (Hetero is a parent company in India) and last month's refill caused the same negative issues as the Camber. Must be one manufacturer in India making ingredients for generic drug makers. Filed another complaint with the FDA's Medwatch (EVERYONE that has an issue with a med MUST do this) and spoke with another FDA pharmacist. Life is hard enough when you're chronically ill but when you have to fight for medication and can't get decent medication, it can make life unbearable. I will fight as long as I'm able. Search the net for what's going on with generics. It's eye-opening and very scary."

"Yes, I've been taking pain medication for the last 10 years. Sure wish I didn’t need them. These meds are bad. I have filed a complaint with the FDA and MedWatch. I have also sent off these pills to find out what’s in them! They do nothing for pain. I'm sick of the pharmacies looking at me like I am crazy! I know I am right. I could never take four Watson. I will continue to fight for my health and also file a lawsuit against this sorry company! I had to go to 6 different CVS pharmacies to find any. This is overwhelming! They should help us! I don’t know what else to say. May God be with us!"

"Oxycodone has helped my pain a lot until RHODES 10-325 acetaminophen/oxycodone. Does not help pain they are garbage!!! Taking oxycodone for 4 years due to cancer lesions on vertebrae from Multiple Myeloma. The vertebrae fractured in a way it is pressing on sciatic nerve. So far no other broken bones. Pain in back, legs, shins, numb feet and legs. IT WOULD BE NICE IF ALL MANUFACTURERS COULD MAKE A PRODUCT WE CAN DEPEND ON THAT IS CONSISTENT TO HELP THE PAIN. DON'T MAKE GARBAGE AND STOP CUTTING CORNERS TO SAVE AT OUR EXPENSE."

Percocet (acetaminophen / oxycodone) "Something needs to be done. 10 mg oxycodone 120 pills. Some are weaker and don't work on the pain. All out of the same bottle. Drug companies should be testing their products to make sure they are consistent! While some are weaker (in the same bottle), some are stronger. For some, this could be dangerous."

Percocet (acetaminophen / oxycodone) "I've been on my meds since 1997. I was in a car accident, crushed against a tree in my car. I didn't start my meds during the craziness. Over 20 years, my pain meds keep me normal. I've been with the same pharmacy for about 4 years. I have never given them a problem. In the beginning of this month, he claimed to have not had my usual brand. I desperately asked him how it will affect me and is this only once. He told me it's the same, different manufacturers, and that he hasn't gotten any of my normal ones. I trusted his word. Then, once I tried them, I called him and complained, explaining this is not working. He also suggested I go somewhere else. I explained to him that is not right, I simply want what I know works for me. I am praying that when it's my next pick up, he gives me what I'm supposed to have. This particular brand of Percocet has been making me sick, it's not a mind thing, it's physical pain. U17 are the markings on the pill. The brand is Aurolife Pharma LLC, and they do not serve their purpose. Please don't make the same mistakes as I did. We have rights."

Percocet 10/325 (acetaminophen / oxycodone) "I've been in pain management since 2009. I have chronic pain from a ruptured C6, ruptured L3, L4, L5, & sciatic pain with stenosis. I was taking the Mallinckrodt brand of acetaminophen and oxycodone & I've known my pharmacist at this particular for over a decade. He came down to the pharmacy consult area & told me that I should transfer my Rx's to a mom & pop so I could get a good brand. Well, I switched to a smaller pharmacy, and they used the RP little round 10/325 Percocets. Heck, the bottom of the bottle even looked like it was sand particles + they were irritating my throat. I asked my doctor about it & she told me to switch to another Ma & Pa pharmacy who used Alvogen (yellow) generic Percocets. They seem to work just fine & I haven't noticed any additional problems + my throat doesn't get sore. I never knew that these companies could/would make pills with so many different fillers & vary widely in strengths. As for me, the best brand of acetaminophen with oxycodone is the round yellow Alvogen 10/325 Percocets work good for me..."

Percocet 10/325 (acetaminophen / oxycodone) "I was on Percocet for 6 years. I started on 5/325 and ended on 10/325. I always took the Mallinckrodt, no matter which pharmacy I had to go to. They were the best for pain relief. My original pharmacy switched to an IP, and immediately I could tell the difference. I complained to my pharmacist, and I was not the only one to complain, so they switched back to the M357 10/325. My doctor stopped giving them to me in 2014. I went to the same doctor for 7 years and never once had an issue. He gave me 20 pills to wean me off after 6 years of taking 50 milligrams a day, 150 a month, that was it. I could not find another doctor to even talk about giving me my meds back. I was a construction worker for 30 years, I could still work and do my job until this happened, and since then, my life has been the pits. I blame the government and people who get pain meds and sell them. I've begged doctors to please give me my life back, and now I'm looked at like a drug addict."

Percocet 10/325 (acetaminophen / oxycodone) "I am finding a mixture of two different tablets in the same bottle, and I highly suspect that there are a number of false pills. I can tell the difference of the pills, and the fact that some of them do nothing for pain. The consistency and taste are different."

Percocet 10/325 (acetaminophen / oxycodone) "I have severe pain from bad injuries in my neck, back, and both knees. I was given Percocet 10/325 years ago. I must say it does help somewhat in combination with the others my doctor prescribed, but I honestly must say that some manufacturers do seem to work better than others. Why that is I am not certain, but I never had a problem with Camber. I do have a problem with the Mallinckrodt brand. It just doesn't seem to work for me very well, and I don't know why. I know that everyone on this earth is different, and so maybe that's why the same exact medications might work for some and might not work for others. I just noticed this problem since Walgreens switched the manufacturer to Mallinckrodt. But I notice that if you discuss it with your pharmacy, they act like you're not right upstairs or something. I mean, come on, it is a legitimate issue to bring up."

"I’ve been on all kinds and dosages of hydrocodone, oxycodone, and fentanyl over the past 10 years. Currently back on Oxy for several years. As we all know, when you are late, the pain gets stronger, missing a dose is ill. My pharmacy recently stopped carrying my previous brand and switched me to Rhodes brand - they are crumbly and don’t taste right. These are hit and miss, more miss, and I feel like I’m in withdrawal half the time, not to mention not being able to stand and walk due to the pain. Spoke with my pharmacist and called a new pharmacy, I have to have my doctor switch my preferred pharmacy because they will not transfer the script this month. Why are there no law firms willing to take on these pharmaceutical companies on our behalf?"

"It's sad to hear how so many REAL PAIN sufferers are going through so much because these losers are snorting, injecting, and goodness only knows what else with the pills. I've had L-3 spinal fusion for a torn disc, lower back arthritis, dislocated collarbone, carpal tunnel syndrome, and sciatica. The doctor did surgery on my right hand and L-3. I've been on 10/325 Percocet for 10 years and 10/325 Lortabs for 3 years. The only ones that ever worked were Endocet (yellow E712). Alvogen helps. However, the AMNEAL brand of acetaminophen/oxycodone is nothing more than a tic-tac. I can take 2 at a time and NOTHING, it feels like the pain gets worse. The FDA, what are you doing? Please investigate! The only thing they monitor is the money they take in, they forget the legitimate pain sufferers every day. If they monitored heroin, marijuana, and cocaine half as much, the country would be DRUG-FREE. I wish us all better days ahead, PAIN-FREE. Stay strong, people!"

"I have been on Oxycodone with Percocet 10/325 mg for over 8 years now. I suffer from Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS), a herniated C5 in my neck, and arthritis in my shoulders, neck, and knees!! For over a year now, I’ve stayed in chronic pain ever since the pharmaceutical companies have changed the ingredients. I just picked up my prescription last week from CVS, and my quality of life is at 0%. I stopped going to Walgreens because the Oxycodone with Percocet Mallinckrodt brand made me sick, tired, and had terrible mood swings!! I can’t get any pain relief to go to work, take care of my home/family by cooking and cleaning or do any normal activities!! These pills are killing us more now than they have ever before with the 'opioid crisis' of overdose! If you think people overdosed before, people with chronic pain are really going to overdose NOW by taking more than prescribed!!! I hope once this is a reality to the CDC, FDA, DEA, and the GOVERNMENT there will be an awarded lawsuit for every patient this has affected!!"

"I just want to confirm what other people are saying about AMNEAL PHARM brand of acetaminophen/oxycodone - I feel no pain relief whatsoever. And they are so hard to crush because I have to take with pudding. Have to beat them with a hammer first, that’s ridiculous. I’m going to call this company and complain today. I don’t know what good it will do. They, like other companies, are making what feels like placebos, and if you ask the pharmacist, they look at you like you’re crazy. I wonder if these companies are barely putting the actual active ingredients that we need for pain relief or are they only like 10% of what they need to. They make me have withdrawal symptoms. I don’t like it, and they don’t make me itch. Not fair to patients, especially those that are terminal. If you get a good Percocet and it makes you itch, that means they are legiti­mate. The FDA and DEA really need to check into this."

"I've been on pain medication for a very long time now. Once you've been on them for a while, you can pretty much tell the difference of what works for you and what doesn't. I take oxycodone 10mg, and my pharmacy gets Mallinckrodt. They do work for me, but sometimes it seems like something is missing. It is saddening to see these comments, how there are companies repeatedly having the same complaints, and yet nothing is being done about this. Anyways, I can relate to a lot of these complaints on here, especially when these pharmacies make you feel like you've done something wrong by asking for a different brand and being made to feel like you're some kind of drug seeker. I feel for you, and I'm hoping and praying that things will turn around someday."

Percocet (acetaminophen / oxycodone) "I'm so sick on these new pills I got at Walgreens. I've been on generic Percocet for many years, and now I'm going through terrible withdrawals from this brand named MFG Camber. I agree with the others on this site - there is something wrong with this brand. I can't even get myself out of bed. It is making me shaky, nauseous, and unable to function. I'm about ready to go to a hospital if I don't start feeling better. Plus, I'm sweating like I've never sweat before. Don't get these Camber generic Percocet...you will be sick as a dog."

Percocet (acetaminophen / oxycodone) "Many back injuries, as a child and adult. At 40, I had fibromyalgia, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, and more. On 8 Advil/day, I experienced much pain. Wonderful old doc said I would blow my kidneys on Advil, so he put me on Percocet 5/325 - it really helped. Later, other MDs put me on a variety of antidepressants. They did NOT relieve my pain (some aggravated it). Side effects were monstrous; so was the withdrawal when I quit. I remain on my Percocet. After 2 decades of careful use, I now take a 10/325 dose, cut them in half and take as needed, averaging 3 pills/day. I can walk, function well, and think straight. No side effects! BEST PAIN MED EVER. My heart breaks for people in severe pain."

"I have been taking generic Percocet 325/10mg for almost two years. The last refill was a white capsule-shaped tablet with the imprint T-194 (Camber Pharmaceuticals, Inc.). Evidently, they are nothing but sugar pills. I have not had any relief since my refill and I have been itching from head to toe. I decided to look them up and looks like I’m not the only one with a complaint."

Percocet 5/325 (acetaminophen / oxycodone) "I have noticed that manufacturers of Percocet use different formulas in their pills. Some are just awful and merely provide a sedative effect with very little pain relief. The ones made by Alvogen (blue/scored) just knock me out and do nothing for the pain. The ones that work the best are the ones that are white, scored on one side and have the #512 on the other side (Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals?). Just 1/2 of those works better for pain than two of any other brands. Stay away from the blue scored ones! They are awful and do NOT help with pain. This opioid issue is merely fear mongering and those people who really need the pain relief are NOT getting the meds that they need because of it."

Percocet 10/325 (acetaminophen / oxycodone) "I was in a car accident that left me in a body cast for almost 1 year. I finally found a pain management doctor that I am brutally honest with. He put me on Percocet 10/325, we got rid of the Lortabs, added up to 3-5mg Valium for spasms, and I am functioning every day. I am no longer the guinea pig for all the super strong meds. No more morphine, fentanyl patches, etc. I know I may not be very pretty on the outside, but I can move, lift small objects, push a vacuum cleaner, and believe it or not, I can slow dance with my husband. I was handed back my quality of life because of this medicine. My bed is to sleep in now, not live in. It's worth every dime for what it has given me."

Percocet 10/325 (acetaminophen / oxycodone) "I've been on Percocets for years. Normally the A333 brand was swapped to the T194, then yellow, and then the M523. They all worked well! Until one day my pharmacy switched to the T194 Camber brand without my knowledge. Now, keep in mind I'm not picky nor brave enough to tell my pharmacist what brand to give me, considering the judgment of being labeled as an addict! After taking my first pill within 8 hours, my HEAD HURTED so bad it caused confusion, jitteriness, and cold sweats!! I researched the inactive ingredients and found it contains a silicone filler similar to sand. I also noticed a salty taste compared to the sweet taste of the M523 brand. This pill doesn't work, and the pharmacies and drug companies are putting profit ahead of our health."

Percocet (acetaminophen / oxycodone) "I've been taking Percocet 5/325, 1 and 1/2 times a day for a totally messed up lower back in constant levels of pain when moving. Can't stand up straight for 10 yrs. I also periodically get back injections and take small amounts of Methocarbamol for spasms, plus occasionally Diclofenac when extremely bad. I know for a fact I will never get addicted to the Percocet. I don't feel any 'high' or crave it ever. In fact, it makes me nauseous and constipated. Oddly enough, that little bit, spaced right, combined with other pain relief, allows me to get around pretty good, take care of grass cutting, etc. It does cut into the most severe pain, for example, Sciatica, when that flares up. And to be honest, it's safer than any other alternative, especially for those of us who never crave the feeling of the drug!! To be honest, it's overall NOT a physical feeling of well-being for me! It cuts into pain.. PERIOD!"

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  • Drug class: narcotic analgesic combinations
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Patient resources

  • Acetaminophen and Oxycodone drug information
  • Oxycodone and Acetaminophen Capsules and Tablets
  • Oxycodone and Acetaminophen Extended-Release Tablets
  • Oxycodone and Acetaminophen Oral Solution

Other brands

Percocet, Endocet, Roxicet, Prolate, ... +9 more

Professional resources

  • Oxycodone and Acetaminophen Capsules prescribing information
  • Oxycodone and Acetaminophen Oral Solution (FDA)
  • Oxycodone and Acetaminophen Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Percocet, Endocet, Roxicet, Prolate, ... +4 more

Related treatment guides

  • Chronic Pain
  • Pain