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Generic Name: Acidophilus (lactobacillus-acidophilus)

Acidophilus Reviews

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "I suffered a 3-year battle with BV. I tried several prescription medications (numerous antibiotics, oral & vaginal suppositories). Whatever doctors said, I did with no success. After lots of research, I came upon acidophilus and its amazing curing benefits. The chronic BV went away and stayed away. I just purchased over-the-counter store brand acidophilus tablets. Nothing fancy or prescribed. I inserted 2 acidophilus tablet pills vaginally for 3 days, then 1 tablet for 4 more days and had immediate relief and results. After the 1st week was completed vaginally, I then started taking one pill daily orally to maintain a healthy PH. I would highly recommend this to any woman suffering with BV."

For Urinary Tract Infection "This has been a miracle for me, and it was by accident I found out about it at all. I was getting urinary tract infections every other month for 4 years. Every time I would go to my doctor he would prescribe antibiotics, and the UTI would go away for a month and then come back. No one—I even went to a specialist and no one could tell me what to do to prevent them. At one of my doctor's visits, my regular doctor was out, and I saw his PA (physician's assistant) who did the same as my doctor: prescribe an antibiotic, but he also told me to get acidophilus so I don't get a yeast infection from the antibiotic, which happened every time I took the antibiotic. I started taking them, and after 6 months, I only got one UTI and none in 4 years."

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome "I have had irritable bowel syndrome for over 17 years. First, they could do nothing for me but prescribe antispasmodics, which eventually I developed an allergy against. After going to a DO, she recommended I try natural medications such as fiber and acidophilus. I started taking it and I have never felt better! I recommend it to anyone with digestion problems."

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "I had yeast overgrowth for many years, brought about after using Nasalcort for a few years. I had a thick white/brown coating on my tongue that no scraping would help. I had vaginal yeast, itching, and discharge. After only one bottle of 1 billion bacteria acidophilus, MY TONGUE IS PINK AGAIN! My vaginal itch is gone and the smelly discharge. No one is more surprised than me, I had previously taken Nystatin and Diflucan and they failed. I will keep taking it because I want to keep the yeast away, and it helps my digestion. I cannot say enough good things about this product. I look forward to taking it, it tastes great."

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "I have been on metronidazole, metrogel, and various creams for Bacterial vaginosis, and nothing controlled my BV like acidophilus. The best brand that I have found is Pectin, each capsule has 2 billion good bacteria in them. BV is no fun, this has really helped me."

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "I suffered from chronic yeast infections for well over four years. I found a specialist who had done extensive research on this condition. However, the waiting list to see him was 11 months. I had been to numerous doctors with no relief. He was able to provide temporary relief with a long-term regime of flagyl and metrogel. I subsequently moved to Texas and the infection returned. A short time later I met a young lady who earned her master's degree in nutrition in London. She suggested I take acidophilus and golden seal root daily. In a very short time the infection disappeared and hasn't returned in over 7 years. Additionally, it has boosted my immune system tremendously."

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "Okay, so I’ve had a very bad yeast infection. The itching and burning was UNBEARABLE. I literally could not even stand up at work for long periods of time. The pain got worse and started affecting my skin on/around my vagina. Everything I tried just wasn’t helping. The discharge was getting worse and so was the burning. My mother brought me a bottle of Acidophilus and advised me to take the powder out of the capsule and apply the powder directly to the area. This method did calm my symptoms down a WHOLE LOT, but when it started to wear off from me going to urinate, the itching would return. So finally, I inserted a capsule into my vagina before bed, and the next day I felt GREAT! I was a little hesitant about doing this because I wasn’t sure how safe it really was, but I wish I would’ve done this a long time ago. I’ve experienced no itching or burning ever since I’ve inserted the capsule into my vagina for the FIRST time."

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "OK, so I have been getting yeast infections every week for the last 2 months. The doctor would give me a Diflucan, and at the end of the 7 days, the yeast infection was back like it never left. I was in and out of the gynecologist's office and my primary doctor. I went to the doctor a week ago, and he tells me he cannot give me any more Diflucan because my system will become used to it. He was like, just try Acidophilus, that's my final recommendation. I took my last Diflucan that I had in my stash, the yeast infection started to return yesterday. You guessed it, it was the end of the 7 days, so I took the Acidophilus pill last night, and I feel like a new woman. I just hope it keeps working."

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "Having yeast flares monthly for 5 months. Nothing clears it completely, however, Acidophilus placed vaginally really relieves symptoms. Taking a probiotic orally really helps as well. Hoping to stay on top of it this time."

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "I have used this for years. Women tend to have a hard time with yeast infection during the time of taking antibiotics. Well, taking this 4 times a day will keep it at bay. Also, taking it once a day on a regular basis helps to keep the yeast in the vagina from growing. I have used this for oral thrush also. Eating yogurts will take care of that."

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "OMG! On a scale from 1 to 10, I give this stuff a MILLION! I have been battling a yeast infection for nearly 2 months. After 3 boxes of Monistat, 8 boxes of yogurt, and 2 tubes of itch cream, 4 tiny tablets have completely turned things around! I mean, it was so painful and itched SOOOOO BAD! I literally felt like I would never get back to normal. My mom suggested Acidophilus yesterday. I stopped by her house and picked up a bottle that expires in 2 months, but I was so desperate I didn't care. The dosage said to take 2 tablets, but with it nearing its expiration, I decided to take 2 and then later another 2. 24 HOURS LATER, I feel like a new woman! Thank you, Acidophilus, and thank you, Mom!!!"

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome "I have suffered with constipation for years after having major surgery. The pain would be in my lower back and made it difficult for me to stand, particularly in the early morning. I have been taking over-the-counter acidophilus pills three times a day with meals, and I don't experience the excruciating pain anymore. I carry my pills in my purse. I highly recommend these tablets."

"I had bacterial vaginitis on and off since I was 16. I could take prescribed medications and it wouldn’t return for 6-12months. Once I turned 21, I had it for 4 solid years, it was so embarrassing! I inserted boric acid capsules after sex to keep it hidden from my relationship of 3 years and had a sex schedule to keep him from finding out. Finally, I found out about acidophilus and bifidus to help get rid of bacterial vaginitis (BV) through intense forum research, I took 1 with each meal for 2 days and I haven’t had BV since!! It had been an off and on again battle for nearly a decade and I was suffering really low self esteem because of it. I’m so happy I found out about this probiotic! Been BV free for 6 fricken months!!"

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "I was having stomach pain and I had a bad vaginal yeast infection took too acidophilus probotics, and had immediate reaction. I feel sooooo much better. I bought the Advanced acidiphilus by Solgar and it really worked. Prior to taking the probotic i was feeling weak and very irritated. but now I feel fine. Thank God I found something that really works."

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "I was prescribed a 10 day course of bactrim antibiotics for treatment of an abscess. Around day 4, I started to get a little itchy “down there”. I immediately drove to CVS, picked up a bottle of acidophilus capsules, and the symptoms were gone by the next morning."

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "I have type 1 diabetes and because of high blood sugar levels I used to suffer from yeast infections at least twice a year. A friend told me about acidophilus pills and I am forever grateful. I take them by mouth a couple of times a month to prevent yeast infections and if I ever feel one coming on or just generally feel any kind of irritation I will break a pill in half and wet it a bit so its more comfortable and insert into the affected area. You definitely need to get comfortable with yourself to do that, but it's so worth it. It won't completely break down and might come back out after a couple days, but it works. Taking too many by mouth gave me a little bloating and gas, but I'll take that over the painful infections. I hope this helps"

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "The acidophilus with pectin radiace and digestive ......I read reviews on other sites and decided to try this product it great with digestion and yeast I give it a 100% rating NO MORE YEAST WITH THIS .a,hundred capsule u take it weeks before to help fight off yeast inflection.and week after.Im glad of the reviews that are true so I give a raring thats a sure go .ive used this product and still is a good one.."

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "Well I got this product at Walmart and wanted to try it for yeast infection. I have tried so many products and even called the doctor to prescribe me something for this problem, that did not even work as much. So I dont like yogurt really and that is what the GYN doctor says to do but I tried and its not for me. So I been taking partial half in the morning half at night because my body is odd with medications. So far is it clearing little bit at a time and I see the difference. My teeth are bad and my gums were red but now they are pink. I am a diabetic so I worry about taking stuff over the counter. I have a few side effects but they subside but come back as I get used to the medicine, but it amazing I see it improving."

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "I'm not necessarily the best person to give a review on this, because I have CONSTANT yeast infections ALL THE TIME. It's torture. Whenever I go to the doctor I get my diflucin pill, Monistat cream, and I usually still have issues. I'm yet to find a solution. However, I did try this pill out and it's pretty great! If you have any swelling down there, this gets rid of it overnight. As for the actual yeast, mine hasn't completely cleared up but it's getting a lot better. I think this could possibly get rid of it if I keep using it consistently. I'm only on day 3 of this and I've seen a significant difference and feel much better. I recommend this to people who want to get rid of any swelling and need an alternative to the actual doctor."

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "Get the probiotic acidophilus capsules (i buy from dollar tree). Then take a steamy hot shower. After that open a few capsules and mix into a cream (i use a monostat cream) , making a paste. Apply to the poor hurting burning vag and then drink water. Lots of water. Swallow a few more capsules. Do this every day and it will help."

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "I’ve suffered from recurring yeast infections for YEARS. I got on birth control for a couple of years, and they stopped, but once I stopped taking birth control they came back. I’ve tried many home remedies, as well as otc, and prescriptions. However, the best thing that’s ever happen to me was discovering acidophilus. When I take them regularly there’s no irritation at all, and everything feels very healthy down there. Would definitely recommend trying this out, a very easy and relatively cheap solution. I usually get mine from places like Walgreens or health food stores like Whole Foods."

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "I am a person who has suffered from constant yeast infections for a long time.If you stared too hard at me I might catch one .Everything irritated me from body wash/jacuzzi water/ or anything with a scent would have me right back in the dr's office. I usually prefer diflucan pills because it works but I wanted to try a different route because even though diflucan gets rid of the problem,it seems to always come back.I bought these pills from a local Walgreens and I took one orally and it did make me feel a little weird and I inserted one vaginally but it did not hurt.Slight stinging every so often but it's nothing major.I hope this works !"

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "I recently started taking Jardiance for my diabetes, and immediately developed a yeast infection (a common side effect). I picked up an OTC treatment, which worked, but I wanted something that would work long term, so I invested in the slightly more expensive acidophilus, with the billion cultures (at CVS). I take one each day, but if it gets a bit itchy, I take another and that gets my system back on track!"

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "I've been having recurring yeast infections for about 6 months now. It's been hell. I used Boric Acid, but it only provided temporary relief and the infection kept coming back. I did some research online and learned about Acidophilus. I read the reviews which were all positive. Today, I bought my first bottle and took one. Surprisingly, I'm starting to feel better down there. I highly recommend this to any woman dealing with recurring yeast and Bacterial Vaginosis."

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "Acidophilus is the miracle to stop problem yeast infection for me. I have been taking Acidophilus since 2016, and it saved my life."

More about Acidophilus (lactobacillus acidophilus)

  • Check interactions
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  • Side effects
  • Drug class: antidiarrheals
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Acidophilus drug information

Other brands

Florajen, Acidophilus Probiotic Blend, Intestinex, Acidophilus with Pectin, ... +9 more

Professional resources

  • Lactobacillus Acidophilus monograph

Other formulations

  • Acidophilus Extra Strength

Related treatment guides

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Diarrhea
  • Clostridioides difficile Infection
  • Oral Thrush