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Generic Name: Advair Diskus (fluticasone-salmeterol)

Advair Diskus Reviews

For Asthma, Maintenance "I have used this medication for about 20 years give or take a year or so. It works, I guess, though I am finding out more and more it is contraindicated with many meds I take. The price is ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS! Most especially for seniors on Medicare Part D where, when in the donut hole, or at the beginning of the year, they are expected to pay WAY over $300. WHO has that kind of money at the beginning of the year when they are 70, disabled, and on Social Security (unless they have a very high income)? This diskus with meds and equipment amounts to a plastic disk and 60 little packets of powder that can't be more than an eighth of a teaspoon of medication, probably costs GSK a whopping 10 cents! RIDICULOUS and just WRONG!"

For COPD, Maintenance "The very next day after starting Advair, my life improved dramatically. I am not kidding... this stuff really works. I now do 40 minutes of yoga and a full mile of accelerated aerobic walking (20 minutes) 5 days a week. After that, I immediately grab my oximeter... it is almost always at 97 or 98. My doctor says I am in severe stage and functioning at level 1. I don't even use my nebulizer and Albuterol anymore. I am 71 years old and am being fully honest."

For Asthma, Maintenance "Sometimes my Diskus goes to '0' and I don't see it because I take it in the early morning and at bedtime. I DO notice the difference in my breathing. Anytime I start to feel a 'heaviness' I suspect that I have run out, and I check the number on the Diskus - this is always the reason. I keep my reading glasses by my bed from now on, so I have not made that error since I figured this out. Advair has been a lifesaver for me. I think I have been on it for close to 20 years, not sure. I am putting this here for others who don't have their asthma under control. I have had nothing but good experiences with this medicine."

For Asthma, Maintenance "It definitely helped me breathe better, but puts me at risk for thrush. Once in a while, I get thrush in the throat, which is annoying, and I have to stop using Advair for a few days, and I struggle to breathe again about two days later. Clears up pretty quick. It’s a good idea to eat yogurt after rinsing your mouth, so now I eat yogurt all the time."

For Asthma, Maintenance "I have moderate persistent asthma and severe allergies. I was taking a different medication and had several all-night asthma attacks, daily episodes, and pleurisy for months. My doctor switched me to Advair 250/50 three days ago, and the difference is night and day. Today is the first day in three months that I haven’t had any symptoms. I feel like a new person. Advair is the best asthma medication I’ve tried, and today, I’m enjoying breathing deeply!"

For COPD, Maintenance "Advair does work really well, but the disk spray is terrible. This medicine is very expensive, they should work on a new container. You have to clean it a lot, and when you do, the number of uses goes down to 0 when it has plenty in it. Then you have to waste medicine using it in the air to see if there is any left. This medicine is so expensive, they should look into fixing the container it comes in."

For Asthma, Maintenance "My daughter went on Advair when she was 10 to control exercise-induced and seasonal allergy-induced asthma. She developed severe stomach aches (daily) and became lactose intolerant after several months. After allergy season, she was taken off the Advair. She went to a gastroenterologist for almost a year to clear up the stomach aches. She did not use Advair during that time. When the stomach problem was cleared up, the lactose intolerance disappeared as well. The next allergy season, she was put on Advair and almost immediately developed stomach aches and lactose intolerance. She stopped using the Advair, and the stomach issues and lactose intolerance disappeared. The doctors find no correlation."

For Asthma, Maintenance "I have been on Advair 500 for many years, and my asthma has been under control. Before taking this, I had attacks all day long. Now they have made a generic that I have been on for almost 3 months. My attacks are coming back. And insurance will no longer cover Advair. It’s very frustrating. I also have coronary artery spasms, which are due entirely to the severe asthma. So now, not only am I having to use the nebulizer more, but I’m also having to take nitro more for my heart."

For Asthma, Maintenance "I suffered from severe asthma from childhood till I was 50. Several attacks required hospitalization, and I was on every medicine known to treat asthma over this time period, including extended periods of prednisolone, rescue inhalers, plus theophylline, Alupent, etc. I started taking Advair in 2002, and since that time have had no attacks whatsoever. For the first 3 years, I still carried my Albuterol inhaler but finally had the confidence to stop carrying them. A momentous day indeed and not without some trepidation. I have suffered no side effects at all, and this medicine has been a life changer and potentially a life saver for me. I hope it can do the same for you. I never believed I would be rid of asthma, but I am."

For COPD, Maintenance "Advair helps me to breathe, bottom line. I rated it an 8 only because of the side effect of heartburn, which can be almost intolerable at times. I can find something to relieve that discomfort! I don't really have much of an appetite (see as a good thing for maintaining blood sugar levels and weight). I am using it in conjunction with another once-a-day inhaler. I feel better and clearer than I have in years!"

For COPD, Maintenance "I started taking Advair 50/500 about 2 years ago. I must say that I have noticed almost a complete turnaround with my breathing problems, which is wonderful. However, I am in the emergency room almost half of every month due to severe heartburn, gallbladder attacks, severe stomach, throat, and esophagus pain. It is all due to the Advair. I have been on all the breathing medicines, and Advair works the best. Just don't know if I can keep dealing with all these side effects."

For Asthma, Maintenance "I have been fighting my doctors about Advair for about 4 years. About 1 year ago, I got sick and I was using my Advair, and I chose to stay on it every day. I was doing well, then I stopped because I wanted to see if there was any difference, and oh my God, I realized I need Advair every day. Moral of the story: I take Advair every day now and I'm doing so much better."

For Asthma, Maintenance "I was on Advair for about five years and was able to breathe easily almost immediately after starting it. Before Advair, I used albuterol 6-10 times daily. I used to take the 500/50 Advair only once per day. Using it twice a day didn't make a difference in breathing, so that saved some money. I never had a thrush problem; actually, I never rinsed out my mouth at all. The reason I'm not using it any longer is the HUGE cost. My insurance is no longer covering it, and I cannot afford over $300 for just one Diskus. Am now taking Singulair and am back using the albuterol rescue inhaler 6-7 times a day."

For Asthma, Maintenance "If Advair is causing side effects in your mouth and throat, try rinsing and gargling with salt water immediately after using Advair. This simple process has made Advair tolerable. And like my doctor says, 'You must breathe.'"

For COPD, Maintenance "Advair Diskus helped my breathing by day two. I loved it at first, other than the cost. By week three my joints started to hurt and by 4th week I was having some real joint pain. After seeing the doctor and stopping the Advair discus the pain stopped within a few days. This has been a problem for me with some other COPD meds but this was by far the worst for pain for me."

For Asthma, Maintenance "Age 59, male. After having allergy asthma probably for decades, a wet spring after an ugly winter, and removing moldy insulation, ended me up at the doctors. Started on 100/50. It helped but not enough. Ended up getting 250/50 and have been on since (4 years). It didn't stop the fairly constant post-nasal drip, which was almost constant at night. Got Singulair for that and have taken it ever since (4 years). I'm fine and dandy ever since and can do heavy workouts, etc. Problems: leg cramps, foot cramps, hand cramps. I've always had a few, but they can get ugly. I find drinking water, taking daily multivitamins, and magnesium keeps them at bay. Dry, sensitive mouth = no more medium or hot salsa, etc. Watch your teeth."

For Asthma, Maintenance "Things that they don't tell you about this poison. The only thing I was told about this stuff was the possible weight gain. They never said that asthma can be cured. They never told me about the extreme mood swings. etc.. I can go on and on and on. Do your self a favor and research all the natural cures for asthma. You will be amazed what you find out."

For Asthma, Maintenance "Was prescribed Advair two weeks ago and haven't used Albuterol inhaler since. I notice easier breathing immediately and had absolutely no side effects. I don't even taste it but always rinse anyway. Before using Advair, I was using the inhaler about 10 times a day and still was out of breath when I tied my boots. After two days on Advair, I was able to attend a Packers game and walked about a mile to the stadium and another 60 flights of stairs to get to our seats. I would have been dead the week before. I'm hoping I can continue using this medication without getting any side effects. I have my life back and want to keep it that way."

For COPD, Maintenance "I have been taking Advair 250/50 for going on 3 years, and I love it! My breathing oxygen level stays in the high 90s, and I haven't made a trip to the ER for not being able to breathe after I started it. Highly recommend it, even though it is pricey."

For Asthma, Maintenance "Prescribed Advair Diskus (250/50) twice a day. My blood pressure was 130/80 when I started the medicine, which is about the highest it has ever been. I was not supposed to go back to the doctor for 30 days. But luckily, last night I had my blood pressure checked, it was 151/98-I was shocked! I have only been on the medicine 15 days. Advair probably helped me through my upper respiratory problems, but I think I should have been warned about this side effect."

For Asthma, Maintenance "I'm a 48 years old - never had asthma. Multiple respiratory infections left me wheezing daily. Doc prescribed Albuterol plus Advair. I was scared to start meds and didn't for a few weeks. Wheezing got bad enough I went back to doc., talked about concerns, and they explained importance of use. I started it in the office 3 weeks ago- I feel so much better now. I didn't realize how bad my breathing was. I haven't needed the Albuterol since. (knocking on wood!) Side effects for me= nervousness for ~hour after use; intermittent mild throat irritation; increased # of heart palpitations (have had for years). I wish I would have started it sooner."

For Asthma, Maintenance "I was prescribed this inhaler for my asthma, and I found it did a good job of bringing my breathing back to normal. However, I also experienced numerous side effects from the medicine, such as very painful leg cramps/spasms that kept me from sleep and, at times, work/school and recurrent bacterial sinus infections (i.e., facial/ear pain, ringing in ears, headache), which I had never had prior to using Advair. I also had a sore throat at times while on this medication, which to me is very minor, and I would have continued use if this was the only side effect. Although it was not a good fit for me, I would recommend this medicine to others who are struggling to control their asthma."

For Asthma, Maintenance "Been on 250/50 Advair for just over a year. It does great at preventing asthma attacks. I still have congestion and coughing. Despite rinsing my mouth and brushing my teeth after the use of Advair, my voice has become quite hoarse within the last 2 weeks. I'm thinking of switching back to Symbicort. I took Asmanex before taking Symbicort, but it wasn't sufficient to control my asthma."

For Asthma, Maintenance "Asthma since 26, year round allergies, Advair and montelukast for years. Feel i'm alive in my 70s because of some smart, caring Doctors. Biggest problems--no generic and super expensive now that prices have been raised. Donut hole every Year! Used to be more reasonable. Not advised to change since Advair and monte work. But can't afford to use 2 times a day as doctor recommends. I think it is Mylan also that raised prices out of seniors reach. Please help bring price down again. Thanks. Insurance covers part reasonably than too high in donut hole."

For Asthma, Maintenance "I had been on Advair for ten years and enjoyed not having asthma attacks, being able to exercise without using a rescue inhaler all of the time. Unfortunately due to the cost of Advair my insurance has dropped it from the list of medications they will cover and I have been switched to another brand. The new one does not work as well."

More about Advair Diskus (fluticasone / salmeterol)

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  • Drug class: bronchodilator combinations
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  • Advair drug information
  • Advair Diskus

Other brands

Wixela Inhub, Advair HFA, AirDuo Digihaler, AirDuo Respiclick

Professional resources

  • Advair prescribing information
  • Advair Diskus (FDA)

Other brands

Wixela Inhub, AirDuo Digihaler, AirDuo Respiclick

Related treatment guides

  • Asthma, Maintenance
  • COPD, Maintenance