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Generic Name: Muse (alprostadil)

Muse Reviews

For Erectile Dysfunction "Tried this as an alternative to phosphodiesterase inhibitors (Levitra and such) just because I get some side effects from these and wanted to see if I got better results with fewer side effects. Slightly awkward application, sticking a plastic stick down, though I rather like the sensation. Have to say it works REALLY well for me, a bit of penile pain in the area where the pellet is deposited in the urethra, but really quick onset of erection (no need for stimulation at all) and a really firm erection. 500mcg dose is good for me. Also keeps me hard for a good while after climax, so feel ready to go again after a bit of a breather!"

For Erectile Dysfunction "After hit or miss experiences with Viagra, I tried 250 mg Muse and the results are stunning. 5 minutes and notice immediate effects... 10 minutes later about 80% erect with zero stimulation. After 20 minutes, ready to go. I did notice slight pain (not to the uncomfortable stage) with erection but at 66 years old, it works like nothing else and after ejaculation, about 50% erect and with modest stimulation from partner, good to go. Takes about 90 to 120 minutes before wearing off. Works with no Viagra-like effects (headache), works while drinking. It's a 10 with me."

For Erectile Dysfunction "Worked fantastically. I have tried Caverject since and it worked ok but had a semi that lasted about 3 hours and the injection site was painful. I've also tried the new Vitaros but found it useless. MUSE though.......the erection drug of the gods!"

For Erectile Dysfunction "Due to the blood pressure medicines I take, I cannot tolerate Viagra or Cialis. I tried my 1st MUSE (500mg) a few days ago. Since it was my 1st dose, my wife and I almost missed the window. I don't believe the 500mg will be enough in the future. I suspect I'll need the 1000mg. The erection wasn't quite as firm as with Viagra and Cialis. But because it had little or no side effects with respect to my blood pressure, it will be a winner for us."

For Erectile Dysfunction "I had prostate surgery in 2009 and had used Muse for ten years. I had tried everything from injections, pills, pumps, and now medical Muse. The key is to determine what works for you. When I first began to use this medication, I used a penis pump. The pump comes with different size rings for your penis. I pumped the penis up, then removed it out of the pump and I inserted the Muse into the head of the penis and re-pumped. After 8 minutes or so, I slid the ring off the pump onto the shaft or base of the penis. The penis will stay hard and the ring will help keep the blood inside the penis. The best position is standing over the bed while your partner lays on the bed. Side effects for me are a little discomfort in the groin area (but hell, it's worth it) and also swelling of veins in the lower left leg. Women don't care how you get it hard, as long as you get it hard. I honestly had no complaints. P.S., use your pump every day to mimic a hard-on that we used to get every morning. 'Keep that thang alive!'"

For Erectile Dysfunction "If you are not using a condom, your partner may experience painful vaginal itching or burning. If your partner is pregnant, you should use a condom during sexual intercourse because this medicine has not been tested during human pregnancy."

For Erectile Dysfunction "After trying Silendafil and Cialis after prostate surgery, neither worked for me. Using the Caverject injection was good, but not a big fan of the needle. Using the 500 Muse was great for me. Little pain during insertion, but got a really good hard-on. I will continue to use it if effective, if not, surgery for me. I do recommend this product if your insurance pays for it. Mine is free with the Veterans Administration."

For Erectile Dysfunction "After nerve-sparing prostate surgery, I was prescribed several of the big-named drugs, but no satisfaction and too many side effects for me. My doctor then prescribed Muse (1000mcg). A good erection was obtainable, nothing like before the surgery, but at least it works. As others have suggested, standing up sure makes it work faster and last longer. I suggest it be used well before the expiry date, and it's extremely important that the application instructions be followed exactly."

For Erectile Dysfunction "I talked to my doctor about the use of Muse. I'm glad I did! I was thinking about using the injection method. I'm so glad I didn't. Muse is so, so easy to use. And the best part is that it really works."

For Erectile Dysfunction "I am not your typical user! Did Muse at least 50 times. This I know. Every erection is always different, but ALWAYS BETTER for that day with Muse. Sure, there might be pain in your penis, but look at the color of it. Bright purple, right? That's because there is more blood in there than even in your youth! Did 5 minutes a day on an elliptical machine, reaching 15 minutes after a month. Did a Muse 1000 mcg and had a 4-hour porn star performance. Could have hit it with a board, only an ice-cold shower brought it down!"

For Erectile Dysfunction "Tried it once by itself, very slight results after three minutes that lasted only about five minutes, and caused a lot of penile pain that lasted over an hour. Tried a second time after taking Cialis first, as suggested by the urologist, and it was even less effective with very slight results that lasted less than five minutes."

For Erectile Dysfunction "The first time I tried Muse (1000 mcg), I took the foil pouch from the refrigerator and placed it on the counter for 15 minutes. After unwrapping the applicator, and while standing, I lubricated the applicator with K-Y and held my penis upright. While pulling my foreskin back to expose my urethra, I inserted the applicator into the shaft. As the applicator was traveling through the head, it felt warm and expanded. After inserting the rest of the way and then pressing the button, I could feel a sharp warming feeling, and I could feel the sensation of the suppository traveling downward toward the base. I did not roll my penis as instructed, but I located the absorbing suppository in my urethra and gently massaged until I could feel most of the absorption at the lower half of my shaft. My erection proceeded from there very slowly and gave me a warm/tingly sensation but no urethral burning. My penis erection was rigid to penetrate, but not as hard as one of my better erections."

For Erectile Dysfunction "Tried Muse for the first time tonight, and, well, not very impressed yet. It gave me the initial erection but did not last long at all, not even an hour. I am on many meds for diabetes, though, so I'm sure that played a part. I will try it again for sure, though. Also, I am only on the 250 mcg dose. I would say it's a start, though, much better than what has been going on."

For Erectile Dysfunction "Applying was easy into the urethra. 5-10 minutes, you feel a slight burning in the penis. But a good type of burning. You can feel the blood entering the penis and it stays there with a little rubbing. Only side effects are slight burning and aching. Lasts for me 2 hours. I am a healthy 70-year-old retired physical education teacher who looks 55. So much better than the ED pills without side effects."

For Erectile Dysfunction "This is the only product of all the ED medications that gives you a full and firm erection, takes about 20 minutes and lasts over a hour, I have been using this product for over 5 years, the only thing is its very expensive and I don't have insurance and they do not offer any discounts"

For Erectile Dysfunction "I have tried just about every erectile dysfunction remedy available over the last few years none of which did much for me. My erections just were not strong enough to facilitate good sex for myself nor my wife and I was loosing any sensation. My urologist suggested I try MUSE and I did. But only a couple of times. The feeling I got was like being kicked in the groin. I thought the first time was possibly only a fluke for some reason but I was WRONG! The second time was just as bad! I have NEVER felt anything like the aching and discomfort I experienced possibly outside of being kicked in the groin. And my erection was just as weak as ever and my penis was so painful sex would have been impossible anyway. You can HAVE this stuff."

For Erectile Dysfunction "While using Muse I experienced a little discomfort. The applicator seems that it is still full of medicine. I followed all of the directions that came with the product. I noticed that my penis started to harden up a little then quit. I wonder what I am doing wrong"

For Erectile Dysfunction "I am in very good shape at 70 yrs old. I have used Muse 5 times. One time worked out as planned and the two other times it let me down. Another time I had an erection for 4 hrs. So in short it seems undependable and I get an uneasy feeling to try it again. Plus it takes too long to get it from the drug store. Is there a production issue..?"

For Erectile Dysfunction "Creates only a soft erection; not enough for intercourse. I have mentally separated ejaculation from intercourse because what I primarily want is the sense of "oneness" with my mate. With a MUSE injection I feel a sort of pain, which also is felt in my ankles and lower legs. It's pretty useless for me. Does give a soft erection for a short time."

For Erectile Dysfunction "The first few administrations of muse required some coaching from a health care professional who was knowledgeable and had access to resources. My foreskin is very long so I had to pull it completely back before inserting the applicator in the head. The muse started to work at the base of my penis (warming!) which was starting to expand before the rest of it. During the expansion at the base, the blood vessels started to pop out so massaging helped move the suppository to even out the erection. Also, both of my testes and scrotum got full and tight as the muse started to work. Finally, finally there is the urge to ejaculate or come before the muse takes complete effect-especially the first few times. It is important that this happens to lower the intensity of the previous dose."

For Erectile Dysfunction "Works somewhat, but not stiff enough for vaginal penetration. Haven't tried while standing though. Fairly strong penile aching with 1-2 hr. persistent erection afterwards are not a plus. I've had somewhat better results using a vacuum pump and retainer ring. The best thing so far was "Trimix" intracavernosal injection - a good hard erection, no pain - but the last batch was not particularly effective, and I don't know if the compounding pharmacy used dated materials, or my response is declining with age. Viagara and Cialis do nothing for me."

For Erectile Dysfunction "Me and wife (in our 50's) tried it for the first time and great results. Second time not as good. We will keep trying. Believe we need to take it out of refrigerator and let it warm up a bit might help, I don't know. My diabetes and wife fibromyalgia (or how ever you spell it). We will keep on trying"

For Erectile Dysfunction "Tried muse 500 mg, the cost is insane and had absolutely no effect, tried 4 different occasions, all I got was a sore penis and an empty wallet, 50mg viagra worked a little better, for a fraction the cost"

For Erectile Dysfunction "I've tried this around 8 times with limited success. Application is easy enough and what effect it had was within 10 min or so. I got a fairly soft erection that lasted about 40 minutes. It seemed to work better standing going to down to almost no effect if I lay on my back. I noticed quite an ache in the penis for a couple of hours."

For Erectile Dysfunction "Tried muse and was disappointed. Very easy to apply. It caused some thickening in my penis but not hard at all. Left me with a feeling of discomfort in the shaft of my penis for about 4 hours. Have used a pump in the past with good results, guess that I will stick with this, Have tried Viagra and Cialis in the past with poor results. Great thing with the pump, a once only outlay and it works every time"

More about Muse (alprostadil)

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  • Reviews (54)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: impotence agents
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Muse advanced reading
  • Muse

Other brands

Edex, Caverject, Prostin VR Pediatric

Professional resources

  • Muse prescribing information
  • Alprostadil (Systemic, Local) (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Edex, Caverject, Prostin VR Pediatric, Caverject Impulse

Related treatment guides

  • Erectile Dysfunction