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Generic Name: Aleve for Back Pain (naproxen)

Aleve for Back Pain Reviews

"Two days ago, I was getting out of my car. I slipped on the gravel, twisting and slipping the lower discs in my back. For two days, I haven't been able to move without excruciating pain. I have been crying for two days. I've taken Advil, Tylenol, Motrin, and muscle relaxers. Just a few hours ago, my friend comes over, hands me two Aleve and some warm water. Within 30 minutes, I'm not lying, the pain is gone. Thank you, Aleve, I promise to pass the word of your greatness."

"Male - 33 years old. Excruciating pain in lower SI region of my back following an aggressive 30-mile bike ride and a few days of surfing. Woke up the next morning with shooting pain in low back, which progressed to shooting pains running down my glutes and referred pain to the hip flexor region. For two weeks, this was extremely painful and did not subside even with ice applications and finally chiropractic visits - 5 total and lots of Advil. Per the suggestion of my wife, I tried Aleve (2 pills for the first dose and 1 pill each dose after that). After 2 pills, I noticed a HUGE difference and significantly reduced pain as well as better range of motion as inflammation had gone down. I highly recommend it for anyone with back pain as it really helped me!"

"I bent over and suddenly experienced severe pain. With either a pinched nerve or a pulled muscle, I could barely make it to a nearby chair. I took 2 Aleve and applied an ice pack for the entire afternoon. Within 45 minutes, I could slowly walk, and I continued to take Aleve as recommended on the bottle. The next day I resumed my life as usual, and in 3 or 4 days, I no longer needed Aleve. Wow, better than a chiropractor."

"Female, 20 years old - I recently started a new job as a cashier. I started to experience pain after having to pick up heavy packs of water bottles and other heavy items. The pain was all in my lower back. I went to visit my chiropractor, and that would alleviate the pain until I went back to work. I would rate my pain on a scale from 1 to 10; a 7. It was a sharp, stabbing, pulling pain in my lower back, and it even hurt to take a deep breath. Today was the first day I took Aleve when I went to work, and my back pain was almost completely gone. I was able to move around without being uncomfortable. I am extremely satisfied with the results."

"Ibuprofen bothers my stomach, so I tried Aleve/naproxen some years back, and as of this day, it works better than anything else, over the counter, that I have taken. It may not take away all the pain, but it takes that evil edge off so the pain becomes less likely to make me vomit. I take Aleve in the morning to prevent the pains and again when I do get the pains."

"I have been taking Norco 5 mg a day for bad lower back pain, and of course, this really did remove all pain. But many countries don't have this drug, so my pharmacy said to try Aleve. I was so surprised that I still can't believe that it took 95% of my pain away. I travel with Aleve and won't have problems in bringing drugs into other countries."

"Two Aleve a day helped my back pain, but over time it affected my stomach. My gastroenterologist knew immediately what my problem was, and I've stopped Aleve entirely. I had almost a year of constant nausea and pain until I quit taking Aleve."

"I don't know what I did, but whenever I jumped on the trampoline with my kids, I was experiencing some weird pain in my upper back. I put some A535 on my back. That didn't help. The next day it still hurt! Then I took two Aleve pills, and the next morning I was okay. And I continued this way for a few days, and my back was all better! Thanks, Aleve!"

"I had real lower back muscle pain for two weeks. Dr gave me Cyclbenzaprine-- not good. Saw an Aleve commercial on TV, it was a back pain reliever. Within 15 minutes of taking it sharp pain was reduced dramatically. That's all I can tell you. I still am on it and have no bad comments."

"I've worked hard all my life. I've had disk problems in my back for 4 years now. My doctors given me this and that...but nothing really worked. I've been using Aleve now and it really takes the edge off!!!"

"I have osteoarthitis in both of my hips, knees, and two herniated discs in my lower back, I go to the gym three times a week and at times, those areas will get sore, after taking the Aleve for back and muscle pain, it relieve it great!"

"This should be the first thing you take when you realize you have back pain. At the very least this will take the sharp edge off and give you enough time to get to Urgent Care or an immediate doctor appointment. I have noticed that for extended use (2-5 days) the pain symptoms slowly come back, but at least this is something I can buy OTC."

"Really good at back pain relief, but after extended use, I have 2 ruptured discs. My skin started to tear easily, but I was in my 30s at the time. So I don't use it for long periods, but occasional usage is fine."

"I have severe scoliosis so my pain is pretty strong most days. My doctor recommended Aleve so I take 2 caplets (440mg) and there is a bit less pain for a few hours. The package says it works for 8-12 hours, but I'm lucky if it stretches out to 5. Takes my pain from a 7 (out of 10) to a 3 or 4. And then I can't drink for another 8 hours which is no fun."

"This has to be the most unproductive company on the face of this planet, this product does absolutely nothing for you other than give you false hope. I can’t for the life of me understand how they are even allowed to put “back relief” on the front of their bottle. Not only is that theoretically impossible for these generic pills to “fast target” your back pain but it actually doesn’t do a single thing to benefit your body in any way shape or form."

"Aleve back and muscle pills are garbage they don't work. Purchased the product twice and both times they did nothing even after taking 3 both times straight garbage should discontinue product rip off with a hyped up name."

"After taking this drug for back pain, I had the most painful experience of my life, more painful than back surgery. I couldn't walk for 6 hours. As the drug began to leave my system things began to get better. I had to wait 96 hours to take Ibuprofen again which is my miracle for pain. During the hours the Aleve was leaving my system I got slowly better. I followed all the rules. No alcohol, no drugs that might interact but this drug was a total disaster. These drugs are both nsaids - they should react similarly. But there has to be a difference in the way they mix them or the non-active ingredients. Any similar experiences?"

"Aleve is great for back pain. I take one pill in the morning and one at night before bedtime. No pain at all. That's what my M.D. told me to take. Thanks, Aleve. Great job."

"It works better than Vicodin for my lower back pain. It takes about 45 minutes to kick in."

"Have bulging disc at L-1, spinal stenosis at T-10-11, C-6-7, didn't want to take narcotics. Have been taking Aleve for 7 days, excellent relief. Hope it lasts."

"Best medicine I ever took for back pain."

"Not as good as THC but very effective for me. One wants a solution that allows your mind to not constantly be aware of pain. This does the job for me."

"I love Aleve! It makes all my lower back pain disappear, I feel like a new person."

"I took two aleve and my back pain hasn't even lessened. Still hurts the same after 4 hours and it's supposed to work for 8-12 hours."

"Works well for back, shoulder, and knee pain."

More about Aleve (naproxen)

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  • Reviews (152)
  • Drug images
  • Latest FDA alerts (8)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Support group
  • Drug class: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Aleve drug information
  • Aleve Easy Open Arthritis
  • Aleve Liquid Gels
  • Aleve Arthritis (Advanced Reading)

Other brands

Naprosyn, Anaprox, Flanax Pain Reliever, Aleve Back and Muscle Pain, ... +5 more

Professional resources

  • Aleve prescribing information
  • Naproxen (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Naprosyn, Naprelan, All Day Pain Relief, All Day Relief

Other formulations

  • Aleve Cold and Sinus

Related treatment guides

  • Back Pain
  • Bursitis
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Muscle Pain