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Generic Name: Aleve for Osteoarthritis (naproxen)

Aleve for Osteoarthritis Reviews

"My hip and shoulder have hurt for years and I have always taken Bayer aspirin, and I tried Aleve arthritis gelcap. To my surprise, the pain in my hip and shoulder went away for 8 hours. The only thing I don't know is how long I could take the stuff, the bottle said do not take for longer than 10 days. The warning label about it could cause a stroke or heart attack did raise questions."

"2013/14 took 2 Aleve every a.m. for knees. I found myself feeling weak - like going to pass out. Went to primary next day. Checked blood count and did the rectal blood. Told my SO to get me to emergency now. Blood count 7 and needed transfusion. Had endoscopy. Released after 3 days - blood normal. Told to see gastro upon my release. Over the next week had colonoscopy, intestinal exam, and lastly capsule endoscopy - swallow a small capsule camera to film 8 hours going through my body. Dr. and I reviewed the results. Three places in intestines indicated bleeding - I could see them. He asked me food or meds I was taking - Aleve had caused the bleeding as it is an NSAID. I can't take any NSAID and nothing with aspirin in it or I may bleed. So now I basically live w/o taking anything for pain. ALEVE - Read the package - very small print - may cause BLEEDING."

"For at least 7 years, I have taken one aleve before going to sleep every night for osteoarthritis pain in my lower back. It has worked marvellously. Unfortunately I can no longer take Aleve as I have stage 3 kidney disease which my doctor is attributing to long term usage of Aleve. I now take a low dosage Tylenol but it does not work near as well as the Aleve ..."

"I have severe Osteoarthritis my fingers twisted, my knees have had 1 replace. The other needs one, my hips, my feet and back. I find a Aleve gel caps work better than my Voltaren. I also use oxycodone to help me with severe pain."

"Dear Aleve, Your packaging is a total fail. I had to take the pliers to the bottle to get into it (it's very accommodating now) then had to take my contacts out and hunt out some reading glasses to see how many pills to take for a dose. The newly swallowed pills have not yet worked on the pain, so I have no way of deciding - at this point - if your product is worth the bother."

"It seems like other OTC pain relief pills work much better, e.g. ibruprofen, aspirin, tylonol. I just try to get by on one aleve taken around 5 a.m. because I take four other pills each day at 5 p.m. I have just experienced several days with dizzyness. Don't know if it's connected to taking Aleve but will address it with my family doctor."

"I take one Aleve in the morning, one at night and can't believe the relief I've experienced from painful, arthritic knees."

"Gouty arthritis: fair Arthritic shoulder: good"

More about Aleve (naproxen)

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  • Reviews (152)
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  • Latest FDA alerts (8)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Support group
  • Drug class: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Aleve drug information
  • Aleve Easy Open Arthritis
  • Aleve Liquid Gels
  • Aleve Arthritis (Advanced Reading)

Other brands

Naprosyn, Anaprox, Flanax Pain Reliever, Aleve Back and Muscle Pain, ... +5 more

Professional resources

  • Aleve prescribing information
  • Naproxen (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Naprosyn, Naprelan, All Day Pain Relief, All Day Relief

Other formulations

  • Aleve Cold and Sinus

Related treatment guides

  • Back Pain
  • Bursitis
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Muscle Pain