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Generic Name: Aller-Tec for Allergic Rhinitis ()

Aller-Tec for Allergic Rhinitis Reviews

"I suffer from an extreme number of allergies that caused me to get 6 or more sinus infections annually. I have tried Claritin & other nasal sprays without seeing much change. When I found Aller-Tec (Costco generic for Zyrtec) it changed my life. I could not afford the brand name Zyrtec but aller-tec is only around $15 for a year supply. I take daily (I believe this is important since it builds up in your system to help you fight the allergies you encounter) In 10 years I have never had more than 2 sinus infections annually. I have also shared with so many people in my life. It has changed their lives as it has mine in a positive way so they can function more normally. I can’t speak for others. But for me and my friends and associates that take this daily has improved the quality of our lives. All I’m saying is don’t be discouraged by the other reviews. Be patient with it and try for at least 2 weeks daily before making your own opinion for what it is capable to do for you."

More about Aller-Tec (cetirizine)

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  • Reviews (1)
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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: antihistamines
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

Other brands

Zyrtec, Quzyttir

Professional resources

  • Kirklands Signature Aller-Tec prescribing information
  • Cetirizine (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Zyrtec, All Day Allergy, Quzyttir, All Day Allergy Children's, Aller-Tec Children's

Related treatment guides

  • Allergic Rhinitis
  • Urticaria