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Generic Name: Diclofenac for Migraine (diclofenac)

Diclofenac for Migraine Reviews

Cambia (diclofenac) "I love Cambia. I took 4 doses of Imitrex in a 24-hour period and couldn't get rid of a migraine. Out of desperation, I took a sample dose of Cambia my doctor gave me, and my migraine was gone in 15 minutes. I called my doctor and had him call in a prescription for me. It was the fastest-acting pain reliever ever."

Cambia (diclofenac) "Cambia is diclofenac potassium. This company added flavor consisting of mint and anise (licorice flavor). Also, they added aspartame, which is not a good thing. They charge hundreds of dollars for only nine powders. The actual drug of diclofenac potassium is cheap, and you get a 30-day supply. I just crushed the pill into a powder and took it with water just like the Cambia...worked just as fast and tasted better, because it had no taste. Don't be fooled by the makers of Cambia. It is just another EpiPen scandal story."

Cambia (diclofenac) "I have suffered from prolonged migraines for over 20 years. This is the first medicine I have used that relieved my pain. My recent migraine was going on twelve hours when it was suggested that I try this medication. Within 1 1/2 hours, it was gone. I am hoping not to use it again for a while, however, the next time I need Cambia and it works, I will have found my miracle."

Cambia (diclofenac) "It works completely within 30 to 60 minutes. However, my migraines do come back the next day. Am a little concerned about taking Cambia every day. Have been getting migraines daily for the last 8 days. The meds you take daily to stop migraines make me feel like I'm wrapped in cotton and out of touch with the world."

Cambia (diclofenac) "Finally took the sample given to me by my doctor after nothing else was making a dent in my migraine after approximately 12 hours. This worked literally within an hour. Felt wonderful and not at all 'fuzzy' headed. Will always be keeping a dose of this on hand with me."

Cambia (diclofenac) "I have been taking Firocet for years, and it has been moderately effective for my migraines, which I usually have one per week. My doctor last week recommended Cambia. I was skeptical about it but was in agony and gave it a try. Within 45 minutes, I was up and functional. Will only use in severe cases. Also very costly if you have no insurance."

Cambia (diclofenac) "I suffer from cluster headaches, and they are no fun. Had one this morning and took 10 mg of Percocet. It did not take it away. I was a little skeptical about a Cambia pack I got from the doctor, but after 3 hours and no relief, I took it, and within 30 minutes it was gone. Been suffering from these for 18 years and will keep some on hand just in case."

Cambia (diclofenac) "Mama said, 'If it's too good to be true, it probably is.' Except for Cambia. This is good stuff. I get headaches so often I don't notice unless it's a bad one. Relief comes within 10 to 15 minutes. Maybe even less on an empty stomach. Pain, throbbing, sensitivity, all of it. Best part: I can take it at work (elementary special needs teacher) with no impairment, drowsiness, or pesky side effects whatsoever. That's a BIG deal when working with kids. I keep two packets in my wallet at all times. PS: The taste, mint and black jellybeans, was hard for me to swallow at first. But it's no worse than NyQuil or Robitussin or any of the other horrid things we take to feel better. So what?"

Cambia (diclofenac) "This is a miracle! I've had migraines since I was 6, diagnosed with chronic daily migraines when I was 14 and have not been able to find a reprieve from the pain. On a scale of 1 to 10, my pain is usually around a 4 on a good day and an 8 or 9 on a bad one. On a bad day, I take a dose of Cambia and an Imitrex subcutaneous injection, and it completely knocks out my migraine! In all my years of having migraines, I never thought that was possible. Even when I don't take the injection, the Cambia alone brings a level 8 migraine down to a 3, which is manageable."

Cambia (diclofenac) "Did not work for me at all. Since 2005 until now I've been on every non narcotic and narcotic meds for my migraines that in spring & summer increases them to 5-7 times a week. I've even had the injections even though I'd always say no way would I allow it but then I did them because if it would've helped it would be so worth it. I'm now quite desperate as I have no decent quality of life anymore. White brain matter was first detected in 2005 which led to more tests and found out it's Multiple Sclerosis that was causing it and in 2006 there was a tumor caught by Cat Scan deep in the left cerebellum. Surgeons say I'd have a 50/50 chance of dying. I hate to say it but migraines 5-7 days a week is not exactly living."

Cambia (diclofenac) "I have had debilitating migraines for over 25 years. I have tried EVERY type of migraine medication- hoping each time the new one would work- and would be so frustrated every time. I previously thought my migraines were hormone related, but have now realized they are also caused by changes in the weather/ air pressure. My neurologist has tried many medications, and finally Cambia! Cambia is by far the best thing I have used- If I can take it as soon as I feel the migraine coming on, it works great! I have been taking it for 6 months, and only a couple of times it didn't work. I also started taking 400mg of magnesium glycinate every day and I feel it has also helped in migraine prevention. Hope this helps others as much as it has helped me!"

Cambia (diclofenac) "Present migraine has plagued me for 2 weeks despite my customary meds (->treximet, ->percocet 10mg, -> imitrex injections, not in same day of course). I also do botox migraine every three months. I not only suffer with common symptoms, debilitating headache, nausea, light/sound sensitivities, I also have numbness, unilateral paralysis, and even blindness. I've tried most approved treatments, including "off label" medications, with ranging levels of relief. I've yet to find a preventative aka "miracle drug", although, botox has effectively reduced the number of my "headache" days. At any rate, my migraine specialist gave me samples of Cambia at last visit and today I remembered I had it. It quickly took a level 9 to a level 3."

Cambia (diclofenac) "Have only used it twice, and ONLY as a 'rescue' med from my Dr. It worked within 20 minutes and lasted the whole day. I'm only instructed to use it no more than twice a week. I suffer all the other days and have had this headache for 4 years now. Also starting some new meds to figure out what will PREVENT them."

Cambia (diclofenac) "I was having frequent migraines to the point where it was making me hate life and cry all the time. I was scared to take it but it worked within two minutes. If you are scared and feel hopeless try this medication it will literally save you from the drowning that migraines can make you feel. Its the only medication I can say that is truly magic."

Cambia (diclofenac) "I found this medication online with some web searches during major migraine. I asked my neurologist for a prescription and fortunately she agreed. She'd never heard of it before, so was hesitant. My insurance covers this a better price than other migraine abortants. It's my go to now. I highly recommend. Use as little water as possible, then rinse the cup with water and drink whatever residue. It works wonders and truly dosen't taste bad."

Cambia (diclofenac) "Honestly this is my Go-To when my migraine is an 8 or higher. Taken on an empty stomach with very minimal water used to mix. Take as a shot, Then fill the glass with an entire water bottle to get what’s left over and hydrate your body. Afterwards relax maybe even a small 20-30 minute nap after and I'm good to go like I never even had a migraine in the first place! They do tend to be expensive so like I said I only use when 8 or higher since I take Aimovig shot once a month to keep the headaches down."

"This is amazing diclofenac really is, got it from my doctor. Have a muscle disease that effects my back as well. Always seem to be hurting somewhere all the time, as well as really bad headaches. Couldn't take the pain any more tried it. It was wonderful so fast 30 to 45 mins. I was so grateful I cried out of relief. Finally took care of all of it...you got to try it. Thanks so much for this medicine."

Cambia (diclofenac) "Cambia has gotten rid of EVERY migraine I’ve ever had for years. It’s not only the best thing I’ve tried, it’s the only thing that works. I’ve tried maxalt, fioricet, literally everything. This is a true lifesaver."

Cambia (diclofenac) "As Cambia Hoax said, it's mint and anise-flavored diclofenac potassium, with artificial sweeteners (sucralose, i.e., Splenda, not aspartame) and some other inactive ingredients. It's priced at only ~$600 for nine 50mg packets, while the actual cost is pennies. If this is not a scam, I don't know what is..."

Cambia (diclofenac) "Cambia works perfectly for me. I get zero side effects from it, so I take it at the first sign of aura or pain because there's no side effect trade off. BUT even when I haven't been able to take it at onset, it still works for me. If taken hours in, it sometimes doesn't remove all pain , but I take another and that one always takes the rest of the pain away. But since I don't get dizzy or drowsy, I keep it with me at all times and take it wherever I am. It's given me my life back. Sometimes my sensitivity to light & sound stays a bit. This isn't a side effect of the med, I think it's just that I still have a migraine in the background, with no pain. Maybe it's just post migraine fog though, as it doesn't present right away. It's hours after. Tip: works best on empty stomach. Wait to take it for 15-30 minutes if stomach is full. Don't drink or eat anything for another 30 minutes while it's absorbing into your stomach lining."

Cambia (diclofenac) "I find that Cambia works quite well and quite fast, especially when taken on an empty stomach. It doesn't last long though, and I typically only get an hour or two of pain relief before it wears off. Also, it's quite inconvenient to administer and really only suitable for home use. Because of the above reasons, I sought out a different analgesic for my migraines and headaches. I am currently taking Tramacet, and I find that it works much better and lasts much longer."

Cambia (diclofenac) "This is the only drug that really helps. I am suffering for more than 50 years. I had a prescription and insurance, but not now. I am retired and my only question is WHERE I can buy it??? I still have limited pouches leftover after my insurance paid for it, so I try to use it as a last resort. I even tried a laboratory that made the exact substance, but it did not work."

Cambia (diclofenac) "I've had migraines for decades, did all kinds of naturopaths, acupuncture iridologist, meds & Botox injections. I have used two packets of Cambia and so far so good. Will continue to see how it goes. There are many warnings with this drug. So be aware & in the meantime keep healing"

"Have had 2 or 3 migraines a year give or take, since I was 16, now 38. I have never found anything that remotely helped until a friend recommended diclofenac... WOW 2x 25mg and 30mins and its like nothing ever happened. Have only used it twice but worked both times. I don't like using any kind of medicine usually, but not having to go through torturous 12hr ordeals is what medicines are for."

"Cambia was prescribed to treat my migraines (which last for days) and also the excruciating pain from nerve damage in my arm. I'm 25, and I have epilepsy, which puts me at greater risk for migraine attacks. But I have a warning for those who take Cambia. Do NOT take it without food, and do not take it for longer than a few days. I learned the hard way that this medicine is very bad for the GI tract. I ended up with a severely inflamed and eroded stomach lining. I do not drink alcohol or smoke; it was definitely the Cambia that caused this. Please be mindful of your body's signals while you take any medication. Cambia can put you in the hospital even if you take it exactly as directed. Call your doc immediately if you experience GI pain!"

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  • Drug class: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
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Patient resources

  • Diclofenac drug information
  • Diclofenac (Intravenous) (Advanced Reading)
  • Diclofenac (Oral) (Advanced Reading)
  • Diclofenac Delayed-Release Tablets
  • Diclofenac Extended-Release Tablets

Other brands

Voltaren, Cataflam, Cambia, Voltaren-XR, ... +4 more

Professional resources

  • Diclofenac (Systemic, Local) monograph
  • Diclofenac (FDA)
  • Diclofenac Capsule (FDA)
  • Diclofenac Delayed Release Tablets (FDA)
  • Diclofenac Extended Release Tablets 100mg (FDA)

Other brands

Voltaren, Cataflam, Cambia, Voltaren-XR, ... +3 more

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