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Generic Name: h papillomavirus vac,qval (PF)

Brand Name: Gardasil (PF) intramuscular

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

This vaccine has ruined my life, I got it back in January and am still dealing with the negative symptoms. For the past 3 weeks I have fevers everyday and horrible pain all over my body, I can't even work or get out of bed. I just want to know how to flush my body from this shot.

It didn't protect unfortunately... I got sick 3 times, 3 surgeries due to type 18. I made the vaccine 18 years old. I got the virus at 19

I work at an Obgyn and have gotten my first Gardasil 9 injection last week. I feel fine with no side effects. Everybody�s body is different therefore injections, as well as medications, will be processed differently with some having adverse effects and others with none. Just because you have had a bad experience with this injection does not mean that the next woman, teen, child will have the same reaction. Everyone of the 10 doctors at my clinic have received this vaccine with no side effects. This vaccine PROTECTS AGAINST CANCER! Not only cancers below the belt, but also neck and throat cancer. In my eyes, it�s worth the mild, tolerably side effects vs. finding out you have cancer later in your life. Remember everyone, HPV is considered an STD, and cannot be tested in men. It is non treatable and CAUSES CANCER. Why not protect yourself and everyone you know! The ages for Gardasil9 are 9 to 45yo. Take care of yourself guys, and please don�t let a few bad reviews keep you from doing so.

Beware of the dangers. Had this at age 40 based on new recommendations. Within 2 weeks of the shot my muscles ached when used, then developed tingling in hands and legs with shots of pain throughout my body. I also felt burning and aching of certain muscles that came and went. This sucks. Read the studies...the benefit in most cases won't outweigh the risks.

Yo I accidentally slept with this chick on tinder, then she tells me she has HPV. Thanks to my clutch af doc, that's still her problem lol 10/10

My daughter received this vaccine 6 years ago. It has caused limb tingling and numbness, heart palpitations, headaches, anxiety, gut issues, scoliosis. Do not get this vaccine. We were bullied into it by doctor and regret it.

I'm 17, and started my first round last year when I was 16. Started my second today and feel completely fine. Besides the soreness at the injection site, but all shots do that to me.

I got gardasil in 2010 I was 13 Yrs old. Me and my twin brother had them done one the same day. So far its done what it is supposed to! No side effects and has kept us protected.

My daughter had the 3 shot series back in 2006. No side effects. But, she had a baby in 2012 that was born with a cleft lip and cleft palet. May be unrelated...anybody else have any children with birth defects that received Gardasil??

DO NOT TAKE THIS VACCINE. I regret my choice to take this. It is recommended for teens and adults (up to 25) who are not sexually active to prevent cervical cancer from my understanding. I did not fully understand how one could get cervical cancer, if I did I would not have gotten this thing because I only anticipate having sex with one person for the rest of my life. Aside from that, I was totally fine after the first two shots. No side effects whatsoever. It was the third shot that caused all hell to break loose. It started the next few days after the shot. I felt tingling in my hands and arms. Then, soon after sharp pains all over my body especially in my legs. I could not walk without severe pain. It felt like sharp needles pricking my legs every step I took. I was soon after diagnosed with neuropathy (nerve damage). I am thankful that my primary physician reported this incident. She said she hasn't seen this side effect from the vaccine reported, but a few google clicks show many people with very similar results. It's unfortunate that either doctors are not reporting this or the vaccine company is trying to cover these ill effects up. DO NOT TAKE THIS VACCINE. It has been several months and the nerve pain has calmed down. It is nearly gone and my doctor assured me that it would be temporary, but she agrees that it was due to the vaccine because she is very familiar with my medical history and saw how my health immediately declined after the third and final shot. To give some folks hope, I am almost all better. I may have nerve pain in the legs here and there.. but hoping for a full recovery in the next few months up to a year. To those who have already had the shots, be watchful of weird symptoms. If you haven't gotten all 3 yet, discontinue. I was fine up until the last shot. Be careful, some have had worse results. Understand whether or not this shot is really necessary for you. It wasn't for me, I suffered nerve damage for no reason.

Where do I even begin? Exactly four years ago I allowed the nurse at my doctors office to give me this shot. Big mistake! A couple of weeks later I experienced fatigue, dizziness, tingling in legs and arms, pain all over my body, and terrible anxiety and low blood sugar attacks. I saw many doctors and specialists. The only thing wrong with me was low vitamin d count, which is now better because I take a supplement. Four years later I feel much better with less neurological symptoms but it seems like three or four times a year I'm diagnosed with some bizarre infection such as swollen lymph nodes, tonsillitis, infected cysts and for the past two years I've have recurrent bacterial vaginosis! This has been an absolute nightmare and I am really trying to take care of myself. I recently cut out all refined sugars and starches, started taking a probiotic for the vaginal infections and a supplement containing a multitude of vitamins. Please do not get this shot! I am 25 years old and constantly worried about my health wondering what will go wrong next. Prior to this I was a healthy young adult rarely getting anything more than a cold. I believe with all of my heart that this shot somehow messed up my immune system.

DO NOT LET YOUR CHILDREN TAKE THESE SHOTS. unfortunately I had all 3 shots around 7 years ago and I have never been the same. I have suffered from neuropathic pain syndrome since I received this shot and my life has been hell. I was always an active person, playing many sports and working hard. So I am now a 28 year old who can no longer work, haven't been able to finish college and live in pain everyday. Unfortunately I'm going to be like this for the rest of my life, but I want to prevent this from happening to anyone else. I know of girls who have become completely paralyzed from this shot. Please please please do your research on this shot, because the bad outweighs the good heavily. It literally has ruined my life and taken away my ability to control what I want to do during my life.

The Gynecologist recommended this vaccine for my 17 year old. DO NOT VACCINATE YOUR DAUGHTERS WITH THIS VACCINE. My daughter's side effects were fever, headache, panting, couldn't move, joint pain. DO NOT listen to the doctor. RUN AWAY FROM Gardasil, it is dangerous.

I received the first of the of the shots 8 years ago & had an anaphylactic reaction. Needless to say I did not continue with the followup doses. I will also not allow either of my daughters to get this drug. The benefits do not outweigh the risks.

Do NO TAKE GARDASIL PLEASE!!!!My daughter took 2 shots of it,today after 3 months her doctor's nurse called and said the company(MERK national center)said the last shot my daughter had was on Recall because they found glass in the vaccine!OMG!!I'm praying n'hopping there is a way to check her blood.

I see a lot of negative reviews, and my heart goes out to all of you. But I did not experience any adverse affects. The shot was painful and the injection site hurt for about a day or so but I have no had any other issues. I saw someone talk about infertility but I had a son two years after I had the shot and there were no complications. I'm not sure whether my experience is typical or not, but I thought I should share it anyway.

My daughter had two Gardisial doses, each time she had huge bouts or canker sores immediately following the injections and has regular outbreaks since then. we did not take the third dose.

My daughter is 16 and got the first shot two months ago. She is now experiencing occasional heavy periods, stomach/back pain when she is not on her period and occasional weakness that she did not have before. I say occasional because these are not constant symptoms that she has everyday, just every once in awhile. I am positive that it is from this shot and I feel just awful that I allowed myself to be suckered in to this "prevention" scheme. I will not suggest this shot to anyone and my daughther will not be getting the next two doses!

My daughter, Victoria, has been ill since February 2008. Immediately after her second vaccination, Victoria experienced severe diarrhea, vomiting and was nauseous for about eight weeks. She had blood work done many times and several later, she had her first seizure. My daughter has undergone CT scans, MRI's, MRA's, EEG's, ultrasounds, blood work on many occasions and was hospitalized at an epilepsy center in the video EEG monitoring unit for several weeks in 2008, 2009 and 2010. A spinal tap was attempted, but unsuccessful. Thereafter, Victoria underwent a lumbar puncture with fluoroscopy. My daughter has been diagnosed with toxic encephalopathy secondary to the Gardasil vaccine. She experiences the following symptoms: non-epileptic seizures, migraines, fainting, various tremors, twitches and numbness, intermittent leg paralysis and facial paralysis, tingling, staring or blank episodes, eye pain, joint pain, neck pain, back pain, memory loss, confusion, brain fog, regression, mood swings, hair loss and chronic fatigue. She continues to have bouts of nausea and diarrhea. For a period of over four years, my daughter could never be left home alone, she couldn’t go to school, go out with her friends or work. My daughter is one of many thousands of other young girls (and boys) who experience severe adverse effects from Gardasil.

I received one dose of Gardasil when I was 17. Several days later my mouth broke out in many painful sores-white blistering sores. My doctor recommended that I not take any more of the vaccine.