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Generic Name: Tri-Lo-Sprintec (ethinyl-estradiol-norgestimate)

Tri-Lo-Sprintec Reviews

For Birth Control "I started this birth control about two months before moving into college. I was nervous to start taking it after reading all of the bad reviews, but it worked WONDERS for me. I have never had bad acne, only some small blemishes. Ever since I started taking it, I have had the most clear and dewy skin. I have not had any bad side effects with Tri-Lo-Sprintec. As far as weight gain, there has not been any for me. Honestly, I can't ask for any more from a birth control pill. I don't understand why everyone is giving it bad reviews. Also, I haven't gotten pregnant! Give this birth control a shot before you disregard it. Everyone's body is different!"

For Endometriosis "Tri-Lo-Sprintec was my first birth control and I was prescribed it by my derm to help with my acne and I almost had a panic attack after reading these reviews on my first day. I actually had a good experience and I had been on it for exactly one year. I struggle with mental illness so I was afraid that I'd feel worse but that didn't happen; In fact, I felt so much better after a week. I wasn't having mood swings and my emotions levelled out. It helped my cystic acne. My skin is clear at this point, with two small blemishes a month. I didn't gain any weight, nor experience nausea or loss of appetite. I have an autoimmune thing so I was surprised that my body didn't react badly. I actually felt so normal that I didn't realize how good it had been doing for me, so when my prescription expired a month ago and I was without, my body went crazy. This last period was the worst, it was so bad I couldn't leave the bed. If you're on the fence give it a try."

For Birth Control "GOD, THIS BIRTH CONTROL IS AWESOME. As my first birth control pill ever, I can say this pill has been super good to me. Much lighter periods and no cramping. No pregnancy scares. No more acne except for the occasional pimple. My sex drive hasn’t changed. No nausea or headaches. I’ve been on it since the beginning of January, and I’m more than happy with my experience so far. :))) Don’t listen to all the bad reviews!! It may work phenomenally for you."

For Birth Control "I’ve been on this birth control for about a year, it works great at preventing pregnancies if taken perfectly. I haven’t had much side effects except occasional headaches but they aren’t too bad. It also lowered my PMS mood swings! I really like this birth control and I always get my period on the second day of the placebos. I say give it a try because I read all of the bad reviews and was so scared to take it but it ended up being fine. This was the first birth control I was prescribed and it is fine! I’m also glad I’m not paranoid about getting pregnant because I know the pill is working."

For Birth Control "Do not take this contraceptive pill Tri-Lo-Sprintec!! My daughter is in the hospital with blood clots in her lungs ( Pulmonary embolism). She only took this pill for 2 weeks and had severe chest tightness and pain. Went to the ER and they found blood clots in both lungs. She is in severe pain and will have to wait up to 6 months for the clots to go away. Do not take this pill!!!"

For Birth Control "60 days of awfulness. I was on Orth Tri-Cyclen Lo for 14 year before switching to Tri-Lo Sprintec. I don't believe it was an equivalent generic. I’m a strong, independent, hard-working, successful, and happy woman who is very driven — motivation was the first to go. I gained 12lbs in 1 week. I was irritable, emotional, anxious about everything. I was depressed and had dark thoughts (which I knew was crazy) but couldn’t think straight enough to know I needed help. I had zero sex drive, felt bloated and horrible. Nothing mattered (relationship, career). I realized I wasn’t alone. After stopping Tri-Lo Sprintec I started thinking clearly, the hazy brain fog was gone. I switched to Aviane - I'm 3 weeks in with zero side affects. I’m feeling myself again. Not everyone has extreme reactions to Tri-Lo Sprintec but if you’re on here looking for answers - talk to your doctor. I have submitted this to the FDA and Teva as a formal complaint."

For Birth Control "Okay, I have ONLY ever taken Ortho Tri Cyclin lo birth control on and off (I stopped for four years and had two children) for 10+ years. Imagine my shock and hesitation when I receive this new generic that my insurance covers! I read all these horrible reviews online and even saw where they were off the market pending the settlement of a lawsuit! It was either the free Tri lo sprintec or the $140 brand name! Well, after 5 months on the generic Tri Lo Sprintec I am pleased to report that I have had NO side effects at all! In fact, I use to break out before every cycle on the brand name and after a few months on Tri Lo Sprintec I have a clear complexion all the time! Also, the negative reviews are from before the lawsuit & redistribution 2016"

For Birth Control "First of all, every body is different and people tend to write bad reviews rather than going out of their way to write good ones. If you want to try this pill then you should, but I personally have mixed feelings about this birth control. I was on a different pill then switched over to Tri-lo, which has been a better experience than my previous one. I do not experience nausea or horrible headaches. Since I've started birth control I have gained 5-10 pounds but I'm not sure if that is directly from birth control. I do get bloating mostly right before my period, but most women do anyways. I have always had a regular cycle and this pill did not affect that and actually made my period much lighter with very few cramps. The only big complaint I have about this pill would be the depressive feelings and mood swings. I am not one to usually have terrible mood swings, but I definitely experience them on this pill (worse with PMS) as well as frequent tiredness and feeling unmotivated."

For Birth Control "Do not let these reviews scare you!! Birth control is not a one-size-fits-all, and literally just depends on your body. This is the first pill that hasn’t caused negative side effects like depression, mood swings, or any other mental health problems that I’ve experienced with other pills. The only side effect I experienced was acne for the first 3 months, but that could have been due to stress or other factors. My skin eventually cleared and I have had no other problems with this pill!"

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I started this pill about a month and a half ago after being severely irregular (periods would sometimes be six months apart) and the worst hormonal cystic acne I’ve ever had. My doctor ran some blood tests and found that my hormones were out of whack. Despite the reviews for this pill, I haven’t experienced any side affects. My acne cleared up (FINALLY OMG), my periods are regular and less crampy, etc. I’m making sure to stick to a diet as I saw there is a potential for weight gain, I’ve lost 4 pounds. The only negative things I can say is 1. It made my boobs grow about a cup size and 2. Occasional light headaches. I would still recommend this pill."

For Birth Control "I switched to Tri Lo Sprintec from Lo Lo Estrin and it was one of the best decisions I have made in my life. Lo Lo Estrin gave my horrible side effects and Tri Lo Sprintec has given me none at all. Every birth control is different for everyone and this one works amazing for me. There are no complaints."

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "When I went on this Tri-Lo-Sprintec pill for acne and painful periods I was nervous. After reading the horrifying reviews and already having taken 2 previous brands of birth control that did not work well for me, I finally tried this. Tri-Lo-Sprintec has been a miracle on My stubborn, ever-present acne finally started to get under control, and I have the best skin I've ever had in my life--no joke. Also, I have less period pain and a lighter flow. I don't use it for birth control so I'm not sure how well it works contraception-wise, but it's been great for acne and periods. I haven't experienced weight gain, headaches, or mood swings. It took my body a couple of weeks to get accustomed to it, but overall it's been wonderful and easy. I'd just like to stress that everyone's different, and each person has a birth control that works for them. No matter what the reviews say, don't be afraid to try--you may be glad you did. If I'd been psyched out by these reviews I never would have had this amazing turnout. I love this pill!"

For Birth Control "I was hesitant to try Tri-Lo Sprintec after hearing its bad reviews. I had switched from pill to pill, trying to find the best one. I was using the pill to treat bad cramps and horrible acne. First I was on Falmina (a generic of Aviane), which made me break out even more. Then I switched to Nikki, a generic of Yaz. It helped with skin but made me severely depressed so I switched to Tri-Lo Sprintec... and never looked back. I’ve had fantastic skin ever since (even better than on Yaz!), haven’t gained any weight, and haven’t had any bad PMS or hormonal mood changes. I haven’t exhibited signs of depression as a result of the pill. I had minor headaches in the beginning but they did not last long and don’t happen anymore. I absolutely love this pill. It’s improved my sex drive, mood, and skin substantially, and I am so thankful—I feel better on this pill than any other! LOVE THIS! Don’t listen to every single review—give it a try, it might be right for your body."

For Birth Control "This birth control completely destroyed my face. My skin was constantly inflamed and gave me horrible rosacea. My makeup couldn't even cover it. I stopped taking the pill a month ago and now my face is almost perfectly clear again."

For Birth Control "Tri-Lo-Sprintec was the first birth control I’ve ever been on. At first I wasn’t too sure about it. The first few months were roooouuugggghh. I’m talking depression I’ve never experienced before. I was crying over nothing, had tons of anxiety, and was suddenly super insecure. It was such a dark time in my life I legit thought I was going crazy and my poor boyfriend supported me through that nightmare. I stuck through it however (idk why) and surprisingly it all went away one day. It lasted about 3 months but after that I had no bad side effects - no weight gain, no acne, and it really helped me out with my period pain. I used to curl up in bed and cry because of how bad my cramps were and on this pill it was finally manageable. I still experienced a little pain but it felt like what a “normal” cramp was supposed to feel like compared to what I used to go through. Honestly overall a good experience but I had to go through a nightmare to get there and it really depends if you think it’s worth taking the risk."

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "My dr switched to Tri-Lo-Sprintec because while the first two pills I tried for hormonal acne worked for that I was getting some light spotting. Started this and I literally bled constantly for a month. Like, HORRIBLE bleeding. I didn’t bleed like this after I had my son! I stuck it out and tried a second month and I spotted (pretty heavily) the entire second month. My period was the worst I have ever had in my 41 years of life. I would bleed through super plus tampons in 30 minutes and pass huge blood clots, massive clots the size of mandarin oranges at a minimum. My dr said try one more month so that’s where I’m at now. My period started right back up on day 3 of the pack and I’m bleeding like it’s my period again even though I’m at the end of my first week of the pack. I’m still passing blood clots and I’m anemic as anything. Tri-Lo sucks and I will never take it again. Who cares if my skin is great if I’m bleeding to the point of no blood left in my body and I’ve put on 5 pounds. "

For Birth Control "After reading all of the negative comments for this pill, I was hesitant to start it. I have had an awesome experience though. I have taken gianvi, ocella, and ortho lo before and they all made me either extremely mood or constantly hungry, but this pill has actually made me less hungry, has helped with the small amount of acne I have and it has done it's job well as far as preventing pregnancy goes. I am satisfied with this pill."

For Birth Control "I'm curious if the formula that was on the market a few years ago (which I never took) but seemingly had poor reviews from many, is different than the one that just became available this year. I've only been taking it a month, but it's been great thus far. No poor side effects and my period seems to be way lighter than I can ever remember. I was almost frightened by the negative reviews when my pharmacy made me switch. But don't worry! True, everyone's different- but it wasn't a problem for me."

For Birth Control "My experience being on this pill is by far some of the most traumatic experiences of my life. I started it when I was a senior in high school (about 2 years ago) and I immediately was thrust into an extremely dark depressive episode which had after effects that lasted for about 3 months- just because of how deeply scarring this episode was. I was extremely happy, positive, and stable with some mild anxiety that I was quite good at managing, with no history of depression or ideations of self harm/suicide. However, starting this pill had me thinking some of the darkest and scariest thoughts of my life, and after I stopped taking it I almost immediately (a day or two after) felt a tangible difference in my thoughts and feelings. A couple of days ago I decided to try it again, just in case maybe it would affect me differently- but it did the exact same thing unfortunately, and I was thrust into another very scary depressive episode with extreme anxiety. Please be very careful."

For Birth Control "I started taking Tri-Lo-Sprintec about 3 weeks ago and almost immediately began noticing depression creeping in, subtle dizzy spells, and extreme brain fog and forgetfulness. I had my suspicions it was related to the pill, but decided to give it a little longer to see if maybe it was just stress. Well I still feel weird as anything and now after reading these reviews it’s clear to me it’s the pill that’s the culprit. I’m so sick of this. When are they going to come up with a birth control pill for men!!!"

For Birth Control "Tri-Lo-Sprintec was THEE worst birth control! I'd been on Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo for years, then switched to Trinessa Lo. Both of those worked great for me. No adverse side affects. Suddenly this year I can't get either so they provide me Tri Lo Sprintec, the generic that's SUPPOSED to be the same. NO WAY! I have gained weight and always bloated. Heck for one of the months I thought I was pregnant because my stomach was huge! Moodiness, crying, furious, sadness - you name it! Worst of all HORRIBLE ACNE! The other 2 pills actually helped my skin, this one made my skin much worse than not being on birth control at all! I gave it time to see if my body would adjust, it only got worse. So if you feel as though the symptoms are horrible and you want to stop - STOP! I regret giving this time because it has ruined my skin. The only reason I'm leaving 2 stars is because it does prevent pregnancy - but if I feel so hideous I don't want my husband touching me anyway!"

For Birth Control "This is my second week on this birth control, switching from the Paragard IUD. The pros about this brand is that I don’t have any mood swings, (which were really terrible on other birth control methods,) my skin looks flawless, and I’ve lost a few pounds, (mostly from lack of appetite due to headaches and nausea symptoms.) I’ve also noticed a decrease in vaginal discharge that I always use to have. The cons are definitely the intense headaches that are debilitating on some days. A lot of fatigue, nausea and lack of appetite symptoms. The side effect that concerns me the most is the chest discomfort. It almost feels like I’m short of breath with the occasional increased heart rate. Also feels like a bad heartburn. It’s hard to explain. I’m going to go through the pack and see how I feel. Hopefully these symptoms are just from by body adjusting to the pills. We will see."

For Birth Control "I have been on this pill Tri-Lo-Sprintec for about half a year now. My first 2/3 months on the pill gave me some headaches and nausea, but soon went away by the 3rd month. It makes my period last about 3-4 days and my cramps are not as severe. It seems great to stop pregnancy,since it hasn’t gotten me pregnant and I have sex very often. I do have 2 negatives tho. The first 2/3 months gave me bad breakouts, but since then it has been clearing up and only deal with pimples here and there. The main negative is how it controlled my hunger level. I’ll be extremely hungry but then barely eat when I get the chance. Some days this doesn’t happen but I’ve been noticing I don’t eat as much as I used to. I do get very hungry tho as I get closer to my period. If you’d like to know health wise to help you, I am about 5”6 and weigh 140 pounds. I suffer from depression and anxiety. My mental illness do not seem to worsen on this and I’ve been about the same weight. Only difference I have seen is slight breast growth."

For Birth Control "I'm currently 25 years old and have been taking Tri-Lo-Sprintec for two months. It is the best birth control pill I've been on! I've been on Loryna and Lo-Esterin Fe previously and I did not do well on those - bloating, weight gain, mood swings etc. I was hesitant to try Tri-lo Sprintec, but will say its been great! I'm using it primarily to keep regular menstrual cycles and eliminate horrible cramps I was having all throughout the month. The cramps are basically gone (one day of cramping on my period now), my skin has become more consistently clear (which has been a major issue since I was 10 years old), & my periods are regular. I have not experienced mood swings, bloating, or other unwanted side effects. Very mild nausea a few times is the only one I've noticed, and I believe the longer that I take the pill, it will diminish even further. I used to believe there was not a pill out there for me, but keep trying until you find one if that seems right for you!"

For Birth Control "WORST BIRTH CONTROL! I had been on it for 4 years and finally quit, after multiple trips to the doctor for acid reflux and my hyperthyroidism, if you have any autoimmune disease or are susceptible to side effects... expect it to make it 100x worse. Sinus infections regularly, then came the VOMITING of BLOOD. My anxiety has never been worse especially being so young coming out of high school and continuing the pill for another 2 years. With mood swings around every corner along with anxiety attacks. Oh yeah, can't forget the INSOMNIA, and a damn near panic attack when I missed a pill and had to double up I wouldn't recommend this pill to anyone. Look up side effects on a few different websites, the list is endless and the studies are pathetic. Have a wonderful day ladies, I hope this could help someone. If I could rate this pill 0/10 I would."

More about Tri-Lo-Sprintec (ethinyl estradiol / norgestimate)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: contraceptives
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Tri-Lo-Sprintec drug information
  • Tri-Lo-Sprintec (Advanced Reading)

Other brands

Ortho Tri-Cyclen, Estarylla, Mili, Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo, ... +20 more

Professional resources

  • Tri-Lo-Sprintec prescribing information

Other brands

Ortho Tri-Cyclen, Estarylla, Mili, Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo, ... +19 more

Other formulations

  • Sprintec
  • Tri-Sprintec

Related treatment guides

  • Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
  • Endometriosis
  • Ovarian Cysts
  • Birth Control
  • Gonadotropin Inhibition