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Generic Name: Remodulin (treprostinil)

Remodulin Reviews

For Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension "The doctors in my area had given me two months at the most. I was taken by ambulance hospital on the verge of death ,unable to breath , kidneys shutting down , When I got there it was not looking good for me. They diagnosed me with Pulmonary Hypertension and started me on remodulin intraveneously which had to be increased gradually over a period of six weeks. The symptoms were pretty bad usually after an increase which was done every two days. But I started improving after a couple of weeks I was totally off of the oxygen and the cough I had for almost a year went away . Before leaving the hospital I had to learn how to mix the remodulin and how to change the pump- something I have to do every other day . Its compact it is just always attached to me However by wearing coveralls to conceal the tubing and keeping it in my pocket I have been able to return to work . I feel so much better occasionally have trouble sleeping , but not a lot of side effects"

For Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension "Well I tried Remodulin for 1.5 years and tried real hard to stay on it. The side effects I had was pain throughout my body which became intolerable ie.jaw pain,, headaches, total pretty much every thing. I am sure this medication will work for some but definietely need to be aware this is no joke on the side effects. When they say a lil diarrhea this is a very much under exageration. Just fyi you've been warned. Best of luck on your journey"

For Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension "I found it to have horrible side effects that caused me to have to take several other meds to deal with the side effects i.e. Jaw pain, nerve pain in legs , site pain, migraines , dizziness, nausea , confusion and depression. I did find my chronic cough was almost completely gone and I was starting to be able to walk further . I stopped after 1 month because the side effects were unbearable"

For Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension "I take this Remodulin sub q and it has greatly increased my breathing. I lost weight and I have a lil diarrhea. I have no appetite. Headaches can be painful when titrating. Site pain is there until it falls asleep. Generally takes 7 days once new port is put in place. You change out every 6 weeks or longer or shorter. I suggest good pain management for the bad week (the 7 days waiting on site to go to sleep). Gabapentin with Acetaminophen-Hydrocodone cut my hell week to 4 days. With improvement I'll be able to take the pull form I hope. I hear the IV version is not painful as sub q."

For Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension "I have been on IV Remodulin for just over a year and it has totally saved my life. My side effects include bone and joint pain, jaw pain with my first bite of food (it’s very weird), and itching/rashes. About 10 months into my treatment I experienced breathing problems due to faulty cassettes (I mix my medicine every two days) which lasted about 3 months until the supply company finally put out a recall on the products. I am very cautious with every cassette and tubing line I use because now I am not trusting they will work properly. Since the recall, I feel wonderful and breathe well."

For Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension "I have been on Orenitram for PAH for 2 years now and have started getting severe migraines at night, usually around 11 pm. I had the long covid for over a month. Is this a side effect of this medication? I did not take it on two different nights and had no migraine. I am wondering what can cause this to happen, as I have had no other medication changes."

For Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension "I was diagnosed with severe pulmonary hypertension. And that's when I found out the right side of my heart was also extremely enlarged. That was about a year ago. So I've been on Remodulin, and yes, all of the possible side effects have happened. I've had to adjust my whole life because of the side effects, but I'm alive today, almost a year later, and I'm able to breathe and very rarely have any dizzy attacks. I was shown to put my site on my stomach, which worked for a while, but I had to change up my sites and had to try my thigh. I've found that with a tubular bandage holding my pump and site to my leg, I don't have so many issues with snagging my tubing and not so many bad site reactions like I had on my belly-no blisters, and swelling isn't so bad at all. I still have to deal with pain for a week after moving the site, but after that, it's way more manageable. As long as I have the pump right by the site under the bandage, there's no snagging, and it's almost like it's not there until it's time to be filled-beep, beep, beep. But much better."

More about Remodulin (treprostinil)

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  • Reviews (7)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: agents for pulmonary hypertension
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Remodulin injection drug information
  • Remodulin (Advanced Reading)
  • Remodulin

Other brands

Tyvaso, Orenitram, Tyvaso DPI

Professional resources

  • Remodulin prescribing information
  • Treprostinil (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Tyvaso, Orenitram, Tyvaso DPI

Related treatment guides

  • Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension