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Generic Name: Altace (ramipril)

Altace Reviews

For High Blood Pressure "I started on Altace for blood pressure of 145/90. Brought my BP down to 130's and 80's. During this period (2 yrs) I had a cough that progressively got worse, to the point everyone thought I was catching a cold. I would cough every day. By the end of the second year when I would cough, I would gag and cough up clear liquid. I spoke to the doctor and she said, 'Oh no, your cough is not from this.' Well, I reread the pharmacy papers and it was stated that a possible side effect of this medicine is a cough. I called the doctor and told her what I read, she agreed to change my prescription, and within a couple of days my cough was gone. So if you have a persistent cough (dry or wet) on any medicines for more than a month, please investigate the side effects."

For High Blood Pressure "I've been on Altace for 6 years. I carefully analyze if I've noticed any changes in any organ system, as well as any type of side effect that didn't exist before I was on this drug. I honestly have never noticed any kind of side effect at all from day one. More importantly, my blood pressure is now routinely around 110/70...sometimes slightly lower still. Considering that I take one 10mg capsule daily, and that my blood pressure was usually 145/85-95, the results are quite impressive."

For High Blood Pressure "Loved this drug at first, but about 3 months in the side effects became overwhelming. Lightheadedness without hypotension, feeling very tired throughout the day, nausea, severe abdominal and back pain, and digestive-like pains. It reduced my blood pressure by 15 points systolic, but the severe side effects I experienced made me look for another option."

For Heart Attack "9th anniversary of 5x bypass. Blood pressure was never high. Altace, began with 5 mg in the morning, I was feeling faint every time I stood up all day. Changed to 5 mg before bed, faint if I got up to pee. Changed to 2.5 mg in the evening, OK till last night (9 years). The difference was I had the flu or something similar, had a high fever, night sweats, diarrhea, got up to go to the bathroom and found myself on the bedroom floor. No damage, I fell into the dirty clothes basket, so the warning about excessive sweat or any loss of fluids is a good one."

For Diabetic Kidney Disease "I'm a Type I diabetic with normal blood pressure and I take Altace as a preventative treatment for kidney disease. Side effects have not been an issue and I'm pleased with this medication. More diabetics need to be proactive and encourage their physicians to add ACE Inhibitors and statins to their treatment regime. I'm not just a diabetic, I'm also a scientist."

For High Blood Pressure "I have only been on this medication for seven days. After the second day I was having severe abdominal cramping. Has anyone else had this reaction? It did a great job of lowering my blood pressure though."

For High Blood Pressure "I have taken Altace along with a diuretic about 20 years and the problem was it lowered my blood pressure too much that my doctor had me take it only 3 times a week, other than that I have no side effects."

For High Blood Pressure "I have used Altace for 5 years now and have found it does have an effect on having or keeping an erection, but my blood pressure pretty much stays at 130/80."

For High Blood Pressure "I have used Altace for more than 5 years with excellent results and no side effects."

For Heart Failure "I am 56 years old. I suffer from left ventricular dysfunction. I used Altace for nearly 2 years. It makes me feel more relaxed and calms my heart."

For Heart Failure "I took this for over 20 yrs, then, all of a sudden, it became toxic to me. It almost killed me. Fell over one day, was airlifted to a major hospital, and was on life support for 4 days."

For High Blood Pressure "The only side effect is the cough, other than that, I tolerate it perfectly with no other side effects."

More about Altace (ramipril)

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  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Altace drug information

Professional resources

  • Altace prescribing information
  • Ramipril (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Heart Attack
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Heart Failure
  • Cardiovascular Risk Reduction
  • Diabetic Kidney Disease
  • Left Ventricular Dysfunction