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Generic Name: Ammonium lactate topical for Dry Skin (ammonium-lactate-topical)

Ammonium lactate topical for Dry Skin Reviews

Lac-Hydrin (ammonium lactate) "I purchased this for my son, who has a very bad case of Keratosis Pilaris (KP). This lotion is unscented, non-greasy and soaks in quickly. Best possible for an 8-year-old boy. Applied after a bath, once the skin has dried, especially if the skin was scrubbed or has any open sores, as it would sting those areas for a moment. Results of 1-2 daily applications were awesome! I was so impressed with how my son's skin was looking and feeling, I started applying it on my feet at bedtime in between pedicures. Wow! Great results again. Eventually, I began using it on my face, neck, chest, and the rest of my body. My skin is now super smooth, has reduced fine lines, fewer pimples, and dry skin patches."

"Having had good results with alpha hydroxy products on my heels, I finally gave AmLactin lotion a try. Unlike lotions that just soften dry skin, the alpha hydroxy significantly aids the process of breaking down the rough dry skin so it sloughs off faster and better. Love it. The prior comments that AmLactin stinks have merit, but the slight ammonia-like odor really does dissipate and seems to not be noticeable to other people. I use the product at night so I don't worry about it. There is no stickiness, greasy after-feel, or staining. But most importantly, this smooths rough skin unlike anything I've sunk money into."

Geri-Hydrolac (ammonium lactate) "I'm back of being a healthy, attractive African American woman! Because four years ago, my world was turned upside down. How so? A brown recluse spider bit me!! And it left an ugly big scar patch on the right side of my face. I tried everything over the counter and natural remedies; upon reducing the appearance, nothing worked! My doctor prescribed Geri-Hydrolac lotion, which definitely helped! But I need to note: if you're an African American person, you need to know; using this product, you have to avoid direct sunlight! Because it will cook your skin and make you turn very, very dark!! My suggestion: shower at night, towel dry your skin, then apply the Geri-Hydrolac lotion all over, because you want your skin to look even. Con't, wait 10 - 15 minutes before you put on your pajamas. Second suggestion: in the morning, quickly rinse off your whole body in semi-cold shower water, towel dry your skin, then use a light skin moisturizer with sunscreen protection."

"I developed severely dry feet after moving to Michigan from the mid-south, and I was regularly getting large, painful blisters under the dry skin. It seemed counterintuitive to moisturize the skin vs. using moleskin or similar, but it works. I use it for almost all dry, cracking skin, and it works fast, healing things up in a couple of days. It burns for a moment if I apply it to freshly scrubbed skin, but can't find anything else but positive results."

"AmLactin 12%. Prescribed for dry feet, no complications like cracking, just dry as a bone since I moved from South Georgia to Michigan. I've had nothing but great results with it, worked in just a couple of days. I've forgotten to put it on some days, and my feet were still smooth and moist the next day (or days, once). Definitely better than any over-the-counter product."

AmLactin (ammonium lactate) "This was a fantastic cream for helping me get rid of my back acne and keratosis pilaris (chest). It's amazing what moisture can do for one's skin! It doesn't smell too good, but it's not strong either. Put a little deodorant and scent and you should be fine."

"I got put on this about a week and 1/2 ago when none of the over the counter lotions work. This feels like silk and my feet aren’t kind of sticking to the bedsheets anymore, I guess is the best way to put it. When I would move my feet it was like there was some kind of tension against it. She told me to put it on twice a day, which I’m doing, and I can’t believe the difference."

AmLactin (ammonium lactate) "I had severely dry and scaly skin on bilateral lower extremities for years despite daily lotion application. My wife purchased AmLactin Daily, and within a few days, my skin has a more normal appearance. So I extended use to my feet and arms with the same positive results. Highly recommend this product. Hint: she bought it at Costco. My 66-year-old skin has been rejuvenated!"

AmLactin (ammonium lactate) "Used on cracked heels on my feet. Applied 3 times a day for two weeks. Wonderful. My feet are like baby skin."

AmLactin (ammonium lactate) "My legs have uncontrollably itched on and off for over 5 years, and nothing would help until I started using AmLactin. I would recommend this to anyone. I LOVE it."

Lac-Hydrin (ammonium lactate) "Best lotion on the market for dry skin."

More about ammonium lactate topical

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  • Reviews (18)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: topical emollients
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Ammonium lactate topical drug information
  • Lactic Acid and Ammonium Hydroxide Cream
  • Lactic Acid and Ammonium Hydroxide Lotion

Other brands

AmLactin, Lac-Hydrin, Geri-Hydrolac, AmLactin Cerapeutic, ... +4 more

Professional resources

  • Ammonium Lactate prescribing information
  • Ammonium Lactate Cream (FDA)

Other brands


Related treatment guides

  • Ichthyosis
  • Pruritus
  • Dry Skin