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Generic Name: Annovera (ethinyl-estradiol-segesterone)

Annovera Reviews

For Birth Control "Fabulous. Better than Nuvaring (which is hard), this ring has a soft, squishy texture and is comfortable. No side effects. No weight gain. The progestin is NOT androgenic like others. Good for a year, you remove it, wash it, and store it for one week a month - only one trip to the pharmacy per year. Skin is great and glowing. No acne. Does not give me migraines, which is huge! This thing is perfect. Day one had mild nausea, then it went away. That is it. No bad moodiness."

For Birth Control "I have been on Annovera for only a week. So far, so good. I did feel nausea for a few days, but nothing unbearable. I gave it an 8 because it's great so far, but I need more time to say it's worth a 10. I just figured that with any new medication, your body may throw out some sort of side effect as it adjusts. I have been monitoring it closely because I'm not a big fan of BC and have not been on it for at least 5 years. I will follow up and share my experience because I'm pretty sure others are just as curious as I was looking for reviews, being that this is new. I can say I don't feel it there. No cramping when I first inserted it or anything. During intercourse (sorry if TMI), everything felt normal and my fiancée didn't complain either. Hope this helps!"

For Birth Control "I did a lot of research to try to find a birth control method that wouldn’t cause a million side effects and was really optimistic about this one since the progestin isn’t androgenic/antiandrogenic/anti-estrogenic/etc. Unfortunately, it’s making me so nauseous I can’t get past the first couple of days before it’s just unbearable, and I’ve tried on three different occasions now. It also gave me a yeast infection pretty quickly. This could change if I deal with puking like a pregnant lady for a week or so, but frankly, I don’t want to, lol. There are very few patient reviews out on this one yet, though, so I figured I’d share my experience."

For Birth Control "Annovera sounded like a total one-up from the NuvaRing, and it totally is. I started in February 2021 (it's currently April '21). Not having to go to the pharmacy every month is great. When I switched over, I had the NuvaRing in for a week and then just changed over to Annovera when it came in. It was an easy transition. No mood swings, nausea, increased anxiety as some other reviewers are complaining about. The only noticeable side effect I've had is breast tenderness. My breasts are a lot fuller now and sore when squeezed, but tolerable, and I assume that will be subsiding. I have used Annovera to skip my period by not taking it out during the week you're supposed to have your period, and it works great. For me, it will start to push out of your body at that point, so I just reposition it, and it stays. It works amazingly for me as someone who can be extremely hormonal and emotional and helps keep my mood balanced."

For Birth Control "I’m a 35-year-old woman who has Hashimoto's thyroiditis, EDS, and PCOS. I do terrible on most hormonal birth controls, and IUDs make my anemia and pain worse. I put Annovera in on day 2 of my period, the period stopped. Had a headache for a day. I started spotting around day 20, with some cramps, heavy breakthrough around day 21. On day 17, I was irritable, but fine after. I can’t skip my period with any of the low estrogen BCs like this. I did have some cramping when spotting, took Ibu, period/cramps a little heavier. I used NuvaRing in the past: depression, no sex drive, and weight gain, none on this. My hormonal acne stopped. Partner can kinda feel it, but not enough to bother him, I can’t feel it. I really like it, hopefully, I will stop spotting after this period because it would be nice to find a birth control that doesn’t make my PCOS worse."

For Birth Control "I’ve been on Annovera for a little over a month. Initially, it worked extremely well. I started it on day 2 of my period, and it completely stopped my flow and my cramps. I did have a few mild headaches and nausea in the first week or so of using it, but nothing bad. The period week was a nightmare of heavy bleeding and excruciatingly painful cramping. It was much worse than my normal period. Since re-inserting the ring for the second cycle, I’ve been having mild to moderate cramping every day, and I’m so nauseated that I’ve completely lost my appetite. That said, I’m planning to stick with it because it has been extremely effective for my endometriosis and has already reduced the size of my endometrioma. I would still recommend this birth control to anybody because you never know how your body is going to react to it. It’s so convenient that you don’t have to take a pill, and I haven’t experienced any change in libido like I have with other birth control."

For Birth Control "Overall, I have had a positive experience with Annovera. I took Tri-Nessa for 4 years and stopped for a year due to increased anxiety/crying and lack of sex-drive. Three months ago, I started Annovera because my OB/GYN found several ovarian cysts that were causing me pain and irregular periods. So far, it is much better side effect-wise than the pill for me. The first month was rough with nausea, but has lessened with each reinsertion. My period is now predictable and I have experienced 0 breakthrough bleeding. I have noticed a slightly lower sex drive, but not as severe as before. Also not prego, so it’s doing it’s job!"

For Birth Control "Haven't used hormonal both control in years. So I was expecting the extreme of the effects. Kinda odd inserting the ring. It was very bendable that I thought it was going to slip out of my hand and fall on the floor. The first evening I noticed a little itchiness. Couldn't feel the ring though. I woke up first 3 days in a row with a slight headache. Sight nausea, more fatigue. My biggest concern was upset stomach. I would use the restroom more than normal and had lots of bloating, upset stomach. I started to eat smaller portions. Slight intolerances to foods were worsened so I'm almost avoiding them completely. A few years ago I tried the Nuva Ring and took it out and threw it away after 3 days due to major vaginal irritation. Having tummy issues is keeping me from sleeping regularly a night. No mood swings, no cramps, no spotting, no breast tenderness yet."

For Birth Control "I inserted ANNOVERA for the first time beginning of Dec 2020 and so far it’s been good up until a week ago. Personally I haven’t really had any nausea but I have had a lack of appetite. I’m not losing weight or anything but food is not something I constantly crave anymore. The real red flag is recently I’ve begun having random cramps pop up and it’s so painful that I’ve had to remove my ring (you’re given a 2 hr window to reinsert every month) I wait about 5 minutes and then reinsert and I’m fine. I’ve also really developed breast tenderness that has not gone away. I’m still going to try it out for a few more months because the pros outweigh the cons. Btw for some reason this has actually enhanced my sex life versus my bcp I don’t know if it’s the feeling of the ring inside or the hormone change but it’s really helped out that aspect quite a bit. Now if I can get the cramps and breast pain to subside."

For Birth Control "I’ve been using this vaginal ring for 6 months and everything was fine AT FIRST. My gynecologist switched me to this one from nuvaring which I loved but got rid of my sex drive. At first I had no side effects besides slight nausea the first two days after I insert. After 4 months of use, the nausea persisted sometimes with a headache accommodating it and the most excruciating cramps of my life! Prior to using birth control, my periods have always been awesome. Light flow that lasted 3-4 days and minor to no cramping at all. Now after being on annovera, I always get my period 2 days after removal (a necessary plus so I can predict and prepare for it) but the cramps are so bad. Like I just want to lay in the fetal position and can't do anything. I can’t walk, I can’t even take a deep breath in. It’s the worse. I plan on discontinuing use because of the cramps. It works though. No pregnancy scares, sex drive remained the same, no depression. I’ve actually never felt calmer but the cramps are bad"

For Birth Control "I've been on Annovera for 6 months now and love it. I was previously on the pill and awful about taking it everyday. With Annovera I have two monthly reminders on my phone, one to take it out, and one to put it in. Super easy to keep track of! I use it with my Diva Cup when I'm on my period and both in at the same time cause no issues. I've had 0 headaches, 0 cramping, and shorter periods. The only side effect I've noticed is slight vaginal dryness but I've been using a daily wash which has helped with that."

For Birth Control "I’ve been using Annovera for one month so far, I’m going to give it another month to get a better idea of long term. So far I’m feeling much more depressed and fatigued than normal. I like that it lasts for a year and you don’t have to remember to take a pill everyday, but I’m hoping these unwanted side affects go away soon. I’ll update again when it’s been another month or 2."

For Birth Control "Started annovera for the first time the first week of November. I’d been on the pill for 4 years prior and wanted something to help with migraines. I developed a pelvic infection (no STDs), failed outpatient antibiotic treatment and had to be admitted to the hospital for IV antibiotics to get rid of the infection, and if it does not clear by my next follow up, i will have to be sent to infectious disease to find what to do next. I don’t recommend this birth control. They aren’t sure why the infection was caused but the time line goes along with using the annovera ring. It’s so new there isn’t enough data and it causes pelvic infections"

For Birth Control "I used oral contraceptives for about six years, followed by three years of IUD. I found daily pills inconvenient and didn’t want to worry about compliance issues, and while the IUD was more convenient I never got past the unpleasant side effects. Annovera has been the perfect compromise for me: long-acting, self-administered, but no daily hassle and only one trip to the pharmacy per year. My cystic acne from my IUD cleared up immediately. I was so nauseous I could not sleep or eat for 3 days after starting, but that went away and has not come back. My periods are about 5 days long and very regular. No weight gain attributable to the ring itself. Sex drive has maybe decreased a little, but no pain during sex like there was with the IUD. My cramps are very minor, unlike when I had the IUD. Very happy with my experience so far and will plan on getting another Annovera once the year is up"

For Birth Control "I have been using annovera for over 5 months now and I am sad to say it did not work for me and I will be switching back to the pill very soon. The first few weeks were great but then for some reason I have been spotting ever since. Always bleeding and spotty is horrible and using a tampon is super uncomfortable. For the most part my mood/anxiety/depression has remained the same as it was when I was on the pill. Overall I think it’s very convenient but the excessive bleeding I have every single day is just horrible and makes sex pretty sketchy lol. Hope this helps:)"

For Birth Control "Convenient. Lowest dose of estrogen available. I don't feel it. Better than NuvaRing. Cycle/Month one I had 2 days of slight nausea. Cycle two one day of slight nausea when re-inserted. Cycle 3 zero nausea. Been good ever since. Love not having to go to store every month or remembering to take a pill. No other side effects. Better than any other hormonal product I have tried. Just refilled! $64 for entire year..."

For Birth Control "I started Annovera March 28,2021 to eliminate having 2 periods a month. My Dr instructed I insert it the first day of my period. Bleeding completely stopped on day 2. On day 4 I started having cramps, spotting, breast tenderness, and extreme bloating. I’ve never experienced cramps on any other form of birth control. Since March 31, 2021. I have been experiencing spotting, some days heavier than others, but it has been continuous for a month now. It is horrible!! Having to wear a pad or a liner everyday and just not feeling clean makes me so upset. A few days ago the spotting turned into actual bleeding. My Dr told me I could keep this birth control in for a full year and not have anymore periods, but this has not been true yet. I almost miss just having the 2 periods each month because there was no break through bleeding or continuous need for feminine products. I want to see is this thing changes up, but right now I’m leaning towards discontinued use because it is so frustrating."

For Birth Control "I’ve been using Annovera for birth control for 5 months now and I’m switching when it’s time for removal due to all these side effects that I have had- No sex drive Anxiety and depression (that I’ve never had before) Heavy bleeding during the 7 day removal Bleeding in between periods I have had it fall out several times Back pain and fatigue"

For Birth Control "I like this birth control, I've been on it for 5 or 6 months, had a few headaches, but I get them here and there anyway so I didn't really know if it was the ring, I read that there's higher risk of infection so I've been eating yogurt with lactobacillus and acidophilus once or twice a month and have had no infections, It's easy to use, though I feel like it would be beneficial if it had a reusable applicator. My biggest issue is: I have absolutely no sex drive, I had a great sex drive before I started it, and after I had stopped taking bc pills for a few months. So in between, my libido was high. The lack of sex drive is confusing for me, it really didn't start disappearing until about 2 months ago. Started losing it a little bit at a time, but I have no sex drive and it's got me worried about my relationship, my husband says he doesn't mind. But it is still worrying anyway, my sex drive seems to slightly increase around midday but we don't see each other untill end of day."

For Birth Control "I was so excited to try Annovera, but when I saw how big the ring is, I almost lost my mind. I tried it though. Every time I pushed it inside me it was sliding out... did not like this. I was walking and I felt it was coming out of me."

For Birth Control "I was really hopeful that this ring would work for me because I've tried three different pills and quit both because of slight nausea and mood swings, but this ring was worse than either pill. I inserted the ring at 4pm on a Monday. It was fine until I woke up at 2 am on Tuesday with slight nausea. I couldn't fall asleep because the nausea started getting worse and I began having chills. Got up again and took it out. Woke up at 6 am feeling hot and sweaty, nauseous and threw up. I also had a headache. I forced myself to eat some cereal which helped my stomach, but I spent the morning alternating between chills and hot/sweating. Took my temp because I thought I was coming down with something. It was very low at only 96.7. Started feeling better around 10 am; not sick feeling anymore, body temp back to normal, but having extreme mood swings. I know you are supposed to give a new birth control a few months to adjust to but I can't imagine being this sick everyday until I adjust."

For Birth Control "I absolutely love Annovera and would highly recommend it. I was nervous about Annovera because I’ve had such bad side effects in the past on BC ( weight gain, severe depression, anxiety, loss of sex drive, mood swings, you name it I had it) and I also currently suffer from occasional migraines and prone to yeast infections so I was nervous this would make them worse but after doing a lot of research still felt like this was what I wanted to try. I have had very minimal symptoms on this, if anything it’s actually lessened my period symptoms and made me feel more mellow. The worse side effects I’ve had are breakthrough bleeding, which is annoying but I’m only on month 3, it seems to be getting better and if that’s the worst symptom I get , I’ll take it! I do get headaches the week I take it out, but they aren’t unbearable just annoying. And I did have one spell of anxiety when I took it out and had to put it back in. But weirdly anytime it’s in I’m a happy camper!"

For Birth Control "I’ve tried different types of birth control for years and always had some kind of major reaction or side effect. I love this birth control I haven’t had any problems what so ever I had a terrible experience with the Nuva ring and it’s nothing like that. If you are skeptical just go for it I love it! Easy to use and last a year!"

For Birth Control "So I normally have an incredibly hard time with birth control. Extreme nausea, dizziness, mood swings. I always end up having to stop after just a couple days. With Annovera I only had mild symptoms the first couple of days. Lack of appetite, a little bit of a stomach ache, fatigue. But by day 3 I felt completely normal. Really the only complaint I have about it is that it's so big and sometimes moves out of place so I have to adjust it, so it's not the easiest to handle. I haven't had sex with it in yet so it's a little bit of a concern having it stay in place."

For Birth Control "I have a bleeding disorder that make my periods VERY heavy. I have used birth control to keep my periods short or so I can skip them. I spoke with my dr. about this and she said I could leave it in for three months and then take it out for 3 days then go back on. Well, right away, I had headaches, now three months in I have been spotting EVERY DAY for the past 52 days! I am done. No sex drive, feel angry, mad, and upset all the time.. I'm ready to be done but my Dr. wont change it. I will be looking for a new Dr. if she does not help me out at my appointment in 5 days!! Worst BC I've tried!"

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  • Drug class: contraceptives
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  • Annovera prescribing information

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  • Birth Control