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Generic Name: Apriso for Ulcerative Colitis (mesalamine)

Apriso for Ulcerative Colitis Reviews

"I’ve had UC for 30 years now. Life was hell for the first 15 years, and I tried everything that is out there, including energy healing and experimental cell therapy in Mexico! I was ready to have my colon removed before I finally learned how to get in remission and stay in remission by watching what I eat. I have not been on any medication for 15 years now. I keep a variety of meds handy just in case. Twice I had mild flare-ups, and both times I took Apriso, and within 5 days, I went back to remission, and then I stopped taking the med again. I stay away from milk, spicy food, alcohol when my stomach feels sensitive, certain fruits such as strawberries and cantaloupe, and greasy food. Pay attention to what you eat and keep a chart. You’ll be able to pinpoint what irritates your body."

"I suffered for almost a year before I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis (UC). It got so severe all I did was work and come home and sleep on the bathroom floor. I would make 40-50 trips to the bathroom a day. I just wished I’d die some days. It was truly debilitating. I’m so thankful my employer was very understanding and supportive! I cannot take steroids, so my options were very limited. My doctor put me on this medication, Apriso, and it has been life-changing for me. The medication is very expensive, but luckily my insurance covers it! When I initially called the pharmacy, they told me my cost was over $800 for a one-month supply, because my insurance denied it. I fixed that issue right away. Out of pocket from a pharmacy is about $30 for a one-month supply. But I found a home delivery service that had a three-month supply for only $24! Most insurance companies will only cover one to two months of this medication, so ask. I highly recommend this medication if you have UC."

"I would probably rate Apriso higher if it were not for some side effects. The only medicine that has actually worked to keep the blood and unreal cramps at a distance. It works. Only twice have I had symptoms since 11/01/2011, I hope it stays that way. Anyone with ulcerative colitis knows how important this is."

"I'm a 63 yr. old male, had UC for over 5 years before my second colonoscopy showed the inflammation in my lower sigmoid colon. Diagnosed as mild. Although I had no pain, the symptoms were debilitating (fatigue, joint ache, loose bowel motions (bm) all morning, poor sleep, anxiety, depression, nausea, chills and sensitivity to cold with no fever, bleeding internal hemorroids during bm's, etc). My Dr. put me on Apriso, within 3 weeks my symptoms improved, no more fatigue, normal bm's. Been on it for 6 months and would say my quality of life has improved greatly. I have an occasional mild flare once in while but no where near as bad as without the meds. I find my body wakes me up at about 7 am to use the toilet but the bm's are 3-4 on the stool chart vs. 5-6. Remission is different for everyone. There is no set standard to quantify remission."

"I have ulcerative sigmoiditis & proctitis. I couldn't retain rowasa very long. The GE switched me to sulfasalazine, first 4/day which worked for a few months, then 8/day which worked for two-three years. I still had flare-ups a few times per year. Then he upped it to 16/day, but that only worked for about a year. I was having flare-ups all the time, I was tired of taking pills, so I asked my PCP to try me on another drug, Apriso. I was in the middle of a flare-up, so it took a few weeks to kick in. But that's the last flare up I've had. It's 4 capsules only, once per day, and I haven't had a flare-up since I started taking it about 5 years ago. I have not noticed any side effects."

"I am 24 years old and I have secrete ulcerative colitis. I recently tried apriso for the second time this year and had the same results as the first attempt. Horrible nausea, cramps and insanely urgent diarrhea. Up all night. Couldn’t go to work, couldn’t function. I had better control and management without the drug."

"I took Apriso for a year and it was successful in treating my ulcerative colitis. I was then switched to Asacol HD. My prescription plan eventually decided Asacol HD was too expensive and I was put back on Apriso. This second course on Apriso was not successful. It did nothing to alleviate my Ulcerative Colitis symptoms, and produced a number of unpleasant side affects - the worst of which was moderate-to-severe stomach cramps around the clock - even waking me from sound sleep. Coupled with an incredibly dry mouth that invited multiple canker sores to erupt in my mouth, these symptoms made eating anything very unpleasant; I lost 15 lbs in the three weeks I was on the Apriso. As soon as I stopped taking it, the cramping and canker sores disappeared."

"I was diagnosed with UC after lots of fluids when passing gas, loose stools including blood, and bowel incontinence. Within 6 months I was in remission and could stop wearing incontinence pants. I'm thrilled!"

"I’m so happy with the results of this drug. I don’t have too worry about sitting on the toilet all day. I was diagnosed with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) for years until I finally got the right dr. Although I still have the symptoms from time to time, nothing like the years before. I recommend this drug to anyone who suffers from any type of inflammatory bowel disease."

"Developed UC at age 44. After being on Asacol for years with no further flare ups, due to insurance coverage was forced to change every few years. Presently been on Apriso for about 6 months. Apriso seems to do its job although I do seem to have softer stool now. DR said to expect that with some meds. Only complaint is the quantity of capsules. I need to take four 375mg capsule (kind of big overall size) once per day. Does its job, what more can I say except I wish price was better."

"I was told February 2011 that I had ulcerative colitis from the top to the bottom. I was put on 40 mg of prednisone and Asacol 400mg 4 tablets 3 rimes a day. It took about six months to clear up. I stopped taking it about 4 months ago and now I am in a mess with pain. Dr put me back on the same thing and in 3 days I am so much better as far as pain goes, still have stomach being upset. But I will never again stop taking this."

"I had been on Asacol HD until my insurance Cigna stopped covering it. I had been okay, but had to watch what I ate and often has loose bowel movements. First night after taking Apriso was terrifying. I felt like all my muscles were numb in the middle of the night and I had night sweats. (I had drank some wine that evening) But when I awoke the next morn, by bowel movements seemed okay. I kept on Apriso and saw the numbing impct at night dwindle. In fact I seem to be getting more restful sleep. It has been 3 weeks so far, and I feel this is the best I have been with my UC single I was diagnosed 18 years ago. Certainly recommend trying it out!"

"Took it for about a week and Doc gave me Prednisone which worked really well until now I stopped taking it and my condition came back. I’m only 20 years old and I’m in desperate help. I can’t work comfortably or even eat certain foods without having to go to the bathroom 5-10 times a day!"

"I am a 31 year old female. I had severe stomach pains and diarrhea for a month straight and lost 20lbs before I was sent to a GI. They got me in for a colonoscopy and endoscopy to verify UC. Then I was put on prednisone and Apriso. I have tapered off of prednisone and am currently taking only Apriso. I am very happy with my current situation. It took two weeks for the cramp pain to get better and a month to make the diarrhea better. I am two and a half months into treatment and I am happy. I have had no side effects from this medicine."

"Helps me somewhat. I was diagnosed recently I'm only 19. I don't bleed anymore thank god I would have bloody stool 6-10 times a day the only thing I do get is really gassy and it hurts is that normal. Also I am on remicade"

"I was on Asacol for over 10 years taking 2 pills 4 times a day. I switched to Apriso for another 10 years taking 4 pills once a day thanks to the time release. Lately I've been finding it cheaper than it used to be. I'll still have flares about 5 times a year. Sometimes I forget to take them for a few days and it doesn't bother me much. I am searching currently just to change it up since I've been on Apriso for so many years. For the most part, it's been fine though. My insurance counts it as a tier 3 which is a joke and I find it cheaper to order through online coupon sites getting 3 months at a time."

"I recently just started taking this, but I noticed a few days in I got an incredibly sore throat. No other symptoms of a sickness except for an odd dry sore throat. I read it could be a possible side effect, but I noticed no one else mentioned this. Idk my flare up seems to be getting better though."

"I switched from Liada because insurance. With Liada I did not flareup for 10 years two months on this medicine I flared up I do not recommend this medicine to anybody it is a zero"

"Diagnosed with ulcerative colitis a year ago. Took medicine for a month. Cleared up. Recently, another flare up. Am taking again and is slowly clearing up again."

"over a period of time, apriso caused me wasting of muscles (motor neuron disease)"

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  • During pregnancy
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  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: 5-aminosalicylates
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

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  • Apriso prescribing information
  • Mesalamine (AHFS Monograph)

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Related treatment guides

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Ulcerative Colitis, Maintenance
  • Ulcerative Proctitis